Why do people dislike RE6?


New member
Aug 21, 2011
Wow, this thread is random for me because i was just looking at metacritic for the first time and noticed resi 6's terrible score. I agree with what some of the others here have said, metacritic is shit. I looked at some of the good games i've played and their scores are terrible and yet generic boring games seem to rate highly. Now i realise why i have never bothered using it before, it's a broken rating system.

Anyway, i enjoyed resi 1-5 and can still see no reason not to try 6. I won't be buying it but it will arrive as a rental eventually and after all the negative hype i've seen on these forums it can only end up being good for me. Keep up the good work people, i want another Mass effect 3 style experience (positive).


Sometimes known as CaitieLou
May 27, 2009
Shelley Gelschus said:
It's not a bad game by any means yet when I look on metacritic, it has a user score of 0.8 which, I'm sorry, I don't care how butthurt you are, no game deserves a 0 as a score. I think Capcom really tried with this game. I like it for one and I've played other RE games. Sure it might not be what you expected and it might not be scary enough for you but the RE games were never completely about the horror anyway. I mean, look at RE2. That wasn't scary at all. So why do you dislike it so much that you wont even give it a 4 or maybe a 6 that it deserves?
The people who are rating it so low are mostly people who have played other Resident Evil games. It's supposed to be a "survival horror" game but from what I've heard RE6 is less "survival horror" and more "western action game." So in other words, less like what Resident Evil is supposed to be and more like Gears of War or Call of Duty or something. They aren't rating it badly because it's bad, they're mostly rating it badly because it's betrayed what the franchise was originally about in favor of a more generic model that is more easily marketed. They gave it a zero because they feel betrayed, not because they are objectively critiquing the game (which is a lot to expect from MetaCritic in the first place, honestly).

Though I think Jim Sterling worded it better than I ever could:



New member
Feb 3, 2012
Diablo2000 said:
People hate on it because it's not "Resident Evil", it became just another generic shooter with big grey monsters instead of big grey soldiers.
the reason people hate it so much is not because of the quality of the game itself, but what the Resident Evil name stands for and what Capcom decided to do with it. It feels like back-stabbing betrayal to anyone who has played any RE before it.

The game is a sad excuse for a generic action game. It stripped away atmosphere, story, and any other features that made any of the previous RE games half-decent. The game perfectly sums up what the industry is doing to it's franchises. In many ways the hate on the game isn't even based on the actual content of the game. there's a whole lot more going on with Capcom and publishers. gamers are simply pissed off to see another franchise bite the dust.


New member
Jun 12, 2010
Shelley Gelschus said:
look at RE2. That wasn't scary at all.
That game terrified me (until I had 400 shotgun shells).

OT: RE was always about the horror. Without it, the game is just a shitty puzzle game with terrible combat. Back in the gamecube days, I thought they had hit gold with RE0. That game signaled to me that they were going to take the existing structure, play with it and maybe even improve upon it. Then RE4 happened (great game too) and that whole idea got scrapped I guess.

I haven't played RE6 yet and from the gameplay trailers, it really doesn't look like something I'm interested in. Too many action rolls; too many explosions. That being said, the game clearly isn't broken to the point of unplayability and it clearly has great production values. An average action game deserves an average action game score imo.


New member
Feb 13, 2011
Because too many gamers are childish little shits that don't like change.

Atmos Duality

New member
Mar 3, 2010
psicat said:
Because too many gamers are childish little shits that don't like change.
That change might have meaning if it wasn't change to absolute generic conformity.
Jus' sayin'.


New member
Sep 1, 2009
Because people think when a whole city gets attacked by a bio terrorism group that the BSAA (a big merc group) is going to throw all of their guns away and walk in corridors with a pistol, personally I enjoyed RE6 it is a good action game


New member
May 27, 2010
nichiyobi said:
Because people think when a whole city gets attacked by a bio terrorism group that the BSAA (a big merc group) is going to throw all of their guns away and walk in corridors with a pistol, personally I enjoyed RE6 it is a good action game
To be honest, they basically did that. Chris went into a full scale terrorist attack armed with an assault rifle, a handgun, and a knife. Without thinking to take any ammo for either gun. Ammo is for chumps, apparently. It's better than every other game though, where he only takes the handgun with no ammo and knife.


New member
Dec 11, 2010
I tried the demo......I'll wait for a bargain bin deal on this one. Sad really, I enjoy RE, but...this shit is ridiculous!

Also was I the only one to think back on this comic?



New member
May 23, 2011
Because it seems that a majority of the people in the gaming community hold games to unreasonably high standards, and freak out if a game isn't just how they want it. I personally like RE6. Don't get me wrong it definitely has a good handful of flaws (so many annoying quick time events!), but its still a fun game. I'm going to be playing it for a long while, especially mercenaries.

I've learned to stop paying attention to reviews, and what not. The only way to tell if you're going to like a game is to play it.


Elite Member
Mar 17, 2010
Kopikatsu said:
ET, Superman 64, and Big Rigs all deserve a 0 score. But they're scored higher than RE6 on Metacritic, so that's how you know MC is completely fucked.

Anyway, RE6 is a lot like Uncharted except human-looking enemies occasionally mutate horribly when you shoot them. If you like cinematic games like Uncharted, you'll like RE6. If you're looking for something else, then you won't.

Personally, I liked it a lot, but I also liked Uncharted a lot. Especially 2. 2 was amazing.
Same here.
I loves me some cinematic flair.


New member
Oct 3, 2012
its not the lack of horror, a series must evolve and I don't mind a good action-packed shooter

Well, for one the story has gone from bad-cliché but fun because intended to bad-cliché but terrible because of horrible japanese storytelling that trys to be oh so serious but fails completely due to too much cheese and due to its... well it "horribleness" and makes no sense at all and just hurts my brain when I try to think about it.
Then its the controls which have always been terrible, but they made it worse in part 4 and have not really improved on that (yea, you can move while shooting, so we have now reached the year 1987). the problem with that kind of movement and shooting is that they had to adjust the enemy behavior to... ug. Since the player otherwise can not react enemys have to come slow, wait with their attacks and line up before you.

BUT part 5 is still the absolute worst part of the series. That was just... a complete mess, an unplayable bulk if everything that can go wrong. From Story to graphics to gameplay, nothing works in that game.

Why is part 6 bad? Because RE has become a bad series and the developers don't realize that and go from bad to worse. What this series needs is a reboot of the story which is so far beyond any repair since code veronica that there needs to be a clean cut. It also needs a team that known about good, modern controls and fun gameplay.


New member
Oct 13, 2012
i haven't yet played RE6 yet as i dont own a current gen console. but reading a lot of reviews has given me the impression that critics are not liking the fact that capcom tried to to too many different things with RE6 and failing to excel in any of it. they hate the frequent QTE's, cheap deaths, terrible camera, and a forgettable story among other things.
in spite of all these i will still buy RE6 when it comes out for the pc as i enjoyed RE5 too.

Rooster Cogburn

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May 24, 2008
Shelley Gelschus said:
I'm sorry, I don't care how butthurt you are,
Why ask the question if you already have the answer?
no game deserves a 0 as a score.
That doesn't make sense. Why would any scale contain increments you are literally never going to use? Surely you would just take the lowest rating a game actually can receive and call that "0".



New member
Mar 16, 2009
Thatguyky said:
Because it seems that a majority of the people in the gaming community hold games to unreasonably high standards, and freak out if a game isn't just how they want it. I personally like RE6. Don't get me wrong it definitely has a good handful of flaws (so many annoying quick time events!), but its still a fun game. I'm going to be playing it for a long while, especially mercenaries.

I've learned to stop paying attention to reviews, and what not. The only way to tell if you're going to like a game is to play it.
It's not that people hold it to high standards. People don't like it when a liked series that's part of a genre that's already very scarce turns into a generic cinematic action game.

OT: I don't like how people are comparing this game to uncharted. It's nowhere near uncharted. Uncharted controls well, it has a lot of detail in it, and its graphics are far far better (naughty dog being the only company ever to actually learn the PS3's tricks).

RE6 is way too clunky. The camera still thinks the game is survival horror and it relies way too much on quick time events and context sensitive button presses to compensate for its lack of good action game mechanics. It's like if the new metal gear game with raiden tried to keep MGS4's combat mechanics.

Also the first uncharted game wasn't a survival horror, so no betrayal factor there.

Rooster Cogburn

New member
May 24, 2008
Metacritic isn't the place to go for user reviews. It's a good place to go if you want to know how the most vocal gamers want a title to be received.


New member
Aug 19, 2012

I myselkf thougt the game was


And thats what all matters, I guess. It was short but then again, thats a that given those daysm.