Why do you like Obama?

Shock and Awe

Winter is Coming
Sep 6, 2008
in short,no Most of his plans are idealistic at best, and last time I checked lowering taxes and raising spending isnt exactly a good budget choice.


New member
Aug 27, 2008
crimson5pheonix post=18.73968.819826 said:
Socialism is the government providing for the people. We are technically in a semi-socialist state as it stands and I don't want it to progress any farther than it has. Soviet union was not socialist, Nazi Germany was though.
actually nazi is short for National Socialism (in german)


New member
Jun 16, 2008
Wardog13 post=18.73968.823928 said:
I thought they were facist?
Not in theory, but in practice national-socialism, fascism, communism, paternal autocracies, military junta's, popular tyranny's, etc. are pretty much the same.

Unless, of course, you go into the fine details.


It took 6 months to read my title.
Jun 6, 2008
Spinozaad post=18.73968.824690 said:
Wardog13 post=18.73968.823928 said:
I thought they were facist?
Not in theory, but in practice national-socialism, fascism, communism, paternal autocracies, military junta's, popular tyranny's, etc. are pretty much the same.

Unless, of course, you go into the fine details.
Like I said before, they differ in name mostly.


All I really do is threadcrap
Mar 27, 2008
Wardog13 post=18.73968.823921 said:
in short,no Most of his plans are idealistic at best, and last time I checked lowering taxes and raising spending isnt exactly a good budget choice.
You understand the difference between a financial crisis and a fiscal crisis, right?

Deficit spending becomes much more reasonable during a financial crisis, not less.

-- Alex


All I really do is threadcrap
Mar 27, 2008
From Slacktivist [http://slacktivist.typepad.com/slacktivist/]:
I've been immensely encouraged by John McCain's attacks on Barack Obama's record and his character.

McCain's campaign has had months during which to dig up all the dirt they could find on Obama and this is all they've got. Really? Bill Ayers? A half-assed attempt at guilt by fleeting association. That's it?

For a while there I figured this had to be a feint of some kind, a decoy, a quick jab to set up the roundhouse blow McCain's people hoped to deliver when they revealed the real dirt -- something actually substantial and legitimate. But nope, they apparently couldn't find anything substantial or legitimate. The debates have come and gone and now it's clear that this is all they've got. All that research and nothing. They got nothin'.

Then again, this research was conducted by the same set of bozos who vetted Sarah Palin -- the same people who didn't realize that Joe the Plumber was actually Sam the Xenophobic Non-Plumber. So their failure to find any substantial problems with Barack Obama is less reassuring than if this research had been conducted by a competent campaign.

-- Alex


New member
Oct 10, 2008
Good morning blues post=18.73968.816532 said:
I'm Canadian, so I won't be voting in your elections, but if I was, you'd better believe I'd be voting Democrat.

Obama is the closest thing to a left-wing politician that the United States has had in decades, and as a dude who leans to the left, I think that is a good thing. His proposals on health care, the environment, and education all make more sense to me than the Republican alternatives. Furthermore, he's the only genuinely charismatic political leader to come along since I was born, in either the United States or Canada.

Furthermore, I'd ask the same question about McCain. Don't get me wrong; when I heard that McCain was likely going to be the name on the Republican ticket, I smiled. At the time, I felt that McCain represented all that the Republicans should be - he was the straight talker, a guy whose opinions were based on his experience, who did what he thought was right. Since then, however, I feel like he's realized that he's no spring chicken anymore, and that this is like as not going to be his last chance to be President, and as a result he's sold out to the worst, most petty and hateful elements of the Republican base. He used to be the straight talker, but I feel like he sold out, just so that he could have his dream of being President of the United States. Obama, on the other hand, is the same guy he always was - respectable.
Everything they said. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^


Escapist Points: 9001
Oct 14, 2007
Here's a series of images representing why I prefer Obama.

I think they say everything, as that's the equivalent of 4000 words anyway.


It took 6 months to read my title.
Jun 6, 2008
*sigh* This thread is a fail. It has been a fail. There's only one post I can respect. This thread needs to die.

EDIT: I will only take back my statement if someone changes my thoughts about this thread (Not Obama) in the next 2 pages.


New member
Feb 12, 2008
Okay first of all Bill Ayers was out bombing when Obama was eight years old and as for what he offers in terms of promise's let's see universal health care and green technology are two good ones and there huge in term of what they'll do for America. Now let's look at Mccain who has seven houses eight cars a three private jets and I'm sure he knows how it feels to be in the middle class because of it were Obama has one house one car and one private jet. And Mccain does not know how to use the internet and is not tech smart at all in any way which in this day and age is frightening especially considering he'll be president which involves a lot of both those things but that's right as he put it "I have people for that" so we'll be all right. Plus he voted with Bush 95% of the time wow and look were that got use were in two wars one of which is for oil alone and were bordering on a depression awesome right on top of that he wants to invade Pakistan and Iran and are military is already spread thin which means only one thing a draft and plus he was involved in Keating 5 look it up. But let's go farther Mccain want's to make more nuclear power plants which yeah is green but very risky because of meltdowns he also want's to do off shore drilling which won't have any benefit's for at least ten years. And he choose the worst possible running mate ever just to get the Hilliary supporters she can't carry a sentence let alone a conversation but she can say maverick a lot and is also from nowhere and she was most recently heard at a republican rally calling Obama a terrorist surprise surprise but what was shocking was that the crowd started chanting "kill him" and "bomb Obama" and she just sat there smiling and getting them to keep on chanting it and guess what I'm not being sexist. And let's see what else oh yeah he'll have the nuclear codes and from what I hear he has a horrible temper that's risky wonder what will happen if he doesn't get his morning coffee and I'm tired of hearing the term socialist it's not socialism for gods sake shut the fuck up what are we in the 60's. I could go on an on but I won't all I have left to say is I support Obama with every fiber of my being I hate how stupid and idiotic the people who support Mccain are being but I also except that the republicans have become damn good at rigging elections so Mccain will win. You don't need to see every little thing Obama wants to do you need only look at Mccain's past and everything what he wants do when he becomes president to see how much better Obama really is.


New member
Mar 5, 2008
Canadian here.

I like Obama 'cause he's black. There. I said it. Seriously though, there is probably going to be a black man in the Whitehouse. He must be the smartest person on the planet. A genius and Grandmaster of strategy the likes of which the world has not seen since Sun Tzu. 50 years ago he would have been drinking out of different fountains. 150 years ago he would have had a price tag. America is about to step into a new, enlightened age.

I'm not sure why conservatives are so against anything that resembles socialism. Any socialist ideas that a man like Obama presents are mild versions of what many European countries have been benefiting from for years.


New member
Oct 19, 2008
Obama is a bit overrated, he's more of a rock star than a hero

people cry during his speeches...seriously

oprah called him "The One"

the one what?

I feel like I'm in the matrix

But I do hope he wins, McCain lost my vote after he chose Palin as his VP


New member
Jun 23, 2008
Bretty post=18.73968.817300 said:
McCain knows when and how to use the military, Obama does not...

As a military family in the US I will be voting for McCain.

PS.... socialism failed. The only country still using it is China... and they now employ the free market in everything but politics.

Americans want everything and dont want to pay for it. Just look at your roads and bridges. Alabama refused to increase the sales tax for 3% so they had to release convicts from jail. And now you want Healthcare? How in the world are you going to pay for it?? The US has over a trillion in debt, social security is broken.

In the UK we payed a 17% tax on EVERYTHING. Thats how they have socialised medicine. You pay what 7% sales? Get a grip..

McCain all the way. Not to mention the south is worried about Obama being assisinated or something.

At the end of the day though America has more to worry about then just a president. You have a terrible "Yes Sir" media, your congress is easily lead (just look at the Iraq invasion) and the people seem to be 1 click above retarded. Do they even know how much socialised medicine costs? Do you think the doctors are going to stick around when they become gov't employees?
I would gladly pay 10 extra dollars so I can get some medical attention when I need it. I'm sure you would agree if your not insane and by insane I mean against self-preservation.


New member
Jun 23, 2008
Check [http://www.snopes.com/politics/obama/ayers.asp] your facts [http://www.factcheck.org/elections-2008/he_lied_about_bill_ayers.html].

-- Alex[/quote]

I'm not saying Obama has an ongoing relationship with the terrorist. I'm saying that Obama had no problem relying on him when it was convenient for himself. This slight connection doesn't excuse the fact the Obama surrounds himself with Anti-American individuals. Rev Wright would be a good secondary example with his comments like 'God damn America.' This sort of talk doesn't just happen out of the blue and siting in a pew for twenty years and not raising an eyebrow until convenient says a lot about Obama. And let's not forget his seemingly best friend Raila Odinga.[/quote]
I'm going to employ the same backward logic you used.
Since McCain has eating with Laura Bush at some point in time, and Laura Bush killed a man, McCain is not only friend to a murderer but also eats babies and murders there parents.


New member
Jan 21, 2008
Brockyman post=18.73968.820559 said:
Of course, this is fun; no need to thank me. Now, before I start, I would like to say one thing: mods aren't too happy with breaking up posts. I know it makes things easier to read, but thems the rules. Now, to address your points...

1. I'll concede the first point; it is very hard to get a rational government. That said, socialism isn't exclusively in some sort of utopian state (no, that's reserved for communism); many countries have implemented some socialistic policies, such as federal health care in nations such as Canada, France and Australia.

2. A person can very well provide their own necessities for life, if they can do so. Socialism means that, if need be, the government will assist the person in at least achieving the minimum, the baseline, of human living. If a person can afford to get better health care, and better education, then they can do so. You keep thinking that socialism means the government provides everything, while I am saying that socialism, as a broad system, can apply from anything to a minimal social security net, to full blown communism, as well as a middle ground (as most implemented socialistic policies are).

3. Simple: Kindergarten to Year 12. A base level of education that would ensure the person has the opportunity to be employed, and thus can contribute to society. I also think that not everyone should be forced to go to university, as there is a need for tradespeople, and many people do not wish to go to university. That said, socialism means that, regardless of socio-economic status, the person, if they have the intelligence, can attend university.

An example would be Australia's university system. If you score high enough on the major test (for example, your SAT), then the government will fund your university payments, which you then pay back at a later date. If you wish, you can pay the fees upfront, and get entry into the course, regardless of your mark.

Also, I'd like to point this out: I think the best way to deal with "everybody eating" is a small social safety net for people between jobs. That is socialism. It is redistribution of wealth, which is what socialism is. Well, it may not be as bad as, say, what another nation has, but it's still socialism.

What I've been trying to say is that socialism is a very broad system. Saying something will automatically fail because it is socialist is stupid, because socialism will differ from country to country, meaning policy differs from country to country.

HalfShadow post=18.73968.833444 said:
If Obama makes president, I guarantee someone will kill him.
It's sad, but I have to agree with you.