Why do you suppose Canada is never a civilation choice in the Civilation games?


New member
Jan 9, 2010
Ilikemilkshake said:
No offence to Canadia and its citizens but its a relatively young country, and hasnt really ever been a big civilization that has dominated the world... perhaps it will be Canadia that leads us into future Utopia that will last for a thousand years..
We all know Canada is just lulling the world into a false sense of security.......


New member
Mar 23, 2011
In all honesty, Canada is a great nation with its bacon and NAFTA and whatnot with us Americans, but when it comes to the nations represented in not just Civ games, but usually ANY strategy-war-diplomacy-trade game, Canada falls by the wayside. It's not because we (the general human population) doesn't like Canada, it's just that in games like Civilization, each nation is known for being notable and doing something their own way and carving out a cultural hole the size of well, Canada.

The Greeks established Western Civilization, the English were the Empire Where The Sun Never Sets, The French, Germans, and Russians played huge roles in shaping the world today, China is the oldest known civilization to exist, many of the North-African and Middle-Eastern countries shaped the way humans work in our infant stages of civilization, even Portugal can exist alongside Spain because of its influence in the Colonial Era. The USA, despite being the youngest nation featured, was one of the biggest fists in the cookie jar when it comes to the last 200 years of world policy and culture, carving out an entirely different lifestyle and way of thinking compared to their Canada-common previous masters, the British.

So, sorry, but unless some die-hard Canadians make their way to be friend with Sid Meier or a Canadian game studio wants to make a Civilzation-esque game, we'll just have to settle for the mods.



New member
Aug 21, 2010
personally i think they shouldnt havecivilisations like us or germanor what ever. and more of a blank slate so you can make the civ you want.

then it also gets rid of the whole americans wielding bronze weapons fighting off lions

but OT: my guess like a few others is canada is under the British umbrella so doesnt get represented.


Level i Flare!
Mar 23, 2011
Ilikemilkshake said:
EDIT: although i remember in Civ 2 you could Name your own Civ and Leader.. Which i do think they should've retained for the later games in the series.

In case you were avoiding Civilization V for "OMG DUMBED DOWN!!!!!!", that's actually possible in Civilization V. And Great Britain is red-and-white. The more you know.

Helmholtz Watson

New member
Nov 7, 2011
Midnight Crossroads said:
That's nothing.

Italy is never included.

Yet Germany and the Holy Roman Empire are both civs.
And so are Rome and the Byzantines.
And the Byzantines and the Ottoman Turks.
And the Byzantines and Greece.
Italy also doesn't get depicted as a monster in WW2 games, something that Germany is constantly portrait as, so it's not all bad for Italy

Sightless Wisdom

Resident Cynic
Jul 24, 2009
Canada is never an option because we're essentially still a British colony. Though we gained independence after the World Wars and the signing of a few treaties, we never really asserted ourselves upon the world. The British had an empire, the states currently have the national currency standard... Canada has... a stable-ish economy?

Essentially, there is nothing interesting enough that we have that either Britain or the U.S.A doesn't or didn't have at some point.


New member
Sep 12, 2010
lacktheknack said:
Tiger Sora said:
None other than the greatest Prime Minister we've ever had Pierre Trudeau.
As an Albertan, I'd be forced to play against Canada every time and go out of my way to grind them into dust.

Space Spoons said:
Germany has the Panzer. France has the Musketeer. The US has the Navy SEAL. Japan has the Samurai. Who could Canada possibly have?
India had the "Fast Worker". Canada could have a non-military unit, too.

And while Canada doesn't have an immediately recognizable unique military unit, they had many big moments in warfare. Canadians found out a foolproof way to survive a mustard gas attack, for instance (urinating into a handkerchief and spreading it over your face), among other things.
Storm troopers, mounties or even better airial units.

Storm troopers: Name given to the Canadian troops after taking Vimy ridge in WWI after everyone else tried and failed.

Mounties: because everyone knows them.

Arial units: because the main Arial training facilities for WWII were in Canada. (battle of Britain anyone?)

Canada Command: Canada's more covert, but aggressive attack force established in approx 2005.

As for Canadian leaders, John A (drunk) Macdonald, Mackenzie King and Pierre Elliot Trudeau.


New member
Aug 6, 2010
Because we are not a country that attacks and conquers others. We've always had a peaceful approach to military tactics, even in WW2, most of our time was spent liberating, not fighting huge ass battles.
Besides that, we don't make a huge impact on the global scene compared to other countries, and we're still really young too.
Imo, Civi should stick to the Europe, South America, and Asia.


New member
Jul 4, 2009
Same boat as Australia (I assume). Just too young and uninteresting to have a game about. We always are the reliable minorities in the armies of the two world wars and before that it's pretty uneventful.

Off topic, but does anyone else say Canada as "Kaneda" in Tetsuo's voice from Akira?


New member
Sep 30, 2010
Muan142 said:
Ask people anywhere in the world what "Americans" are like and they have no trouble coming up with a steriotype. With Canada, or Belgium for instance, that's a little more difficult.
Nonsense, Canadians are communist hippies with a strong fear of the dark, whose sole purpose is to be America's Hat. And the Belgian's are evil, they share a border with the Dutch. (cookies for pop-culture references.)
lacktheknack said:
Space Spoons said:
Germany has the Panzer. France has the Musketeer. The US has the Navy SEAL. Japan has the Samurai. Who could Canada possibly have?
India had the "Fast Worker". Canada could have a non-military unit, too.

And while Canada doesn't have an immediately recognizable unique military unit, they had many big moments in warfare. Canadians found out a foolproof way to survive a mustard gas attack, for instance (urinating into a handkerchief and spreading it over your face), among other things.
I'm not terribly up on my info on Canada, so all I can think of would be Mounties. Maybe they have a bonus against mustache twirling bad guys with saw mills and a penchant for tying women to train tracks?
Also, am I allowed to find it hilarious that one of Canada's crowning military accomplishments is apparently pissing on a rag? I'm sorry, it just strikes me as unfortunate that that's something to be proud of.

On Italy not being present, look on the bright side. Civilization is published by an American company. They probably would have made Snooki your leader in order to appeal to a wider audience.


New member
Aug 6, 2010
The Magical Hobo said:
As a Canadian I have to point out that we burned down the White House twice, and were the only country to achieve our D-Day objectives on time. That said as much I love my country, we don't sell games.
I don't like talking to Americans about what we did in WW2, cuz they always think I am making it up =/
That, and the whole "you actually didn't do as much as you think you did" doesn't go over well with them.
ccggenius12 said:
Also, am I allowed to find it hilarious that one of Canada's crowning military accomplishments is apparently pissing on a rag? I'm sorry, it just strikes me as unfortunate that that's something to be proud of.
Not when you take into consideration, that it was done to survive a mustard gas attack. In WW1, you had two options when the enemy used mustard gas:
1. Lol cuz you have a gas mask
2. Run for your life
Considering we didn't fuck around when it came to defending places, I'd say our makeshift gas masks are better than the alternative: having your lungs incinerated.
It would be like surviving a nuclear strike by spreading feces over you face; it sucks to do, but it is better than death


Needs more Dakka
Apr 13, 2010
aegix drakan said:
Atticus89 said:
Though if there was a Canada in the Civilization series, which leader or important historical figure would be the best representation of Canada?
John A Macdonald or Trudeau, probably.
Jean Chretien for the win.


Je suis joined jewels.
Jan 19, 2009
Okysho said:
Storm troopers, mounties or even better airial units.

Storm troopers: Name given to the Canadian troops after taking Vimy ridge in WWI after everyone else tried and failed.

Mounties: because everyone knows them.

Arial units: because the main Arial training facilities for WWII were in Canada. (battle of Britain anyone?)

Canada Command: Canada's more covert, but aggressive attack force established in approx 2005.

As for Canadian leaders, John A (drunk) Macdonald, Mackenzie King and Pierre Elliot Trudeau.
I'm an idiot. >_<

Mounties: replacement of knights (or maybe tanks). Bonus: Can enter other territories without diplomatic ramifications. >:D


Je suis joined jewels.
Jan 19, 2009
ccggenius12 said:
lacktheknack said:
Space Spoons said:
Germany has the Panzer. France has the Musketeer. The US has the Navy SEAL. Japan has the Samurai. Who could Canada possibly have?
India had the "Fast Worker". Canada could have a non-military unit, too.

And while Canada doesn't have an immediately recognizable unique military unit, they had many big moments in warfare. Canadians found out a foolproof way to survive a mustard gas attack, for instance (urinating into a handkerchief and spreading it over your face), among other things.
I'm not terribly up on my info on Canada, so all I can think of would be Mounties. Maybe they have a bonus against mustache twirling bad guys with saw mills and a penchant for tying women to train tracks?
Also, am I allowed to find it hilarious that one of Canada's crowning military accomplishments is apparently pissing on a rag? I'm sorry, it just strikes me as unfortunate that that's something to be proud of.
That was just something I came up with off the top of my head. Other, better achievement: Taking Vimy Ridge in WWI after the rest of the Allied forces utterly failed to do so.

As for Mounties (how did I forget...), they have the real life advantage of being able to cross borders without a passport or anything. That would be REALLY useful ingame if you need to get mounties from point A to point B without pissing off a big neutral country in between.

Owen Robertson

New member
Jul 26, 2011
aegix drakan said:
Atticus89 said:
Though if there was a Canada in the Civilization series, which leader or important historical figure would be the best representation of Canada?
John A Macdonald or Trudeau, probably.

Yes. A raging drunk and a womanizing frenchman. That's what were all about. {/Sarcasm} Only other option is Diefenbaker.

Quantum Star

New member
Jul 17, 2010
Atticus89 said:
Though if there was a Canada in the Civilization series, which leader or important historical figure would be the best representation of Canada?
Probably Pierre Trudeau, if only because he's the most crazy-awesome Prime Minister we've ever had.


Elite Member
Jan 16, 2010
Okysho said:
Storm troopers, mounties or even better airial units.

Storm troopers: Name given to the Canadian troops after taking Vimy ridge in WWI after everyone else tried and failed.

Mounties: because everyone knows them.

Arial units: because the main Arial training facilities for WWII were in Canada. (battle of Britain anyone?)
The Vimy Ridge forces were almost half British and led by a British officer, though. Likewise, Canada was the aerodrome of the free world in WW2, but training alot of pilots from other nations...similarly, they got their people in NORAD and leading masses of US troops on exchange programs.

I would add, though, that immediately after WW2, they had the equal 4th most powerful Air Force in the world (with Australia). After the UK, US and USSR, mind, but still.


I think the real reason, though, is rule of cool. Civ seemed to go for the exciting looking nations and civilisations. Now, if half the country were to be eatern by zombies, more games would feature Canadians in a central role, but that might not be worth it.


Oh, I'd also add that it doesn't make much sense to me for the US to be there either. The US is a world power, but due to globalisation, not a distinct civilisation so much. The UK and US (say) don't have anyway near the differences you see between the Mayan, Greek and Indian civilisations.

Quantum Star

New member
Jul 17, 2010
Owen Robertson said:
aegix drakan said:
Atticus89 said:
Though if there was a Canada in the Civilization series, which leader or important historical figure would be the best representation of Canada?
John A Macdonald or Trudeau, probably.

Yes. A raging drunk and a womanizing frenchman. That's what were all about. {/Sarcasm} Only other option is Diefenbaker.
You forget John A. Mcdonald and Mackenzie King.


New member
May 26, 2010
Because although Canada has done grand things there are few universally recognized historical Canadians.