Why do you suppose Canada is never a civilation choice in the Civilation games?

Owen Robertson

New member
Jul 26, 2011
ccggenius12 said:
Also, am I allowed to find it hilarious that one of Canada's crowning military accomplishments is apparently pissing on a rag? I'm sorry, it just strikes me as unfortunate that that's something to be proud of.
Yes you can find it funny. As long as I can find it funny that Canada took Vimy Ridge. And cleared Juno Beach in two hours, you pussy.

Canadamus Prime

Robot in Disguise
Jun 17, 2009
Ilikemilkshake said:
No offence to Canadia and its citizens but its a relatively young country, and hasnt really ever been a big civilization that has dominated the world... perhaps it will be Canadia that leads us into future Utopia that will last for a thousand years.. but as it is Canada isnt a country on par with the likes of Rome or Greece or any of the other countries that dominated their time.
Although it pains me to admit it as a Canadian, he's right. We only really achieved true sovereignty in 1982. Although when I play I often play as either the British or the U.S. and just rename my Civ to Canada.


New member
Sep 22, 2011
bdcjacko said:
You ever notice that Canada is never featured? It has to be the largest country never represented in the series.
I never did notice before...It could be because Canada isn't one of History's great empires though.

I did however notice how awesome your avatar pic is.

Sonic Doctor

Time Lord / Whack-A-Newbie!
Jan 9, 2010
Arontala said:
The fact that Canada isn't featured is not stupid. You know what is, though? The fact that the United States of America is.
The problem is that the US is included because it is a historical superpower. Plus, the government has somewhat survived for over 200 years, if that doesn't qualify the US to be part of a game about civilizations then I don't know what does.

It is about historical impact. As a country, the US is young, but it has had a quick and concentrated impact on the whole world. That can't be denied.

Canada hasn't had enough of a whole world impact to be considered for such a thing, the US has.


New member
Jan 30, 2011
I think it's less about the country, and more about the leaders. Go around the world giving out a few names, Washington, Stalin and Churchill, Caesar, even Saladin or Harun al-Rashid, I knew these names before the game, and I'm sure around the world they are known as well.

But honestly? Name ONE Canadian leader... ever... pretty hard, huh?


New member
Oct 1, 2009
Midnight Crossroads said:
That's nothing.

Italy is never included.

Yet Germany and the Holy Roman Empire are both civs.
And so are Rome and the Byzantines.
And the Byzantines and the Ottoman Turks.
And the Byzantines and Greece.
No offense as I'm more curious but since they stopped being Rome has Italy really done much other than host the Vatican and mass produce great artists since they were the Roman Empire? The only history I really know is from Total War and a bit of Hetalia but it seems like they were fractured for along time (Milan?) have they really done much? They're sort of like the Axis equivalent of Canada or Australia. You list Greece there for example, but in a game of civilization you aren't playing a modern, medieval, or renaissance Greece, you're playing ancient Greece.


New member
May 22, 2010
I always figured it was because Canada was never really much of a land empire; I mean, sure, the country itself is huge, but it's mostly uninhabited or sparsley inhabited, and I've never heard of Canada founding colonies. The nations in the game are all known for having been empire builders at some point in time -- yes, even the US; think about Puerto Rico, Guam, Hawaii, and heck, everything West of the Mississippi river.

Ashannon Blackthorn

New member
Sep 5, 2011
Well here's my ideas: (for civ 5 at least)
Leader: Probably Lester B. Pearson, Incredibly effective Prime Minister, won a Nobel peace prize and world respected as a diplomat

Country Ability: Peacekeeper - doubles the effects of good diplomacy and halves the negative effects of bad diplomacy.

Special Unit: Mounties - replace Calvary, is able ot cross other borders with no diplomatic penalty.

Avro Arrow - replaces fighter, more attack and defense than the normal fighter

Special Building/wonder: CN Tower, increase trade and culture.
Trans-Canada Highway - doubles effects of roads and half the cost (but not railroads)


New member
Jun 13, 2011
remnant_phoenix said:
Really, the United States is the ONLY young nation to be represented,
Citing Civ 5, while German tribes may have existed well before Germany didn't exist as a unified nation until 1871.

Other relevant though not directly contradictory information:
Songhai Empire (in Civ V) lasted from 1340 ? 1591 (aprox 251 years) only 5 years longer than The US has been a country so far.
The Incan Empire existed from 1438?1533 (nearly 100 years :D!) (Civ V expansion Civ)

I believe for the most part that every Civ in the Civ game deserves it's spot... I had a long ranty post as to why, but being a global influence isn't about lasting, though that's mighty impressive China. (polite applause) 500 years from now, someone who's never been to the US (even if the US no longer exists then) will be bitching and moaning in some Public School class about how it's stupid that he even has to learn about George Washington, and I think that's the sign that America has earned their place :p


New member
Jun 17, 2009
Because Canada is a young and country and never had any kind of empire.
Then again having the US and Germany (the united post 1871 Germany presented in most games)
Frankly it would make more sense to have your civ change over the course of the game

Midnight Crossroads

New member
Jul 17, 2010
RandV80 said:
Midnight Crossroads said:
That's nothing.

Italy is never included.

Yet Germany and the Holy Roman Empire are both civs.
And so are Rome and the Byzantines.
And the Byzantines and the Ottoman Turks.
And the Byzantines and Greece.
No offense as I'm more curious but since they stopped being Rome has Italy really done much other than host the Vatican and mass produce great artists since they were the Roman Empire? The only history I really know is from Total War and a bit of Hetalia but it seems like they were fractured for along time (Milan?) have they really done much? They're sort of like the Axis equivalent of Canada or Australia. You list Greece there for example, but in a game of civilization you aren't playing a modern, medieval, or renaissance Greece, you're playing ancient Greece.
I listed Greece because the Byzantine Empire is basically a continuation of Greece into the Middle Ages. All the civilizations I listed are basically overlaps. Two of them even have the same capital with different names.

I don't see unification as a valid reason to exclude Italy when Germany wasn't unified until 10 years after Italy. Germany is even more fractured than Italy. Both countries as political entities are actually younger than the United States.

Besides all those artists, Italy also contributed loads of scientists and explorers from Galileo to Columbus to Leonardo de Vinci. They ushered in the Renaissance, which is its own era in Civ. The Sistine Chapel is a wonder located in Italy. The merchant republics were the most important ports in Europe and established their own colonies. The Venetians sacked Constantinople in the Fourth Crusade and helped to establish the Latin Kingdoms. They also fought eight wars against the Ottoman Empire. More recently, they established a colonial empire in Africa. The condottieri and alpini are both suitable unique units.

Everything needed to make Italy is there. They might not make a military power, but they could easily be made into either a technological, economic, or cultural one. The only issue is the city of Rome, which could easily be called Roma.


New member
Aug 17, 2010
Irony said:
Don't get me wrong, I'm sure it's a great place to live, similar to how most of the Scandanvian nations are considered the places in the world to live, but you don't see any Swedish or Finnish Civs in any of the games (yes I know there was a Viking Civ in Civ IV, but that's like saying the Italians are represented by the Romans).
Sweden has had a fairly large impact on world history though. [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Swedish_Empire] One of Europe's great powers, the leader of Protestantism, and for a while we had the best drilled armies in Europe. We have a larger claim to be a civ than Canada I'd say, being considered a great powre longer than Canada has existed as a nation.

OT: Young nation, little impact on world history. Been said before, but that's basically the reason I'd say.


New member
Jul 20, 2010
We're too young to have done anything on the scale of a Civ game.

Although I've always wanted to have an FPS where it's USA vs. Canada, just for the lulz. ATTACK BEAVERS DEPLOYED! "Hunter 2-1, Overlord: You've got an enemy Helo loaded with Bears headed for you position!"


New member
Oct 16, 2007
Arontala said:
The fact that Canada isn't featured is not stupid. You know what is, though? The fact that the United States of America is.
I don't mean to sound like, "MERICA!!" But the US had some very significant impacts on history especially the 20th century. We dropped the bomb, and the cultural impact of Hollywood and Broadway in the early to mid 20th century is not to be taken lightly, especially in Civ.


New member
Apr 19, 2010
Canada hasn't been a truely independent nation for more than a century and, due to its relatively small population, hasn't made a big indepedent impact on the world during that time. It also doesn't have any easily idenfifiable traits, building types or army units that could distinguish the civ during gameplay.


New member
Oct 10, 2011
I'm a canadian.


Although we have no real army and is too similar to the US so...


New member
Jun 7, 2010
Colourcubify said:
Ilikemilkshake said:
Colourcubify said:
Ilikemilkshake said:
No offence to Canadia and its citizens but its a relatively young country, and hasnt really ever been a big civilization that has dominated the world... perhaps it will be Canadia that leads us into future Utopia that will last for a thousand years.. but as it is Canada isnt a country on par with the likes of Rome or Greece or any of the other countries that dominated their time.

EDIT: although i remember in Civ 2 you could Name your own Civ and Leader.. Which i do think they should've retained for the later games in the series.
First, it's Canada, not Canadia. One of my ticks is when people mess that up ^^;

Second, the United States is pretty much the same age as Canada, yet you could still play as them. I'm not trying to say that I want the play as Canada (I feel it would be very similar to playing as Britain or America) I'm just pointing that out.
Firstly, im not an idiot, i know its not really called Canadia...
Secondly Yes you have a point about America, but they've still done an almost infinite amount more on the global scale of things compared with Canada.
And Thirdly, how would it be like playing Britain? The Britons have been around for thousands of years (and apart from anything i dont think you can even play as Britain, you play as the English)
I was just checking about the Canadia thing, because some people don't actually know.

I get what you're saying about how America is more well known for doing global stuff, but I wouldn't say 'infinite'. That's going a little far, considering all of our peacekeeping and war efforts with the States.

And I said it would be similar to playing Britain because we're a spawn of Britain and if you were playing as Canada back when it was created, it was very, very similar to Britain. And isn't England a part of Britain? I'm not very good at geography, but I feel like it is, or vice versa.
Ah okay, i thought you were meaning because Britain has only been around for a few hundred years or something, fair enough.
And yeah England is part of Britain, but England =/= Britain.

Gnarynhar said:
Ilikemilkshake said:
No offence to Canadia and its citizens but its a relatively young country, and hasnt really ever been a big civilization that has dominated the world... perhaps it will be Canadia that leads us into future Utopia that will last for a thousand years..
We all know Canada is just lulling the world into a false sense of security.......
Hah, that list is so true XD

leet_x1337 said:
Ilikemilkshake said:
EDIT: although i remember in Civ 2 you could Name your own Civ and Leader.. Which i do think they should've retained for the later games in the series.

In case you were avoiding Civilization V for "OMG DUMBED DOWN!!!!!!", that's actually possible in Civilization V. And Great Britain is red-and-white. The more you know.
Ah well to be fair i havent really played much of Civ V, i only went through one playthrough as the Japanese and that was way back at release. And tbh it has been dumbed down.. but thats not inherently bad, Civ 2 is one of my favourite games of all time, ive played it to death.. but i still have no idea how half the stuff in the game actually works.

Although i do miss alot of the depth they removed, like picking your political system so you could have Jewish Nazi's:


This place still alive?
Apr 23, 2009
Ilikemilkshake said:
No offence to Canadia and its citizens but its a relatively young country, and hasnt really ever been a big civilization that has dominated the world... perhaps it will be Canadia that leads us into future Utopia that will last for a thousand years.. but as it is Canada isnt a country on par with the likes of Rome or Greece or any of the other countries that dominated their time.

EDIT: although i remember in Civ 2 you could Name your own Civ and Leader.. Which i do think they should've retained for the later games in the series.
You can name your own civ and leader. You have to choose a set of units (They could choose Brittish) and then a leader (Churchhill?) Rename him to Prince-Whatshisname and country to Canada. Tadaa. Its under edit in the topright corner.