why does everyone expect all snipers to quickscope?


New member
Apr 16, 2010
I ask because yesterday i played MW2(because i felt like it) and i felt like sniping (because i wanted to get everything for every gun because my dipshit freind made me level 70 10th -_- )anyway so i sniped i did pretty good got a few challanges for the first sniper rifle then one game i played against a "clan" of complete assholes (who also sucked)anyway after the first game against them (useing my sniper rifle) when we got back to the lobby pretty much all of them said i sucked because i couldn't quickscope (which i cant) and then challenged me to 1v1s
so i quit that game and joined a few more games short story short i got about 5 more 1v1s and about 10 more "you suck" messages. so yeah why does everyone (at least in CoD) think every sniper has to quickscope?
also sorry for spelling errors this compter i'm on doesn't have spellcheck
EDIT: maybe i should note that i played bad company 2
i just got bored because had everything
EDIT: oh an i play TF2.


New member
Apr 15, 2009
Because in most modern FPS's the game is very fast paced (Full health to death taking 1 second is a slow kill a lot of times) and are designed to be Anti-camping (Via multiple routes to sniper vantage spots and random spawn locations)

Which leads to the only really viable tactic for sniping being quickscoping. Not that you cannot camp around the place and use sniper rifles to actually be doing sniping, it's just more effective to quickscope and be a close-mid range insta-kill machine...

Monkfish Acc.

New member
May 7, 2008
Because fun is not allowed is why.

My brother is like that. He tosses up these fucking ridiculous conniptions because people are using stun grenades or hardscoping or using fucking machine guns or something. Yes, what a bunch of fucking dicks, using features from the fucking game to enjoy themselves. How dare they not play by your made up rules.


New member
Mar 26, 2009
Next time you get some one like that, accept the challenge of a 1v1, but rape their little dumb buttholes with a decent gun of your own choice :D

That's what I tend to do anyway :3


New member
Jul 19, 2008
Because the average person on CoD's multiplayer seems to be a loudmouthed idiot.
And there's nothing worse than an idiot who won't at least close their mouth.

The few times I've played CoD online I've been able to snipe competently from a hidden spot. Battlefield has far better sniping, seeing as if you want to do it right you have to be at some sort of range or you won't live long. ArmA II has it even better.


Elite Member
Dec 27, 2010
Because MW2 is a dumb game online.

Oddly enough it's hard to acctually camp on CoD games in general due to the map design that is more for close quarter combat, but bottom line is quickscoping is the most retarded tryhard nonsense that I have ever seen in a competetive game (if you could consider MW2 a competetive game).

Yes, you can have quickscoping. Quickscoping is fine! But it bugs me to no end when people act like 13 year old scrubs just because you use the sniper as it was intended.

It reminds me of those mashing tards on street fighter 4 who get really salty after losing a match because I don't want to rush down someone and think that blocking is overrated.

Okay that's only happened to me once, I can imagine anyone who sends a message to me online on street fighter acting like that is probably a CoD player.


New member
Apr 14, 2009
Players think that if you are able to quick scope you are a better player (and person sometime). When I played CoD there was never a right way to use a sniper rifle. Quick Scoping meant you were a try hard and Grizz fanboy. If you actually sniped like a sniper IRL then you are a camper.


~ Struck by a Smooth Criminal ~
Mar 28, 2011
Because every shooter has standards. Call of Duty is...
1.Be a douche,
2.Be a camper,
3.And Have a plan to quick scope everyone you meet.

That's why I play Team Fortress 2.


New member
Apr 16, 2010
AmrasCalmacil said:
Because the average person on CoD's multiplayer seems to be a loudmouthed idiot.
And there's nothing worse than an idiot who won't at least close their mouth.

The few times I've played CoD online I've been able to snipe competently from a hidden spot. Battlefield has far better sniping, seeing as if you want to do it right you have to be at some sort of range or you won't live long. ArmA II has it even better.
well yeah but in battlefield it boils down to everyone useing that last sniper and i never even heard of ArmA II


New member
Apr 16, 2010
neonsword13-ops said:
Because every shooter has standards. Call of Duty is...
1.Be a douche,
2.Be a camper,
3.And Have a plan to quick scope everyone you meet.

That's why I play Team Fortress 2.
i also play TF2 only problem with that game is
keeps the assholes less of them yes but it still has assholes
add porn sprays
add in mic spam

Dan Comber

New member
Jul 21, 2011
Because in Call of Duty 4 it was difficult; well, at least more difficult; to quickscope, and it was regarded with at least some skill. However, because of this Infinity Ward added perks to make it easier to, which then meant that everyone could be given a gun which is usually a one shot kill and can be used at any range.
Because of this, almost all players quickscope at least some of the time (I'm guilty myself), and it's therefore regarded as the "norm" with a sniper rifle, as opposed to realistic sniping. Because of this, players aren't used to being killed by a "hard"scoper and so, when it happens, they do what all CoD fans do when they die. Complain.


New member
Apr 15, 2009
Because the CoD series has selfishly hogged the arrogant, retarded, teenaged mouth-breather population for years now, and is making no effort to share.

It's really rather inconsiderate of them. How am I supposed to get my kicks annoying the morons into blood-pressure induced coronaries and scream-caused laryngitis without having to expose myself to the mediocrity that is CoD?

So sad...

And let's face it. Sniping (the real stuff!) in CoD is a bit like playing an old fashioned adventure game. Point, click, win. Trying to do so in Battlefield, for example, requires stealth, field-craft (at least, as much as is required to keep moving your position so you don't get raped) and skill, since most sniper rifles have ballistic drop, so you need to compensate for that. Also, the BF maps are huge, so you need to lead properly, not this half-millimetre that counts as lead in most CoD games.


New member
May 6, 2011
That's what the CoD community is like. People will whine endlessly about anything that kills them, regardless of how silly the complaint is. (You're using the default SMG! You're double-tapping with the sniper rifle designed to double-tap! Baaaawwwww!)

neonsword13-ops said:
That's why I play Team Fortress 2.

Evil the White

New member
Apr 16, 2009
cyrogeist said:
neonsword13-ops said:
Because every shooter has standards. Call of Duty is...
1.Be a douche,
2.Be a camper,
3.And Have a plan to quick scope everyone you meet.

That's why I play Team Fortress 2.
i also play TF2 only problem with that game is
keeps the assholes less of them yes but it still has assholes
add porn sprays
add in mic spam
Hence there are options to disable sprays and mute people, so that sort of thing doesn't annoy too many people.

Plus, most servers will have anti-porn rules, find an admin and the dude will normally be kicked.


New member
Mar 18, 2011
I don't expect anyone to quickscope. Play how you want to play. The only things I have a problem with is the people who go "IF U QUIKSCOP U R R-TARD LOL". It challenges me. I don't see why I am retarded because I challenge myself.


New member
Aug 13, 2009
I snipe properly in CoD and don't get much hate beyond people calling me a scrub. I've never really taken issue with it, I'm not great at the games but my K/D is usually around 1.5-2.0 so I'm not really bothered by people who suck at the game and insult me. Probably just raging because they can't aim.
On similar note, when I play in parties I get a lot of rage whenevr I drop shot or spray from hip at close range. I don't see the problem with either of these strategies?


New member
May 26, 2008
Because actual, useful tactics are '4 teh fagtards!!1!11!'. If you can't run 'n gun, then you're a camper. Even, and especially, if you're using a weapon specifically designed around you staying in the same place.


New member
Nov 5, 2008
The fact that online gaming has spawned so many ridiculous terms for strategies that are accepted and not accepted just irks me. Sniper rifles are designed to be used from a very large distance. I would never fault you for waiting somewhere secluded with one in a game.

As for the topic at hand, everyone expects snipers to quickscope because they think camping with a rifle is too easy. I always assumed this was a throwback to the days when you could hide out somewhere on a Halo map and wrack up ridiculous kills with a rifle.


New member
Jul 11, 2011
It could also be because the way Cod is built, all the targets have the exact same value, none of the enemies are a better target than any other enemy. This way, unlike TF2, no one can really be an actual sniper, taking out key targets. Of course this is just why real sniping is pointless, its probably complained about because being sniped is nothing you can really do about, you didn't know where the sniper was or from what angle he killed you, CoD players don't seem to like something they have very little control over so they complain about "hard-scoping noob fags"