why does everyone expect all snipers to quickscope?

Clive Howlitzer

New member
Jan 27, 2011
I find that snipers are especially useless, at least in BC2. I'd much rather they were busy spotting than just trying to pick off random people.


New member
May 15, 2011
Because the other team hates losing and your team hates results.

Seriously. Sniping = Sitting down with your piss bottle for hours on end and then when some poor asshole walks by, taking their head off. Why does no one in a game get that Sniper rifles were made for long range, rested combat?


New member
Apr 16, 2010
Vrach said:
May I suggest trying out the Battlefield series (currently Battlefield: Bad Company 2) instead of MW2? You might find it more enjoyable and natural as a sniper :) (or as just about any class as you might just end up preferring the game on the whole ^^)
i have played bad company 2 :3
i just got bored of it when i got everything


New member
Feb 4, 2011
Dan Comber said:
. Because of this, players aren't used to being killed by a "hard"scoper and so, when it happens, they do what all CoD fans do when they die. Complain.
I complain when I get killed by quickscope but thats just me


New member
Sep 25, 2008
TrilbyWill said:
because fuck good snipers.
i sniped a lot in Halo 3 thanks to my friend, MW2 and BO. it was shit in CoD because nobody plays like that. its worse in BO because snipers only have pistols, the crossbow and the ballistic knife, so you cant get to a decent position (unless its Array and you get to the pylon fast)
also, people hate the good ones because:
thats my friend i mentioned before, and he gets a lot of rage from the other team.
that channel is 80% sniping and 50-50 Black Ops and Reach.
That video is.. strange. He aims behind his target and hits?

Smooth Operator

New member
Oct 5, 2010
Mariena said:
That video is.. strange. He aims behind his target and hits?
Console, auto-aim, fun for everyone... :)
I've seen an even better one, when a guy just pops a shot in the middle of a group and kills all 3 people, apparently CoD is so realistic bullet even bounce.

OT: Because exploits are how this game is won, if you don't use them you must be a noob... is the general internets idea.
And not too long ago someone made a thread about how he cheats at games and wants praise for his "achievements".


New member
Sep 10, 2009
Because the majority of the assholes that play CoD are massive douchebags who A: Think quick-scoping takes skill in MW2 and B: Hate anyone who does better than them because they're obviously being a noob and playing the game/having fun wrong.


Minecraft King
Mar 17, 2010
Because its not balance, not realistic and not fun. i hte the very idea of 'quickscoping and hard scoping' its a sniperrifle, you're meant to snipe using it, taking your time to get a kill, not just around like a hyperactive wookie.


New member
Sep 10, 2009
Mariena said:
TrilbyWill said:
because fuck good snipers.
i sniped a lot in Halo 3 thanks to my friend, MW2 and BO. it was shit in CoD because nobody plays like that. its worse in BO because snipers only have pistols, the crossbow and the ballistic knife, so you cant get to a decent position (unless its Array and you get to the pylon fast)
also, people hate the good ones because:
thats my friend i mentioned before, and he gets a lot of rage from the other team.
that channel is 80% sniping and 50-50 Black Ops and Reach.
That video is.. strange. He aims behind his target and hits?
That's just because of how theater mode works in Black Ops. It's because of lag. On the player's screen during the actual game he is shooting them right on, but because of the time it takes for that shot to register on the other player's screen, they move a few extra feet before getting shot.


New member
Aug 12, 2009
Because the people who play those CoD games are generally 12 year olds with anger problems who think they know everything about guns and believe pressing two buttons very quickly (yep, that's quickscoping) amounts to some kind of "skill". Answer your question?


New member
Jun 21, 2010
Because it is a effective technique that requires little skill and some practice to get down pat. It is also considered extremely cheap by most standards. On record, I despise snipers and camping in FPS MP to the point I will ignore others to kill them preferably. Mostly because it seems they shoot me first out of the group seemingly 90% of time.


New member
Jun 1, 2011
Because those sort of people are dipshits, move to a different FPS would be my suggestion, maybe Halo or Battlefield, personally I've never received hate in those games, except on occasions that were very rare, as opposed to COD where I get hate around 20 times per game


New member
Sep 27, 2010
I'm just wonder since when did sniping go from 'Being a sniper' to 'Quick scoping, no scoping, hard scoping'. When I play sniper I always aim. With a scope. You know, sniping? I'm just curious as to where this three different scope styles came from.


New member
Jan 14, 2010
Lawnmooer said:
Because in most modern FPS's the game is very fast paced (Full health to death taking 1 second is a slow kill a lot of times) and are designed to be Anti-camping (Via multiple routes to sniper vantage spots and random spawn locations)

Which leads to the only really viable tactic for sniping being quickscoping. Not that you cannot camp around the place and use sniper rifles to actually be doing sniping, it's just more effective to quickscope and be a close-mid range insta-kill machine...
I hard scope in MW2 and go positive all the time. Same with Black ops. It's not hard.

OT: Because it's MW2, really. People who play that game just can't accept that some people actually enjoy playing a game with a challenge, not just using the cheapest possible tactic available.

Shock and Awe

Winter is Coming
Sep 6, 2008
I've never really cared for sniping on any Call of Duty game, none of the maps are big enough to really take advantage of it except for Wasteland in MW2. If you want a game where there is actually some pretty sweet sniper mechanics I suggest Bad Company 2, plenty of big maps that make long distance sniping fun and practical. It has bullet drop and everything, which I honestly just love, makes the long distance head shots really that much more rewarding.


New member
Jul 14, 2011
amaranth_dru said:
Quickscopers in general aren't true snipers, though quickscoping in a tight spot IS a good skill to have. I've had plenty of matches where myself and a good spotter held a position for 90% of the match, all without quickscoping. A skilled sniper uses ALL tools to his advantage (sidearm included). Quickscoping is a skill, but not an indication of how good a sniper one may be. In fact, whoever relies solely on that one skill isn't much of a skilled player as they are exploiting the "auto-aim" functionality.
I can't agree with this more. In CoD4, I used the R700 and a silenced 1911, and I could rock on a good day. I've never quickscoped in my life, I simply track people in my head by knowing the maps and predicting where they'll probably pop up. The silenced 1911 is a damn good pistol as well, good for clearing out buildings without being noticed.

Also, sniper rifle + low gravity server = duck hunting.


New member
Apr 16, 2010
to everyone telling me to play BC2
i have but like i said i got bored of it after i got everything


New member
Feb 20, 2011
Appleshampoo said:
I'm just wonder since when did sniping go from 'Being a sniper' to 'Quick scoping, no scoping, hard scoping'. When I play sniper I always aim. With a scope. You know, sniping? I'm just curious as to where this three different scope styles came from.
more or less youtube making this popualer weridly this started in COD4 with m40 acog i think. Don"t care what anybody says the m40 was one hit kill anywhere on the person = it being the most overpowered gun in the game. The 3 styles can i said before started on youtube then wormed there way into the online community. WOnder what would happen if IW/Slegdhammer/Treyarch(Look i'm been corrected by soooooo people on who is and isn't working MW3 that i really don't know) took quickscoping or at least do 2 things. A)Make the maps simalir to COD4
B) Completly remove quickscoping with.
PS. Arguing the differecne between the 3 scope style is kinda dumb mainly because "Hardscoping" is really the way snipers are ment to be used, No scoping is random luck, Quickscoping is well just explotive stuiped and just plain silly.

ShindoL Shill

Truely we are the Our Avatars XI
Jul 11, 2011
w00tage said:
TrilbyWill said:
because fuck good snipers.
i sniped a lot in Halo 3 thanks to my friend, MW2 and BO. it was shit in CoD because nobody plays like that. its worse in BO because snipers only have pistols, the crossbow and the ballistic knife, so you cant get to a decent position (unless its Array and you get to the pylon fast)
also, people hate the good ones because:
thats my friend i mentioned before, and he gets a lot of rage from the other team.
that channel is 80% sniping and 50-50 Black Ops and Reach.
Anyone else note that he MISSED most of those shots? At least in RL he would have, he was whole feet off of many targets and behind their movement, not leading, and the lame game gave him the kills anyways. COD multiplayer SUCKS for hit registration.

He got one excellent headshot that I saw though, kudos for that, nice shot.
the thing is, IRL, he wouldnt be running around like that. another reason sniping in BO is pretty much impossible: you dont even have a shotgun or smg.