Why does everyone hate Halo?

John O'Toole

New member
Mar 20, 2010
I'm not going to say I hate Halo, but I thought Halo 2 was pretty weak. In my opinion Halo one was the best, Halo 2 just seemed like they tried to make the first one better, but didn't. I never played the other ones because I never got XBox 360 even though I would have liked to see the conclusion to it, but thats all I can say about Halo.

foolish snails

New member
Sep 1, 2010
i enjoyed halo, for a while...
eventually i got bored of the repetitiveness of the game though.
i have to admit, i did obsess over reach long after I stopped playing halo 3

Teh Ty

New member
Sep 10, 2008
I'm not really good at it, but I enjoy a good game of halo. there's nothing spectacular about it, but it's all around good.


New member
Jun 23, 2010
I like Halo personally. I'm not very good at it but I have a good time playing it with friends and stuff.

Hell I'd play Halo over Call of Duty online any day.

Atmos Duality

New member
Mar 3, 2010
I despise quoting Yahtzee on anything (because it makes me look like a tool), but in this one instance, I think he put it rather succinctly:

"The only thing special about Halo is the degree in which it's stuck up its own ass."

It isn't bad, it's just mediocre. I thought that back in 2002 when I first played Halo: CE, and the game has not really moved significantly beyond that.


New member
Aug 18, 2009
Mainly because it's the 360's most popular and best-selling exclusive franchise.
But hell, I'd be lying if I didn't say I enjoyed Halo.


New member
Aug 31, 2009
Because the Nobel maps still don't show up on standard matchmaking. Now they are about to release the Defiance maps. I also don't like how much armor and armor effects cost...and my connection fails a lot more often than I'd like for it to which sucks.

Otherwise I like the series.


New member
Mar 24, 2009
pletschee said:
Hey everyone, this is my first post on the escapist forums but I've been reading a few forums and it came to my mind, why does everyone hate Halo? I don't see anything wrong with it. Bungie has made a whole new universe that has spawned books, games and even machinima(which was good up to around last year, now we all wait for Rooster Teeth to make the next season of RvB). So this is my question, why do you dislike/like Halo?

Edit: So from what Im gathering it's...

1. People want to be cool and go against something popular

2. People play for 5 minutes, don't do well= hate
1. No, I don't go against popular things to be "cool." EVER. That's just flat out stupid

2. I actually played more than 5 minutes...

My reasoning for hating it is the same reason I hate every first person shooter. Because it's a First Person Shooter. I don't like that play style, I haven't since GoldenEye 007 on N64. That's the ONLY one I EVER liked, until I tried the demo to Bulletstorm, but I'm still not really convinced and I only sort of like it, but that's mostly because of the gratuitous...everything.


New member
Oct 21, 2010
Once upon time, there were gamers. And then there were Halo fanboys that bought Xbaw to play Halo. Huge amount of polls and topics arised from gamer forums where Halo fanboys compared anything and everything to Halo and Master Chief. Huge shitstorm. Everybody feels bad. Teabagging. Decent game ruined by faggots, forever.

And they never left.


New member
Apr 20, 2010
I don't exactly hate Halo, but it could be better. I like games with just a little bit of substance, and not all flair and fancy guns and convoluted stories. I got lost when someone tried to explain the Flood to me, and decided Halo could exist and I would just ignore it. And for the love of pete, WHY did they have to make a female computer program with the hots for the Main Character?! That's just fucking creepy!

Assassin Xaero

New member
Jul 23, 2008
Single Player:
1 - I played until the library level then quit because how stupid it was.
2 - Beat it and it had zero replay value. Plus, "the battle comes to earth" my ass. Comes to earth for 5 minutes, then you're back in space.

Boring. Your same old generic FPS where you get two weapons, vehicles, regenerating health shields, etc.


Wanna have a bad time?
Dec 15, 2010
I don't hate Halo. I'm indifferent to it. What I do hate however is that all FPS's now are trying to be like it.


New member
Feb 15, 2011
I wouldnt say I Hate it, but i just find the gameplay a bit, well, straitforward. While i know the gameplay is linier and I have no objection to that, the level design just made it blindingly obvious. Graphics and sound where good and I cant find fault there and the storyline hooked me enough to make me want to keep playing, but overall... Halo just dosn't make me feel good in my happy places


New member
Jun 7, 2010
People don't really hate Halo. As a species the one thing we hate the most is other people. The most PC reason to hate someone is to hate something they like. Halo is one of the popular series in the last decade; thus it is easiest to hate other people for liking Halo.


New member
Nov 15, 2010
Casual Shinji said:
I'd say the Halo hate has died down in recent years, it's all about the CoD hate these days.
I dunno, not on the Escapist, at least. I see so much more Halo hate than CoD. I also see people actually say nice things about CoD in threads that aren't about CoD; whereas I only ever see someone say something nice about Halo in a "Why do you hate Halo?" thread.

I like Halo because it was the first FPS series I ever played and I genuinely liked its story and characters. Oh shit, I guess I'm a fanboy! The worst kind of person in the world: someone who likes something a lot. Label them fanboys and tell them what they like is stupid because you don't like it.