Why does Rape exist?


New member
Jan 27, 2010
Rem45 said:
Also, it really pisses me off when people joke about it. So many people are raped, I know two people, as yet others think its okay to just use it as a joke.
A thousand times this. It's just not funny people :/


New member
Sep 8, 2008
rape is a evolutionary accepted form of passing on ones genes that in many humans has been perverted into something less about procreation and more about dominance(though truth be told i dont understand the dominance motivation but i do understand the motivation to pass on genes)


New member
Feb 24, 2010
AccursedTheory said:
Rape is a crime of dominance.

For the most part, it has nothing to do with sex.

I'm surprised so many Escapist don't know that.
Yeah, it's odd to see how many people think it's about the sex and nothing else.


Not So Defunct Now
Mar 30, 2010
katsumoto03 said:
AccursedTheory said:
Rape is a crime of dominance.

For the most part, it has nothing to do with sex.

I'm surprised so many Escapist don't know that.
Yeah, it's odd to see how many people think it's about the sex and nothing else.
It's actually getting to the point of sickening me.


New member
Jul 8, 2009
Vault101 said:
-snip why does rape etc
I'm unhappy with this word. 'Why' implies a motive, which isn't really the point of evolution.

However!, I'll give myself the detriment of the doubt and presume that I'm being far too literal. So, for the question "How does rape exist?", I'd imagine that, seeing as those who reproduce are the ones who pass on their traits (genetically and socially), then out of those members of our species who couldn't 'get lucky', the ones who didn't resort to rape would be excluded from the gene pool. So from the perspective of natural selection, the 'fittest' isn't the best, or the most altruistic, the 'fittest' is the one who reproduces, which would be the ones having sex. Other beneficial factors don't matter if you don't have sex (unless you consider social evolution, in which case you could be the altruistic uncle that changes the course of history by appreciating his nephew's art, preventing a genocide).

So yeah, survival of the fittest doesn't mean survival of the best, just the survival of those with traits that promote reproduction, from good looks to the lack of social inhibitions that would stop others from raping members of the opposite sex.

Canadamus Prime

Robot in Disguise
Jun 17, 2009
iblis666 said:
rape is a evolutionary accepted form of passing on ones genes that in many humans has been perverted into something less about procreation and more about dominance(though truth be told i dont understand the dominance motivation but i do understand the motivation to pass on genes)
No it is not! Rape is not about mating. For mating to work properly both parties, the male and the female, have to be willing participants. That's why most other species, esp. other mammals, have elaborate mating and courtship routines. If it was simply a matter of picking a female a boinking her, whether she wanted you to or not, those afor mentioned routines wouldn't be present.


I'm back, baby, & still dancing!
Dec 27, 2010
I once worked as a translator for a group that dealt with male violence. That included domestic violence, rape, and violence against other men. What I learnt from that experience is that it is primarily about dominance, power, and the need to control. When you think about it those terms, the impulse to rape and pillage during wars both old and new - like the Battle of Badajoz during the Napoleonic wars, the Nanking Massacre of WW2, or more recent atrocities in Sudan - makes more "sense" than if it was merely about sexual release. Sorry, tangent...

OT: In my opinion, most men who rape have low self-esteem issues and/or control issues. They might of course seem to have tremendous self-confidence, but that's usually common in people with low self-esteem. Thus they need to assert themselves over other people, and rape is tool to do just that.

There is also what I might call "accidental rape", where the man doesn't set out to rape, but due to misunderstanding or inebriation ends up raping their girlfriend/wife/one-night-stand anyway. In those cases the men sometimes don't know they raped anyone until they get arrested.

Need I say I hate the whole "No really means yes" thing? Men need to stop assuming that it's true, and women need to stop saying no when they really mean yes just so they can feel like good girls. If you want it say YES. If you're not sure say NO instead of waffling.


EDIT: Oh, from an EVOLUTIONARY perspective. That's what I get for speed reading I guess. Well, I suppose it could have been way to establish dominance over a conquered tribe as well as to make sure one's tribe's genetic material had a better chance to thrive - ad even that has an element of humiliation aimed at the conquered to it.


New member
Feb 24, 2010
AccursedTheory said:
katsumoto03 said:
AccursedTheory said:
Rape is a crime of dominance.

For the most part, it has nothing to do with sex.

I'm surprised so many Escapist don't know that.
Yeah, it's odd to see how many people think it's about the sex and nothing else.
It's actually getting to the point of sickening me.

Yeah. It's a problem that's not even exclusive to this. You know, the mindset that Rape is all about the sex, depression is when you're feeling bummed, ect.

Ignorant people will be ignorant, I guess.


New member
Sep 2, 2007
bahumat42 said:
Humans have the desire to mate. Some humans don't learn the proper way to do that. Simple as.
No it's not "simple as" because that's fairly wrong. Sure some date rapes probably happen because of desire. Most violent rapes have little if anything to do with pure sexual attraction. There might be some attraction that triggers the obcession but it always plays a back seat to other factors.

iblis666 said:
rape is a evolutionary accepted form of passing on ones genes that in many humans has been perverted into something less about procreation and more about dominance(though truth be told i dont understand the dominance motivation but i do understand the motivation to pass on genes)
Dogs show dominance the same why. You don't really think when a female dog humps your leg that the ***** is trying to pass on her genes. Male dos often hump other male dogs for the same reason.


New member
Sep 8, 2008
canadamus_prime said:
iblis666 said:
rape is a evolutionary accepted form of passing on ones genes that in many humans has been perverted into something less about procreation and more about dominance(though truth be told i dont understand the dominance motivation but i do understand the motivation to pass on genes)
No it is not! Rape is not about mating. For mating to work properly both parties, the male and the female, have to be willing participants. That's why most other species, esp. other mammals, have elaborate mating and courtship routines. If it was simply a matter of picking a female a boinking her, whether she wanted you to or not, those afor mentioned routines wouldn't be present.
keep thinking that even though in nature there are countless examples to the contrary hell just for example there is a fish that has a elaborate mating ritual but as soon as the female drops her eggs for the courting male another male will swoop in and deposit his seed as well fertalizing some of them


Travelling Mushishi
Apr 22, 2009
Well let me BIG TIME preface myself here by saying that I strongly disapprove of rape, that said, I can see how it would be an evolutionarily beneficial strategy for the male involved. See, for women it is, from an evolutionary perspective, strongly beneficial to select the optimal mate, one bearing good genes and who will stay to help raise the child, because for women the time and energy investment in having a child is more than a little bigger than it is for men. For men, however, while playing into that (IE, becoming the perfect mate) can be an adaptive strategy, another very adaptive strategy can simply be to mate as many times as possible. A male who commits rape doesn't have to stay around to raise the child, in the mere act of forcing impregnation he has achieved his evolutionary goal, and is free to move on and impregnate another woman. While these children have a lower rate of survival, because they won't have the same level of care, in the mere act of increasing the number of times he mates (and as a result, the number of children he has) the male has found a strategy which will pass the gene which lead to the mental state which predisposed him to rape.

Now that's not to say that there are not other reasons. There most definitely are societal and psychological issues that play into rape as we see it today.

Whatever the reasons, it's an ugly phenomenon. It's unfortunate that it is a part of our evolutionary history as a species, but unfortunately nothing has ever been prevented merely because it was unfortunate.


New member
Jun 10, 2010
Rem45 said:
Most rapes are caused by those close to the victim....
That's a pretty scary reality. Like I said it'll happen if the person thinks they can get away with it. Which is the case with people that are trusted. Probably lots of rapes that never go unreported. Loved ones are supposed to prevent this sort of thing which is why it's deviant and done only in secret. If humans were solitary animals it might evolve to be a form of mating(messed up, I know).

I don't understand the mind of a rapist but I'm pretty sure it's about dominance and spreading DNA, both in humans and other animals.

I don't like jokes about it either.


New member
Nov 23, 2010
It may be a way to show dominance but it evolved that way because the dominant who raped were the ones who had the most children.

I think that's the heart of the issue.


New member
Jun 13, 2009
Vault101 said:
Ok this is a sensative issue I know, I know that rape is a very bad thing and I am in no way trying to downplay it

anyway I was just thinking, from mabye a natural or evolutionry pespective why does rape exist? has it got somthing to do with family bonds?

Mabye the definition of "rape" was very different in prehistoric times, do you supose it was still traumatic then?

I mean I know it can having somthing to do with asserting dominance, particually man on man
Because some people are fucked in the head. That's the only reasonable answer to the question frankly

from mabye a natural or evolutionry pespective why does rape exist? has it got somthing to do with family bonds?

Not really sure what family bonds have to do with anything, but biological theory pretty much says people rape to spread their seed and continue the existence of the species. Rape isn't human exclusive, you can see it in numerous other animals species.

Mabye the definition of "rape" was very different in prehistoric times, do you supose it was still traumatic then?

I don't see why it wouldn't be. What changed recently that made people not like being violated in the most intimate, personal manner?


New member
Jul 3, 2009
well when person A wants to have sex with person B and person B won't let them, one option for person A is to rape them. probably not the best option, but it is an option.


New member
Dec 22, 2010
katsumoto03 said:
AccursedTheory said:
katsumoto03 said:
AccursedTheory said:
Rape is a crime of dominance.

For the most part, it has nothing to do with sex.

I'm surprised so many Escapist don't know that.
Yeah, it's odd to see how many people think it's about the sex and nothing else.
It's actually getting to the point of sickening me.

Yeah. It's a problem that's not even exclusive to this. You know, the mindset that Rape is all about the sex, depression is when you're feeling bummed, ect.

Ignorant people will be ignorant, I guess.
At least it proves that they're mentally stable enough that they can't grasp the real reason? Maybe? I guess?

Seriously guys, it's not about "sexy lady, me want, me take." I know a lot of women who think this too. Some of them even think that dressing in frumpy clothes is enough to deter rape. I do my best to set them straight whenever I can, because that's just terrible.