Why does Rape exist?


New member
Feb 24, 2010
EmperorSubcutaneous said:
katsumoto03 said:
AccursedTheory said:
katsumoto03 said:
AccursedTheory said:
Rape is a crime of dominance.

For the most part, it has nothing to do with sex.

I'm surprised so many Escapist don't know that.
Yeah, it's odd to see how many people think it's about the sex and nothing else.
It's actually getting to the point of sickening me.

Yeah. It's a problem that's not even exclusive to this. You know, the mindset that Rape is all about the sex, depression is when you're feeling bummed, ect.

Ignorant people will be ignorant, I guess.
At least it proves that they're mentally stable enough that they can't grasp the real reason? Maybe? I guess?
Wait, so you're saying that only mentally unstable people can understand rape?

That's... Flawed logic, to say the least.


New member
Feb 4, 2010
Vault101 said:
Ok this is a sensative issue I know, I know that rape is a very bad thing and I am in no way trying to downplay it

anyway I was just thinking, from mabye a natural or evolutionry pespective why does rape exist? has it got somthing to do with family bonds?

Mabye the definition of "rape" was very different in prehistoric times, do you supose it was still traumatic then?

I mean I know it can having somthing to do with asserting dominance, particually man on man
Well, consider the 'lesser' beasts. The difference between normal sex and rape doesn't really exist with them, because it is pretty much completely instinctual. Many species even adapt ways for the males to force a female into sex.

So that's our basis, that is where our sexual background comes from, sex that 'just happens'. However, with greater separation from instinct and more towards reason, comes the divide between our impulses and thought. When impulse wins, you get all sorts of crazy 'barbaric' things.


New member
Feb 24, 2011
Rape is one of those things that just exists, and there's probably more than one reason why.

Dominance is certainly one major factor in it. Psychological analysis shows that people who rape are often the bullied and the downtrodden (not that I'm advocating it - BDSM works wonders for the rational). Sometimes it's just a lust for power. And some people are just into it, for whatever reason. It's not really something that can be explained completely through logical or rational thought.


Nov 1, 2009
AccursedTheory said:
Rape is a crime of dominance.

For the most part, it has nothing to do with sex.

I'm surprised so many Escapist don't know that.
This response is all that really needs to be spoken in this thread.

Very little rape cases are actually about the sexual pleasure, and more about the power to force another to be humiliated/do as you wish them to do. Most rapists come from families in which the parental figure displayed his/her dominance by physically or emotionally abusing the child in question, taking away most of their self-esteem (humiliation) and any perceived individual power. When they grow up, they like to try to take that power and self-esteem back by doing to others what was done to them. Of course, this course of action is a very misguided and morally wrong one, but understandable from a purely sociological and psychological point of view.

Disaster Button

Elite Member
Feb 18, 2009
chuckman1 said:
Why does racism exist?
Why does murder exist?

Only the rapists, racists, murderers understand their logic and they can't articulate their form of logic in any way other than doing.
That's not true. You don't have to be something to understand it. Most people aren't rapists or murderers yet they can still understand WHY those people do what they do.

OT: A mixture of dominance and uncontrollable sexual desire.


New member
Dec 22, 2010
katsumoto03 said:
EmperorSubcutaneous said:
katsumoto03 said:
AccursedTheory said:
katsumoto03 said:
AccursedTheory said:
Rape is a crime of dominance.

For the most part, it has nothing to do with sex.

I'm surprised so many Escapist don't know that.
Yeah, it's odd to see how many people think it's about the sex and nothing else.
It's actually getting to the point of sickening me.

Yeah. It's a problem that's not even exclusive to this. You know, the mindset that Rape is all about the sex, depression is when you're feeling bummed, ect.

Ignorant people will be ignorant, I guess.
At least it proves that they're mentally stable enough that they can't grasp the real reason? Maybe? I guess?
Wait, so you're saying that only mentally unstable people can understand rape?

That's... Flawed logic, to say the least.
That's absolutely not what I was saying. I was agreeing with you and just trying to find a possible positive in the common belief that rape is about sex.

Just figuring that maybe their thought process goes something like "Well, I have sex with people because I have sexual urges and because I find those people attractive. I guess that's what rapists do too."

I always look for positives in things, and it seems to get me into trouble more often than not...
Sep 30, 2010
I read an interesting article on this subject a while back. I don't remember the article very well but i do remember it saying that rape was something written into human nature and had to do with dominance


Jan 15, 2009
Disaster Button said:
chuckman1 said:
Why does racism exist?
Why does murder exist?

Only the rapists, racists, murderers understand their logic and they can't articulate their form of logic in any way other than doing.
That's not true. You don't have to be something to understand it. Most people aren't rapists or murderers yet they can still understand WHY those people do what they do.

OT: A mixture of dominance and uncontrollable sexual desire.
Maybe but why do people feel this need for dominance?


The Laughing Arsehole
Dec 29, 2009
AccursedTheory said:
Rape is a crime of dominance.

For the most part, it has nothing to do with sex.

I'm surprised so many Escapist don't know that.
I have heard this many time before and I find it rather odd.

If it's just a matter of expressing dominance, why does the whole sex thing come into it at all?

Saying that the act of forcing someone to have sex with you has nothing to do with sex doesn't make much sense to me.


New member
Sep 24, 2010
Rape isn't just about dominance and power but also humiliation. We're vulnerable when we're having some form of intercourse and there is no easier way to humiliate, dominate or assert power over another human than during sex.


Not So Defunct Now
Mar 30, 2010
Zhukov said:
AccursedTheory said:
Rape is a crime of dominance.

For the most part, it has nothing to do with sex.

I'm surprised so many Escapist don't know that.
I have heard this many time before and I find it rather odd.

If it's just a matter of expressing dominance, why does the whole sex thing come into it at all?

Saying that the act of forcing someone to have sex with you has nothing to do with sex doesn't make much sense to me.
Would you feel more overwhelmed, embarrassed, and ultimately dominated if you lost a fist fight, or if someone forcibly shoved his dick in you?

Safaia said:
Rape isn't just about dominance and power but also humiliation. We're vulnerable when we're having some form of intercourse and there is no easier way to humiliate, dominate or assert power over another human than during sex.
Humiliation is just another way we demonstrate power over each other. If I know you peed yourself in the 6th grade during class, and you are humiliated by this, I have power over you.

Disaster Button

Elite Member
Feb 18, 2009
chuckman1 said:
Disaster Button said:
chuckman1 said:
Why does racism exist?
Why does murder exist?

Only the rapists, racists, murderers understand their logic and they can't articulate their form of logic in any way other than doing.
That's not true. You don't have to be something to understand it. Most people aren't rapists or murderers yet they can still understand WHY those people do what they do.

OT: A mixture of dominance and uncontrollable sexual desire.
Maybe but why do people feel this need for dominance?
Dominance in regards to rape? A plethora of reasons really, it depends on the invdividual and their life experiences or mental state.

Maybe they feel like they have no control over their life, or were bullied as a child and, as a result, they feel weak as they were forced into compliance. Maybe they were the victim of domestic abuse, maybe they just have some overpowering urge to be in control and this is how they feed that urge and perhaps they were even raped themselves and felt the need to inflict that pain on others so that they didn't feel like a weak victim. These are just a few examples I can think of.


New member
Nov 19, 2008
Because people want to have sex with people who don't want to have it.

If every woman always consented to sex, rape would not exist.

Canadamus Prime

Robot in Disguise
Jun 17, 2009
iblis666 said:
canadamus_prime said:
iblis666 said:
rape is a evolutionary accepted form of passing on ones genes that in many humans has been perverted into something less about procreation and more about dominance(though truth be told i dont understand the dominance motivation but i do understand the motivation to pass on genes)
No it is not! Rape is not about mating. For mating to work properly both parties, the male and the female, have to be willing participants. That's why most other species, esp. other mammals, have elaborate mating and courtship routines. If it was simply a matter of picking a female a boinking her, whether she wanted you to or not, those afor mentioned routines wouldn't be present.
keep thinking that even though in nature there are countless examples to the contrary hell just for example there is a fish that has a elaborate mating ritual but as soon as the female drops her eggs for the courting male another male will swoop in and deposit his seed as well fertalizing some of them
Ah, but you see in the case of the fish the eggs are not fertilized until after the female has deposited them so when the male comes along and does the fertilizing there's no need to force himself on the female because the female is already gone by that point, so your example fails to prove anything. Fine me an example of a mammalian species where rape is part of reproduction and then maybe I'll concede your point. ...maybe.


New member
Feb 24, 2011
A more important question perhaps, why do rapists exist? sure rape is embedded in our prehistoric instincts, but we are no longer Neanderthals and rape is never justified. Rapists exist soley to ruin lives, and more importantly to give us something to shoot at.
I have a few close friends who are female rape victims, and because of their experiences they have developed issues with trusting males. From being so close to people who have firsthand experienced rape, and seeing their lives ruined, i have developed an extremely hostile attitude towards rape in any form. I believe pornography is one influence, and i actively protest against it, i could explain why, but i dont want to write a novel here, the short of it is, i think people see rape fantasies in pornography and think its "cool" or "fun" whatever. I also think its mostly a male problem, i go to an all boy secondary school and the amount of sexism towards females i see each and every day, is appalling. Kids looking up to people like Charlie Sheen and Tiger Woods, overhearing conversations like "Tiger Woods cheated on his wife with tons of chicks why is he in trouble? i think hes a legend!" hearing shit like that really brings my piss to a boil, coming from kids so young who will grow up with attitudes believing that women are there as entertainment and dont have needs of their own, the attitudes displayed by many celebrities that are being looked up at by kids, the problem also seems to be the amount of sexism and male chauvanism in todays society. I try to be a gentleman like my grandfather, who always told me a real man would never yell at a woman let alone hit one, and whenever he watched the news, or read the newspaper, if he ever saw a rape story, he would often show me and say something along the lines of "see that man? hes a rapist, hes not a man, hes a maggot, dont you EVER turn out like that!"

Sorry for my life story, but i have a lot to say on this subject, its had a big impact on my life, and the lives of many people close to me. I understand if no one reads it or whatever, it is a bit long :p

anyway, rape seems to be something that will just happen, whether it be psychological or just stupidity or scumminess. One controversial view ive held on to my whole life is that the death penalty in Australia should come back, especially for rapists. Some people were given life and exploited their chance (rapists) so i think its only fair they have their life taken from them too. They are worse than murderers in my opinion.


Sep 9, 2010
canadamus_prime said:
iblis666 said:
rape is a evolutionary accepted form of passing on ones genes that in many humans has been perverted into something less about procreation and more about dominance(though truth be told i dont understand the dominance motivation but i do understand the motivation to pass on genes)
No it is not! Rape is not about mating. For mating to work properly both parties, the male and the female, have to be willing participants. That's why most other species, esp. other mammals, have elaborate mating and courtship routines. If it was simply a matter of picking a female a boinking her, whether she wanted you to or not, those afor mentioned routines wouldn't be present.
Plenty of species of animals aren't like that. Some even kill the other afterwards.

It's probably a left over of our genetics from when we were feral, a need to keep the status quo. Rape/Racism/Murder happens when people can't rise about their primal instincts.


New member
Jan 23, 2010
why does murder exist? why does child pornography exist? why does anything bad exist?