Why does Rape exist?


New member
Sep 8, 2008
manaman said:
bahumat42 said:
Humans have the desire to mate. Some humans don't learn the proper way to do that. Simple as.
No it's not "simple as" because that's fairly wrong. Sure some date rapes probably happen because of desire. Most violent rapes have little if anything to do with pure sexual attraction. There might be some attraction that triggers the obcession but it always plays a back seat to other factors.

iblis666 said:
rape is a evolutionary accepted form of passing on ones genes that in many humans has been perverted into something less about procreation and more about dominance(though truth be told i dont understand the dominance motivation but i do understand the motivation to pass on genes)
Dogs show dominance the same why. You don't really think when a female dog humps your leg that the ***** is trying to pass on her genes. Male dos often hump other male dogs for the same reason.
ok ill change it to some social animals and not just humans that make it into a game of dominance that still doesnt make the theory wrong


Spice & Wolf Restored!
Feb 19, 2009
I once read an article in Time about how it was somehow more efficient for the survival of the species back in prehistoric times (stronger male makes more offspring, etc). It didn't make much sense to me, but the general jist of the article was that we somehow haven't gotten rid of that particular trait.

Not sure if I agree with the article, but looking back, I can see how someone could make sense of that reasoning.


Elite Member
Jan 16, 2010
quantumsoul said:
That's a pretty scary reality. Like I said it'll happen if the person thinks they can get away with it. Which is the case with people that are trusted. Probably lots of rapes that never go unreported. Loved ones are supposed to prevent this sort of thing which is why it's deviant and done only in secret. If humans were solitary animals it might evolve to be a form of mating(messed up, I know).
It is believed that the overwhelming majority of rapes go unreported, yes.


New member
Apr 2, 2008
well.....when someone whats to have sex with someone else and that person wont let them.......thats when a person will have sex with them anyway.....i guess someone just though "hey...whats stopping me"


New member
Nov 13, 2009
The desire for control, mostly. A certain type of person feels powerful forcing themselves on someone. If they could get that feeling of power and control doing something else, they would. It's not about sex.


New member
Apr 10, 2009
AccursedTheory said:
Rape is a crime of dominance.

For the most part, it has nothing to do with sex.

I'm surprised so many Escapist don't know that.
That comment was either suspiciously knowledgable OR accusational of The Escapist community.

I find the former to be weird but I find the latter to be hilarious! I have a dark sense of humour sometimes.


New member
Dec 14, 2010
EmperorSubcutaneous said:
It's not about sex, it's about power.
if it was only about power, why wouldn't the rapist just deal out beatings? I think it is often about power and sexual urges gone rampant.


I'm in your mind fuzz
Sep 26, 2010
ToxinArrow said:
Vault101 said:
Ok this is a sensative issue I know, I know that rape is a very bad thing and I am in no way trying to downplay it

anyway I was just thinking, from mabye a natural or evolutionry pespective why does rape exist? has it got somthing to do with family bonds?

Mabye the definition of "rape" was very different in prehistoric times, do you supose it was still traumatic then?

I mean I know it can having somthing to do with asserting dominance, particually man on man
Because some people are fucked in the head. That's the only reasonable answer to the question frankly

from mabye a natural or evolutionry pespective why does rape exist? has it got somthing to do with family bonds?

Not really sure what family bonds have to do with anything, but biological theory pretty much says people rape to spread their seed and continue the existence of the species. Rape isn't human exclusive, you can see it in numerous other animals species.

Mabye the definition of "rape" was very different in prehistoric times, do you supose it was still traumatic then?

I don't see why it wouldn't be. What changed recently that made people not like being violated in the most intimate, personal manner?
Well I dont know, back then It may have been related to survival of the fitest, also cultrual changes as well


New member
Jan 14, 2011
Cuz we play bulletstorm! Haha , ok bad joke. Rape is here because some people just can't get any.


New member
Dec 28, 2009
Rape is not about sex, it's about controlling another person, the sex is just a way of making that happen. Rape is more, psychologically for the perpetrator, like torture and murder than sex.

Optional Opinion

New member
Dec 29, 2008
As stated (plenty of times) it's about power.

Going slightly off topic.

I remember reading something somewhere (can't source)

That sleeping with prostitutes is similar in some ways to rape as it is also has a large power aspect. If it was all about sexual desire then that wouldn't explain the vast majority of hookers are unattractive yet still see an incredible amount of action.

So if you want to discuss evolutionary theories for rape you would have to go down the 'Route for power and dominance' not the 'Route for sexual gratification'

But then again, rape would be seen as atypical, abnormal, deviant behaviour so the evolutionary theory would be shoddy as it wouldn't represent the population as a whole.

Strive for power could be explained but power through rape would be atypical so you would have to delve into each of the rapists history,family and mind to seek motivation.


New member
Jul 3, 2009
FutureJarhead16 said:
Zannah said:
Rem45 said:
Also, it really pisses me off when people joke about it. So many people are raped, I know two people, as yet others think its okay to just use it as a joke.
A thousand times this. It's just not funny people :/
Anything can be funny, its all about context.
you forgot to quote george carlin, i agree all the same.

to quote south park "either everything is ok to make fun of, or nothing is"


New member
Nov 19, 2009
It's a build-up of sexual frustration that explodes into action.
The only way we could mate with the women in caveman times was rape.

Now that we have law and order (morals for the weak to make themselves feel better), it is simply criminal to rape.

Why some people still do it? Read "Lord of the Flies" or "The heart of darkness".
Mental disorder. Degeneration. It's potential is in all of us.

Just make sure you are protected when law and order is gone.
I know I will arm my women to the teeth.


New member
Dec 22, 2010
xdom125x said:
EmperorSubcutaneous said:
It's not about sex, it's about power.
if it was only about power, why wouldn't the rapist just deal out beatings? I think it is often about power and sexual urges gone rampant.
Of course sex is involved, that's what makes it rape.

What we mean is, it's not about the rapist seeing someone they think is attractive and then having sex with them without their permission. It's about seeing someone who (the rapist believes) won't fight back and then having sex with them without their permission.

A lot of people seem to think it's the former, and in the vast majority of cases it isn't.

Also, like someone pointed out before, dogs hump legs and other dogs to show dominance, not because of sexual urges. It's similar with some humans.


I'm in your mind fuzz
Sep 26, 2010
SilentRuss said:
It's a build-up of sexual frustration that explodes into action.
The only way we could mate with the women in caveman times was rape.

Now that we have law and order (morals for the weak to make themselves feel better), it is simply criminal to rape.

Why some people still do it? Read "Lord of the Flies" or "The heart of darkness".
Mental disorder. Degeneration. It's potential is in all of us.

Just make sure you are protected when law and order is gone.
I know I will arm my women to the teeth.
I disagree, Not every sexual encounter in "caveman times" (and by that I mean us, homosapians) was rape, thats redicualous, there was still mating anf family bonds and such, tribal culture and giving children best hopes of survivng

with animals I mimage the line between rape and mating would be more blurry

anyway as I have learned and many people have said, alot of the time its about power rather than simply sexual lust

plus Im not sure I agree witht he veiw that underneith every normal person there is a rapist lying dormant, sure we can all be capable of great and horrible things given the right circumstances but that dose not automatically= rape


New member
May 4, 2009
Vault101 said:
Ok this is a sensative issue I know, I know that rape is a very bad thing and I am in no way trying to downplay it

anyway I was just thinking, from mabye a natural or evolutionry pespective why does rape exist? has it got somthing to do with family bonds?

Mabye the definition of "rape" was very different in prehistoric times, do you supose it was still traumatic then?

I mean I know it can having somthing to do with asserting dominance, particually man on man
human behavior, what they were influenced by, that is the sole reason for rape, there is no predetermined biological reasoning for rape, its not genetic, its an imposed factor on the rapist, whose personality turns to rape due to the results of different influences in their life. Don't let any one tell you different, its not natural for people to rape, its only inevitable that it happens in the society today because of the way people try to fix or prevent people from turning into rapists, which is that they don't try to prevent them, and think that rapists are born rapists. this is the same as with the majority of crimes, the blame is never with their environment.


New member
Jun 28, 2010
I want to make something very clear,

Rape is not about sex.

Rape and sex do not fulfill the same needs. Rape is not something that occurs as a result as a sexless life or a "dry spell", nor is it the result of a woman being a "tease" and leading a man on.
Rape is the result of a person's desire to demonstrate their power over another human being. It is a violent (not sexual) act where the rapist, almost always male, uses their penis as a weapon against another person.

Rape is not about sex.

The last statistic I read was that 65% of rapists never ejaculate during the act. This is because for the majority of rapists, the control over another human being is foremost, the sex is an afterthought.

Rapists almost never rehabilitate, and rapists who are not caught will continue to rape until they are. It is not only women who are raped, but men as well - we just never hear about it because male rape victims are made to feel shame at being emasculated, and male victims report the crime even less reliably than female victims (who also often feel too ashamed to report).

Another huge problem is "rape culture", aka, living in a society that trivializes or normalizes rape. Without even getting into an assessment of the media and normalcy/acceptance of images like this;
we can see that rape is a tolerated crime in our society from simple statistics and facts about rape trials.
Approximately 50% of rapes are reported, and only 2% of rapists ever spend a day in jail. Rape kits (evidence that is collected from a victim's body after he/she reports a rape - a very traumatic experience for the victim by the way) are almost never processed.
Women who take their rapists to court are often asked incredibly inappropriate and prying questions about their personal life such as

-How many sexual partners have you had
-Are you a prostitute
-Have you ever engaged in consensual intercourse with the accused
-Did you agree to meet with the accused on the night of the crime
-Were you drinking the night of the crime

None of these questions should be considered relevant because they are all victim blaming questions and should have no weigh on the judgement if the victim makes it clear that she did not give consent; and yet juries always judge sexually promiscuous women or women who had consumed alcohol more harshly than women who did not. All these questions serve to do is shame the victim.

You do not deserve to be raped for having enjoyed consensual sex with multiple partners in the past.

You do not deserve to be raped for dressing provocatively.

You do not deserve to be raped for drinking at parties.

And yet, if a woman has done any of these things, suddenly it's not such a crime to rape her. Suddenly "she was asking for it" and even though it was the rapist that made the conscious decision to rape, to violently attack another human being, suddenly it's not his fault because the victim failed to take the necessary precautions to avoid getting raped. And so the rapist almost invariably walks free.