1) Got fucked over by Bethesda's shitty coding twice. Lost about 100 bucks between both games, and at least as many hours due to downtime (exaggerated yes, but my downtime in trying to fix Oblivion and Fallout 3 could very easily be over 30 hours combined).
It's infuriating when a company has the audacity to stamp "Game of the Year" onto their product, and it not even properly work out of the fucking box (or in Oblivion's case, not work after 3 fucking years of patches and support on a gaming-quality computer).
2) Got tired of many, MANY smug, useless twats telling me to play the 360 version instead when I was trying to find help for either game. (Anyone who uses that argument can choke to death for all the good it does)
3) After being constantly annoyed at every turn (online and off) with the MASSIVE hype and marketing campaign for Skyrim since the start of the year, I'd have Stockholm Syndrome if I actually purchased and played the fucking thing.