Why is nudity so heavily looked down upon in gaming? Especially when big boobed bimbos are so common


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Mar 1, 2009
Fredrick2003 said:
damn12369 said:
okay nudity for little kids is obviously bad, my mom didnt let me get a game that had any of that until i was a teen, then she said ur gonna find out soon so wats da big deal! and i whole heartly agree
But WHY is it obviously bad?

The only game that comes to my mind with nudity in it is D2 to be honest. There might have been more but I don't keep track of this >_>.
i dont think young kids should see it so early on but i like the age of 13 is fine maybe even 12 if they are mature, but someone else posted that parents get mad when they see nudity and they didn't read the back of the box where it says "nudity" then that's their fault! it doesn't bother me if parents let their kids see nudity in games or anything at a young age its their prerogative!


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Jan 15, 2010
Most the same stupid parents who buy their kids an 18+ game and then whine on the news/do lawsuits because the game "Affected our child negatively".

And there's great controversy of whether games are Art or not, but I think they are. And nudity on a great portrait never made anyone go "OH THE HUMANITY!!", so why would that change in games?

But I digress, it's probably parents. Besides, many of the "big boobs jiggling" games you spoke of are Teen category games, they actually CAN'T show nudity, otherwise they'd be mature.


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Jul 25, 2008
(Kane & Lynch 2 features and entire level of two middle age men completely naked save for pixelated groins)


And of course even before that, Raiden in MGS2 and males nudity has been all too common throughout video games. Clearly the issue is not nudity in itself, but female sexuality.

Games barely get away with scantily clad girls simple because it is too hard to complain as where do you draw the line? Well at the bikini of course.

Parents and Busybody self-proclaimed parents of all children in society are SO PARANOID about children being sexually perverted. There is just that ick factor you get with a kid getting a hold of a game with female nudity doing what of course any pubescent boy would do. Worse than them playing a violent game.

Of course the obvious solution is BAN THESE BLOODY KIDS FROM ADULT RATED GAMES! They are ruining it for us adults.


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Jun 28, 2010
Vrex360 said:
After all the human body is meant to be a thing of beauty not something to be exploited.
I don't think this really applies to games. Sure the human body's a beautiful thing and all that hooey, but you're not looking at the human body in a video game. You're looking at a polygonal representation of the human body, void of all the detail, variation and flaw that makes the human body "beautiful".

I don't mean to make a case against nudity in games because I really don't think it's that big an issue, but I also think "it's okay because the human body is beautiful" is a pretty weak argument.


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Apr 20, 2010
They don't want kids to get "inappropriate thoughts"


If parents today could make kids more sheltered than they already are, they would build a giant bubble made of child-safe plastic and filled with Barney dolls!

I mean, by the time we're 5, we've already seen one pair of breasts, at least!


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Feb 5, 2009
The same reason people are allowed to press charges because they saw somebody naked in their own home. Hey, at least he won the appeal!(http://www.abajournal.com/news/article/man_convicted_of_being_naked_at_home_wins_appeal_of_indecent_exposure_case)

Honestly though, taboos are the ones to blame and to an extent the people. Ask yourself this. Why do we treat sex, something that is perfectly normal, with such privacy? It's as normal as blinking and yet talking about sex will get you more flak than telling a story at the dinner table about how you took a shit last night.

The fact of the matter remains, nudity and to an extent sex will remain taboo until the human race matures and as such they can never be used as a form of expression in anything(well, anything except paintings) without getting helicopter parents to scream that their child got traumatized for seeing a fucking nipple.


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Jul 8, 2010
The only issue I have with nudity in gaming is if they game developers use it as a selling point. Otherwise, if they just added it in for entertainment value or to make romances or whatever feel more real then there is nothing wrong with it.


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Jul 1, 2010
Strangely nudity & sex are frowned upon, yet violence, blood, and swearing are apparently just fine. Such is the state of American/UK culture (because by contrast a lot of Europeans couldn't care less and happily have bare breasts on billboards & adverts). Japan by contrast is happy with everything except male genitalia it seems. We all have our own cultural taboos.

Then again, when has any of it ever made sense - take the UK - we can have sex at 16, but can't rent a video depicting it until 18, and have a huge number of teenage (that is 12-16) pregancies that we not only don't prosecute but then have to support by welfare. How is that even remotely sane?

Anyway I'd argue it's got nothing to do with gaming and everything to do with mainstream culture. If you can get it on a billboard, you can get it in a game. Everything else is publishers or developers not being prepared to expose themselves to any Puritanical backlash for promoting what the music & film industry have been doing for decades.


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Mar 29, 2010
cainx10a said:
Nudity in an Sports Game? Why?
Nudity in an action Game? WHY?
Nudity in a fps game? WHYYYY?
Nudity in a rpg game? WHYYYYYYYYY?
Nudity in a certain quick-time event centered, PS3 exclusive? Sure why not?
The club scene, youtube it if you must


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May 17, 2008
Judgement101 said:
cainx10a said:
Nudity in an Sports Game? Why?
Nudity in an action Game? WHY?
Nudity in a fps game? WHYYYY?
Nudity in a rpg game? WHYYYYYYYYY?
Nudity in a certain quick-time event centered, PS3 exclusive? Sure why not?
The club scene, youtube it if you must
That post kinda freaked me out. Thought for a sec that my account got hacked, since I couldn't remember when I made the initial post. Just noticed the date of this thread, I supposed some thread necromancy happened?


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Jan 2, 2010
Vrex360 said:
there said it for you..... but seriously I don;t care if this topic has been done before I want to talk about it so I'm going to.

I have often wondered about nudity, I mean yes I am opposed to certain kinds of nudity*, sometimes it's vile and sick and disgusting yes sir these eyes of mine have seen many nasty things that I can never forget. However I don't have anything against 'tasteful' nudity, a woman taking her shirt off and leaving it at that has never really bothered me. After all the human body is meant to be a thing of beauty not something to be exploited.

However in the world of mainstream games I have noticed that nudity of any kind is absent or at least nudity in the conventional sense. This is obviously with the exception of God of War and Conan and any others I'm missing. I often wonder how come games can't also have nice decent and tastefully presented nudity? I mean arthouse movies do it all the time, why can't games?

Some people might say it's because nudity is considered offensive but look at what we are offering as an alternative, big breasted women with little to no clothing making their huge boobs bounce around (really... really... really old topic for Vrex) all the time. Is that really any less offensive? I mean compare that to say a woman with ordianry sized breasts taking her shirt off and what do you think is going to make the femenists angrier? I reckon there would be nothing wrong with nudity and I don't understand why it has to be so tabooed, especially in a game where sex is a very big thing.

You all remember the controversy for Mass Effect's sex scene right? Well sometimes I wonder if it really would have been THAT big a deal if they had just come out with it and shown some bare breast, would it actually have harmed anyone? No, the entire sex scene in Mass Effect was already tastefully done. A little nudity wouldn't hurt anyone.

But enough of my confused ramblings... where do you stand on the issue of nudity>

Honestly I think no one can say ordinary nudity is anywhere near as degrading as the big boobed girls from say Soul Calibur.
its one of the ultimate ironies of religion, Religious control over society creates fascination with things like large breasts, that fascination, being unacceptable by the religiously controlled majority, becomes a fetish, something kept hidden on the sidelines, Now people have a way of throwing their fetishes in your face, and Immersing you in them, IE: Bayonetta. Theres nothing wrong or unnatural about nudity, you've only been told there is.

Nudity is not degrading, not to be ashamed of, it is to be proud of.


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Jul 9, 2010
I'd like to see Mad Moxxi naked.

But in most cases it would just be entirely inappropriate. The last game i played which featured nudity was the Saboteur. You were playing an undesirable hiding out in shady parts of Nazi occupied France. It fit.

Nowadays, i really don't think that developers shy away from using nudity where appropriate.
Apr 28, 2008
Irridium said:
nudity isn't allowed because then it would turn all the children into murderous rapists.

don't you read the news?

FAP ftw
Holy crap, was it me that actually wrote this?

Wow, what a smartass.


New member
Apr 17, 2009
Because people are idiots. Videogames are associated with children, but there are games with giant M's on them and little boxes that say all the horrid things. Now when lil Jimmy sees that valkyries boob and his little analog stick goes up, mommy gets pissed.

This statement only applies to a select few idiots who piss In the pool ruining It for everyone. But now people get freaked out because they don't want their exspensive title ruined by controversy, like Mass Effect.

I personally find It a bit destracting at times, It's hard enough to focus on most games, and I don't need boobs or crotch distracting me from that alien cyclops blowing up my skull.