Why Little Pony?

Death Prophet

New member
Mar 23, 2011
Kipohippo said:
It's a show for little girls that people try to justify for some odd reason. Tell me what is mature about ponies with tatoos of rainbows on thier buts prancing around singing about friendship. I mean, holy shit, other kids shows make fun of it for gods fucking sake.

It's an internet trend. It will fade. Will be much nicer to not have 3 gabazillion MLP threads again. For the fanboys, I watched the first 5 episodes, boring and obvious target demographic young children.


New member
Dec 17, 2010
Stako said:
godfist88 said:
perhaps this will answer your question: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JeJ6-gN0eB4
No. No it doesn't. I still don't get it. (I'm with the guy who started the topic)

It has nice animation though... but the ideas and the ponys and stuff... it's too much for me. But that doesn't mean it's bad. ^^
it does answer one question though, do you like it? and obviously the answer is no, but that's fine cause you don't have to like something just because it's popular :)


New member
Apr 15, 2011
jackpipsam said:
KoalaKid said:
I understand it to be a fad in the homosexual community.
I see you have a rather sallow life
I wasn't trying to be insulting or anything it's simply an observation. I just thought it was one of those things like lady gaga, Tori Amos, or ass-less chaps. Sorry if I offended you, I don't dislike gay people or anything like that if that's what you thought.


Terrible Person
Oct 18, 2010
I love this show. I love the songs and know most of the words. I still laugh out loud to episodes I've seen thrice despite only discovering the show sometime in April. I made a fake investigative report on Bronies and had it featured on Equestria Daily, the biggest Friendship is Magic fan site, and even *I* am sick of seeing these threads on this site. The search bar is a special feature you will come to love in the months and years to come. However, if you must have a longer explanation, leave it to know your meme:



New member
May 28, 2011
*deep breath* Allright, here's the gist of it.

My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic is a newly rebooted version of an old old show, created by the Hubworld, a new-ish channel on television. (They have also re-booted GI Joe, and Transformers, as well as air old Kids WB shows like Men in Black and Batman Beyond.)

The show itself was innitially targeted at 8-year old girls. But unlike most 'kids' shows, the writers put acctual thought and effort into their production. Its definately a few steps above Dora the Explorer. (Perhaps several different floors. As in, if you don't take an elevator, you'll pass out before climbing the distance in stairs.)

Anyways, the show itself is well-written, genuinely funny, and yes, rather cute. It really got its start come episode 3, episode 2 being the hands-down weakest of them all. If you need something to test yourself against, I would reccomend episodes 16 and 19, Sonic Rainboom and A Dog and Pony Show, respectivly.

The show has above-average animation, the characters are well-characterized and 3-dimensional, and the mythology surrounding it is consistant. In particular, the ponies themselves basically govern the natural progression of nature, (See episode 11, Winter Wrap Up), with the exception of the Everfree Forest. The laws of nature tend to run more 'normally' here, much to the dismay of the ponies, who reguard it with fearful confusion.

In the end, it is, a guilty pleasure. I personally like the show. Its entertaining for me. And thats all that matters. Furthermore, the lessons on friendship the show presents are much more truthful, and useful, then learning to count to ten for the umpteenth time on Dora. (And don't even get me STARTED on 'Swiper no Swiping!') Thus, I'd much rather have my little sister watching this then that.

If you're firmly against cheesy song and dance numbers.....I'd still give it a shot. The songs themselves are surprisingly catchy, in my oppinion.

In conclusion, I'd like to point out that I'm NOT obsessed with the show. The only reason I know the episodes by number, is because I have a Wikipedia page open as I type this.


New member
Apr 15, 2011
Aidinthel said:
KoalaKid said:
I understand it to be a fad in the homosexual community.
I don't know that there really is a specific community for homosexuals. They're just people too, you know? And if as many gays like the show as you imply then clearly they have excellent taste.
I think that you can rightly say that there is a homosexual culture or (community) of course I am not implying that all homosexuals like the same things, but there has been fads, likes, and dislikes attributed to homosexuals such is the Wizard of Oz or several female singers like Tori Amos or lady gaga. I just thought it was something like that.


New member
Nov 30, 2009
It's a well written, well animated, funny show with surprisingly well rounded characters. It has incredibly high amounts of adorableness and the occasional catchy song. If the musical portions are a deal breaker, don't worry--there's only three long songs that I can think of. If the cuteness is a deal breaker, well...you can't mute or skip that.


Senior Member
Jan 4, 2011
Here are the first five episodes watch them and you will know if you like it or not.


Elite Member
Aug 19, 2009
Kipohippo said:
DJDarque said:
Kipohippo said:
DJDarque said:
Despite what other people might try to tell you, liking My Little Pony does not make you less of a dude. It has great writing, great animation, and excellent character. And it makes me happy. Do you need another reason than that?
As soon as you press play, you lose your mancard.
Troll elsewhere, please.
Are you fucking kidding me? Can I not express my opinion. What is not girly about a show based off pastel colored ponies? They even have toys. C'mon bro. At least admit its girly. Not to mention immature.
You know what's immature? Forgetting to pay the rent on your apartment and racking up huge late fees unnecessarily because you know your parents will bail you out of any financial trouble is immature. Waiting until your dirty clothes have formed a gigantic stinking pile around your overflowing hamper before even considering heading to the laundromat is immature.

I completely disagree with the idea that the kinds of media people consume has anything to do with "maturity". If an eight-year-old chooses to eschew cartoons and video games in favor of reading Edgar Allen Poe, William Shakespeare, and Charles Dickens, does that make them mature? No. If they can balance a checkbook, do their laundry, cook their meals, mow the lawn, and are investing their allowance in a Roth IRA, then we're getting somewhere as far as maturity is concerned.

Maturity is, among other things, being in control of your own life, and I don't see how sitting down in front of the TV for a Spongebob Squarepants marathon (or a My Little Pony marathon, for that matter) has any effect on that.

As for "girly", okay, I'll give you that. It's a pretty girly show. Deriving enjoyment from a "girly" children's television show is not going to make my penis turn black and fall off, revealing a moist, quivering vagina underneath. I do not need to spend all my time guzzling Muscle Milk and Budweiser, lifting weights, and sitting around in football jerseys debating the merits of Chevy trucks vs. Ford trucks with my deep-voiced, muscular, dick-possessing compatriots to be a man.

You are free to express your opinion, but claiming that people who find something enjoyable about My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic are somehow less mature and less manly then their peers who do not enjoy said television show suggests that you don't have a very good grasp on what "maturity" and "manliness" really are.

Now, if what you actually were thinking was something to the effect of, "I choose to disrespect you for your interest in a girly children's television show, because men enjoying such things is clearly outside the bounds of societal norms.", then I'd say you have a more valid point, and then I would respond by saying that 'societal norms' are needlessly restrictive and frequently nonsensical, and can go fuck themselves for all I care.

But since we're talking about opinions, here's one for you to consider: The idea that the possession of some ethereal "mancard" is essential to having respect among one's male peers probably has its roots in fraternities whose membership think of women as sub-human, existing only for the purpose of child-rearing and providing sexual gratification. These individuals no-doubt believe that behaving in any way similar to a woman makes you equally sub-human, and unworthy of respect.

Therefore, the idea that even attempting to watch a "girly" cartoon show makes you lose your "mancard" is extremely chauvinist, and really kind of stupid.

How's that for an opinion?


Occasional Gentleman
Apr 3, 2010
Ryu890 said:
Well said. Welcome to the Escapist, and congratulations on a very erudite first post.

If you haven't seen it already:

KoalaKid said:
...I was not previously aware that Lady Gaga was associated with homosexuals. Maybe it's just because I don't follow pop culture very closely.

Anyway, I can say that I'm certainly not gay and I rather like the show, and as far as I'm aware most of the active members of the usergroup are straight as well. We just feel comfortable enough with ourselves that we don't feel threatened by the girlyness of it.


New member
Aug 24, 2010
Myself, firstly I fell in love with the art style when I saw it as a YTPMV source. I then, tears streaming down my face, fought to make it through the intro theme (This was the third attempt). I then got into the actual episode and I haven't looked back.


New member
May 28, 2011
Baneat said:
My favourite part is having an index of tropes which children wont, and figuring out the entire plot to each episode as fast as possible, on average it took me to 3 minutes in.

Can also predict that with 3 sets of polar ponies (Pinkie-Twilight)(RD-FS)(AJ-Rarity) that there would be three episodes in which they would center the plot around the contrast.
Yeap... Watching the episodes (can't hate something without a reason), and it's really just average. Visually is probably the best part mainly just cause it's smooth. The plots are just pretty predictable and cutesy. I like it when shows get alittle dark, or when things fail from time to time or the status quo is changed even just alittle. There's no real tension, problem is introduced, it causes some issues and then it's all wrapped up.

I guess it's the same problem I couldn't stand the HALO franchise, way too much hype for something that doesn't deserve it. Enjoy it if you want, but I'm 4 episodes in and I'm going "meh" while at the same time seeing more and more jubilation about the series. And don't get me wrong, I've got my guilty pleasures too.

Sin city: Maybe 2 of the books have any decent writing, the rest are overly macho and darkangstybroodyblood with Larry-stews to boot. Offspring: A majority of their songs have the same tone, pacing and shitty lyrics.

AND, no matter WHAT I or anyone may think it's not as god awful as the Stephanie Meyers abortions. It's not trying to be a serious story, and there's not a plot hole every two steps. And for the most part characters act in an established way with their own quirks, which ends up (as Baneat said) meaning that the episode is going to go exactly how you think. If it had some twists, some character development from episode to episode (maybe some opposition/rivalries) I might enjoy it. But meh, I've already given the show all the time I care to spare. Now I'll just enjoy laughing at people who claim it's mature and should be taken seriously, as well as the people who are too afraid to look at moving pictures for fear that the girly gayness will overtake their macho blood.

Hristo Tzonkov

New member
Apr 5, 2010
JaceArveduin said:
Speaking of mancards, now why would I care if someone else thinks I'm not "manly"?

Course it's girly, doesn't make you not a man for watching it. It's cute and colorful, and as others have mentioned, it's rather nice to have when compared with all of the other serious business things floating around.
Indeed I'd rather admit I'm a little girly for watching MLP than trying to reinforce how manly I am with red meat,playing violent video games and watching Machette.I already enjoy the latter stuff and they don't make me a man so why should I be self conscious like everyone trying to bash the MLP fad,when I watch MLP?

Hristo Tzonkov

New member
Apr 5, 2010
Manwat said:
Baneat said:
My favourite part is having an index of tropes which children wont, and figuring out the entire plot to each episode as fast as possible, on average it took me to 3 minutes in.

Can also predict that with 3 sets of polar ponies (Pinkie-Twilight)(RD-FS)(AJ-Rarity) that there would be three episodes in which they would center the plot around the contrast.
Yeap... Watching the episodes (can't hate something without a reason), and it's really just average. Visually is probably the best part mainly just cause it's smooth. The plots are just pretty predictable and cutesy. I like it when shows get alittle dark, or when things fail from time to time or the status quo is changed even just alittle. There's no real tension, problem is introduced, it causes some issues and then it's all wrapped up.

I guess it's the same problem I couldn't stand the HALO franchise, way too much hype for something that doesn't deserve it. Enjoy it if you want, but I'm 4 episodes in and I'm going "meh" while at the same time seeing more and more jubilation about the series. And don't get me wrong, I've got my guilty pleasures too.

Sin city: Maybe 2 of the books have any decent writing, the rest are overly macho and darkangstybroodyblood with Larry-stews to boot. Offspring: A majority of their songs have the same tone, pacing and shitty lyrics.

AND, no matter WHAT I or anyone may think it's not as god awful as the Stephanie Meyers abortions. It's not trying to be a serious story, and there's not a plot hole every two steps. And for the most part characters act in an established way with their own quirks, which ends up (as Baneat said) meaning that the episode is going to go exactly how you think. If it had some twists, some character development from episode to episode (maybe some opposition/rivalries) I might enjoy it. But meh, I've already given the show all the time I care to spare. Now I'll just enjoy laughing at people who claim it's mature and should be taken seriously, as well as the people who are too afraid to look at moving pictures for fear that the girly gayness will overtake their macho blood.
Now that's valid opinion why you don't like the show and it's respectable.Although there are a few episodes that have a bit darker themes.Like Pinky Pie losing her mind in episode 24 or 25.

Small Waves

New member
Nov 14, 2009
Manwat said:
Now I'll just enjoy laughing at people who claim it's mature and should be taken seriously
You'll be dead after 30 minutes on Ponychan due to asphyxiation from laughing too hard.

But seriously, your post is one of the best "it's not for me" views on the show I've read. I adore FiM, but I would only refer to it as a "milestone" in terms of girl's programming. I enjoy it more than any other show out there at the moment, but I'm an objectivist. I'll admit to liking FiM more than Wakfu, Adventure Time, Phineas and Ferb, and whatever, but those shows are more creditable.


New member
Jan 10, 2011
I'm getting fed up with with it too. I think I'm starting to hate it more than furries, which I thought no one will ever overtake on my list of things I hate. I just don't get it and I never will. Now someone will respond with a Haters Gonna Hate image.


New member
Mar 3, 2010
Rayken15 said:
I'm getting fed up with with it too. I think I'm starting to hate it more than furries, which I thought no one will ever overtake on my list of things I hate. I just don't get it and I never will. Now someone will respond with a Haters Gonna Hate image.
That's far too passive, and we need to clear the air.



New member
Feb 21, 2009
Not G. Ivingname said:
godfist88 said:
perhaps this will answer your question: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JeJ6-gN0eB4
NO! The first two episodes sell the series short as captain planet meets the carebears! D:

This one is better starting point: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TDznA93l4wg&feature=related
I've never understood this hate for the first two episodes. It provides context for Twilight's mission in Ponyville, introduces the universe, and provides character development for the main heroines. Without them, the rest of the series would be ridiculously nonsensical and/or underdeveloped. They provide a stable foundation, and do a pretty good job entertaining whilst doing so.

Besides, if they're any combination of cheesy children's shows, they're so totally Power Rangers meets Sailor Moon. AND THAT IS AWESOME!

Kipohippo said:
It's a show for little girls that people try to justify for some odd reason. Tell me what is mature about ponies with tatoos of rainbows on thier buts prancing around singing about friendship. I mean, holy shit, other kids shows make fun of it for gods fucking sake.
It's mature because it knows how to be fun and not take itself ludicrously seriously whilst providing a show that, though suitable for little girls, can be enjoyed by all ages and genders. It doesn't talk down to its audience and has incredible talent behind it. If you think you're so damn good that you can simply write of MLP because of the brand attached to it and its fluffy nature, then, Hell, it may even be more mature than you.

Small Waves said:
Manwat said:
Now I'll just enjoy laughing at people who claim it's mature and should be taken seriously
You'll be dead after 30 minutes on Ponychan due to asphyxiation from laughing too hard.But seriously, your post is one of the best "it's not for me" views on the show I've read. I adore FiM, but I would only refer to it as a "milestone" in terms of girl's programming. I enjoy it more than any other show out there at the moment, but I'm an objectivist. I'll admit to liking FiM more than Wakfu, Adventure Time, Phineas and Ferb, and whatever, but those shows are more creditable.
I am not trying to be mean, but am honestly confused: what the Hell does that have to do with objectivism? I think you may be confusing objectivism with an objective point of view, which regardless of what Ayn Rand would have you believe, are two completely different things.