Kipohippo said:
DJDarque said:
Kipohippo said:
DJDarque said:
Despite what other people might try to tell you, liking My Little Pony does not make you less of a dude. It has great writing, great animation, and excellent character. And it makes me happy. Do you need another reason than that?
As soon as you press play, you lose your mancard.
Troll elsewhere, please.
Are you fucking kidding me? Can I not express my opinion. What is not girly about a show based off pastel colored ponies? They even have toys. C'mon bro. At least admit its girly. Not to mention immature.
You know what's immature? Forgetting to pay the rent on your apartment and racking up huge late fees unnecessarily because you know your parents will bail you out of any financial trouble is immature. Waiting until your dirty clothes have formed a gigantic stinking pile around your overflowing hamper before even considering heading to the laundromat is immature.
I completely disagree with the idea that the kinds of media people consume has anything to do with "maturity". If an eight-year-old chooses to eschew cartoons and video games in favor of reading Edgar Allen Poe, William Shakespeare, and Charles Dickens, does that make them mature? No. If they can balance a checkbook, do their laundry, cook their meals, mow the lawn, and are investing their allowance in a Roth IRA, then we're getting somewhere as far as maturity is concerned.
Maturity is, among other things, being in control of your own life, and I don't see how sitting down in front of the TV for a Spongebob Squarepants marathon (or a My Little Pony marathon, for that matter) has any effect on that.
As for "girly", okay, I'll give you that. It's a pretty girly show. Deriving enjoyment from a "girly" children's television show is not going to make my penis turn black and fall off, revealing a moist, quivering vagina underneath. I do not need to spend all my time guzzling Muscle Milk and Budweiser, lifting weights, and sitting around in football jerseys debating the merits of Chevy trucks vs. Ford trucks with my deep-voiced, muscular, dick-possessing compatriots to be a man.
You are free to express your opinion, but claiming that people who find something enjoyable about My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic are somehow less mature and less manly then their peers who do not enjoy said television show suggests that you don't have a very good grasp on what "maturity" and "manliness" really are.
Now, if what you actually were thinking was something to the effect of, "I choose to disrespect you for your interest in a girly children's television show, because men enjoying such things is clearly outside the bounds of societal norms.", then I'd say you have a more valid point, and then I would respond by saying that 'societal norms' are needlessly restrictive and frequently nonsensical, and can go fuck themselves for all I care.
But since we're talking about opinions, here's one for you to consider: The idea that the possession of some ethereal "mancard" is essential to having respect among one's male peers probably has its roots in fraternities whose membership think of women as sub-human, existing only for the purpose of child-rearing and providing sexual gratification. These individuals no-doubt believe that behaving in any way similar to a woman makes you equally sub-human, and unworthy of respect.
Therefore, the idea that even attempting to watch a "girly" cartoon show makes you lose your "mancard" is extremely chauvinist, and really kind of stupid.
How's that for an opinion?