Why Little Pony?


New member
Feb 9, 2011
Speaking as a person who was just recently converted to the pony side, the show is hilarious. I don't know why, but it just is. However, to compensate for the lack of manliness in the game, I have taken to playing the new Mortal Kombat while watching it. I have done the math and they cancel each other out :D

btw, Pinkie Pie ftw


Occasional Gentleman
Apr 3, 2010
Klarinette said:
I'm not sure I understand. You don't want to risk discovering that you like the show? But surely any potential new source of entertainment should be welcome.

Internet Kraken said:
My brain is collapsing in on itself and it is filled with fucking ponies. I haven't even watched the show and I feel like I know to much about it. Friendship is tragic.
C'mon, Kraken, give it a try. You never know what you might like.


Je suis joined jewels.
Jan 19, 2009
Kipohippo said:
It's a show for little girls that people try to justify for some odd reason. Tell me what is mature about ponies with tatoos of rainbows on thier buts prancing around singing about friendship. I mean, holy shit, other kids shows make fun of it for gods fucking sake.
There's nothing mature about it. Where'd you get that idea?


New member
Feb 9, 2011
Klarinette said:
I have no idea what the hell's so great about it... I'm afraid to investigate further, however, for fear of falling into it and never finding my way back, also known as coming to my goddamn senses. I have a tendency to do that with things I originally don't like; it's how my fandom for Pink Floyd developed when I wasn't looking.
lol that sounds like me a week ago. Sadly, I have fallen into the pit of ponies of which you speak. If you want to know why it's so great, it's just hilarious.

A Free Man

New member
May 9, 2010
Flippincrazy said:
It is a show that epitomises controversy. There are those who argue that their possession of male anatomy compels them to hate it (here you will see the "it's made for eight year old girls argument), those who have watched and simply dismissed it as another children's cartoon (reasonable) and those who say that it is indeed a highly watchable and entertaing cartoon. I tend to fall on the latter part, I find it very entertaining - and yes, I am in possession of male anatomy. Watch it (first two episodes are rather dull, however) to find out how you find it.

And yes, there are a few corny musical bits. But they are somewhat limited and are mostly bearable. The characters and the likes are worth enduring such things, however (in my opinion).
You seem to be forgetting one other group of people. It's a bit odd that those who like the show often forget that some others (that have male anatomy as you put it) just didn't like it because it wasn't entertaining to them. I have nothing against kids shows, I don't go out of my way to watch them but when I have little cousins over etc I have no problem watching whatever they want to watch. I just simply don't like the pony show, it is sort of boring and the "oh its corny but in a cute way" thing I just don't get at all. Corny is corny to me always will be despite how you dress it up.

Dr Pussymagnet

a real piece of shit
Dec 20, 2007
Don't buy into the hype. Don't get me wrong, it's an okay show, but that's the thing, its just okay, theres nothing special about it. Theres nothing wrong with liking it, but everyone seems to act like its Gods gift to cartoons.

Sinclair Solutions

New member
Jul 22, 2010
TheYellowCellPhone said:
Here's an image I made in MS Paint on the subject:

See that odd thing hanging in the top right corner of the site? That's a search bar. You'll be waist-deep in My Little Pony threads if you search for it. Read the answers there.
I believe you won this thread for making an image specifically to diss the OP.


Better Red than Dead
Aug 5, 2009
mazzjammin22 said:
TheYellowCellPhone said:
Here's an image I made in MS Paint on the subject:

See that odd thing hanging in the top right corner of the site? That's a search bar. You'll be waist-deep in My Little Pony threads if you search for it. Read the answers there.
I believe you won this thread for making an image specifically to diss the OP.
I was under the impression he had that handy for all MLP threads.

Harry Mason

New member
Mar 7, 2011
DJDarque said:
In a world that expects everyone to be so serious and mature, what is so bad about letting loose and being a little immature from time to time?

Seriously. Anyone who gets bent out of shape when other people have fun has probably forgotten how to have fun themselves.

Easton Dark

New member
Jan 2, 2011
Mydogisblue said:
Don't buy into the hype. Don't get me wrong, it's an okay show, but that's the thing, its just okay, theres nothing special about it. Theres nothing wrong with liking it, but everyone seems to act like its Gods gift to cartoons.
Well it's not the best, but it's damn good, and the images are the funniest I've seen in awhile.

Plus the community is nice. L4D2 brony games are a blast.


New member
Feb 28, 2008
We here at the Escapist have a long standing history of loving ponies.
Not liking ponies is Anti-ESCAPIST and will result in you having absolutely no poniocity.

Its the only really happy, positive thing that's become such a huge influence on people from the internet other than cute pictures of cats, it seems. People are having fun being nice on the internet.

Why dislike it if it has thousands on the internet change their philosophy to this:

Its not only a quality work of animation that does everything it sets out to do and it is extremely meme-able, making it loads of fun. Same reason Minecraft is so popular, except in fandom form.



New member
May 2, 2011
Why did I read this thread? I already knew what was on it yet I read it anyway. Ah the mysteries of life.


New member
Dec 23, 2010
I think its just one of those things that are not expected to be cool but end up that way.......

The fact that the show is, cute and pretty, but still addictive with such likable characters makes it cool.......It takes elements from what would be a good show : EG, Good voice-acting, Good writing, Good character's (as in likability and design) and mixes it with elements that would not usually be considered "cool" by most people : EG, lovely Ponies, colourful "ponyland" settings, suger, spice and everything nice (that kinda stuff).

And when they are mixed together they can create a really great show and something that is simply addictive, cool and enjoyable for a wide range of audiences, no matter the gender or age.....(lol that being said, why shouldn't anyone like ponies, or colourful stuff? I don't think your choice in a favourite animal or colour setting should determine your "manliness" or "maturity.")

Compare it to a badass demon/man, loving strawberry sundae's, on paper it doesn't seem like a cool thing, but when you think of Dante from Devil May Cry doing it, it just seems to work now doesn't it?


Occasional Gentleman
Apr 3, 2010
GingieAle said:
Why did I read this thread? I already knew what was on it yet I read it anyway. Ah the mysteries of life.
Even better, why did you then feel the need to post here, thus placing the thread back at the top of the list?


And the usergroup again, because the very existence of these threads proves that more people need to be told of it: http://www.escapistmagazine.com/groups/view/MLP-Friendship-is-Magic


New member
Jul 18, 2008
My favourite part is having an index of tropes which children wont, and figuring out the entire plot to each episode as fast as possible, on average it took me to 3 minutes in.

Can also predict that with 3 sets of polar ponies (Pinkie-Twilight)(RD-FS)(AJ-Rarity) that there would be three episodes in which they would center the plot around the contrast.

When twilight said there was a sixth unknown element, let's be honest, who didn't figure out what would happen by that point?


New member
May 2, 2011
Aidinthel said:
GingieAle said:
Why did I read this thread? I already knew what was on it yet I read it anyway. Ah the mysteries of life.
Even better, why did you then feel the need to post here, thus placing the thread back at the top of the list?
It is questions such as these that keep me up at night.


Occasional Gentleman
Apr 3, 2010
GingieAle said:
It is questions such as these that keep me up at night.
If it's that much of a problem you could always take some sleep meds. Who knows, maybe if you were better rested you could find an answer.

More ponies, because I feel like it:


Geeky Anomaly

New member
Feb 19, 2011
Actually, it's a bit beyond the capacity of toddlers. The show addresses such issues as racism and puberty peer pressure.

There's an episode where a very young pony is upset because she hasn't gotten her cutie mark yet, but all the other girls have ( a possible metaphore for a young girl developing more physically, we shall say). This show manages to address real issues that young girls will experience as they grow up; and it just so happens to do it with cute little ponies.

I love it when Fluttershy SQUEAKS.