Why the hate towards retake mass effect? All I see is hate.

Eddie the head

New member
Feb 22, 2012
Fappy said:
Zhukov said:
They didn't do themselves any favours with that name.

However, at this point I suspect a lot of the "hate" stems from people being just plain sick of hearing about the whole thing.
"Retake Mass Effect" is poking fun at "Retake Earth". How are people still missing that?! It's a joke!
I am going with the same reason that people still think Javik is Jamaican. It's not that people don't know it, it's that they don't want know it.


New member
Feb 11, 2011
How about we all shut the fuck up and stop talking about Mass Effect 3, how about that? That'd be loooooooovely. That about sums up my opinion, and probably many others.


New member
May 17, 2010
Fappy said:
Zhukov said:
They didn't do themselves any favours with that name.

However, at this point I suspect a lot of the "hate" stems from people being just plain sick of hearing about the whole thing.
"Retake Mass Effect" is poking fun at "Retake Earth". How are people still missing that?! It's a joke!
In fairness, if you were new to this whole thing, the name does sound silly. A bit of research explains it but of course, that's too much for some people. I think part of the reason why it was picked is the Retake crowd thought it was a cool name that fans would get. They didn't realize how much outside scrutiny would be placed on them.

Look I agree with them so I'm going to be biased but here are my reasons why.

A) Some members acted pretty crazy. This always happens with anything so it was bound to happen here.

B) Some people disagreed with them. and some of the people who disagreed with them were well, presenting really stupid and ignorant arguments (like MovieBob)

C) The fact it was everywhere tired people out.

Look with Bioware due to actually issue an official statement this month, I think it will wrap itself up but you can expect that when they do we will ahve it all over again for about a week, then it will calm down.


New member
Dec 12, 2010
Maybe because they are "retaking" something that isn't rightfully theirs, and can't seem to accept an ending that isn't to their liking.


I'm in your mind fuzz
Sep 26, 2010
Cant read the thread..because of spoilers (havnt finished yet)

but just then...foolishly I was looking up imagies of mass effect

I see this one of male shepard holding his rifle bad-ass like..ok then..I click to enlarge

I also learn that its somhow related to retake mass effect (cought some text somwhere)

so enlarged its an image of shepard holding his rifle..excpet he's just kind of standing there with this glazed look on his facr

and his eye..isnt there


it seriously creeped me out...I know its porbably spoilers so It cant be explained to me..I just had to say though cause I was seriously fucking creeped out by that


The Laughing Arsehole
Dec 29, 2009
Vault101 said:
Nothing happens to Shepard's eye.

Well... not until the scene with the spiders anyway.

Can you link the picture?


New member
Oct 31, 2011
I don't exactly 'hate' the Retake Mass Effect movement,I just don't approve of them.
First of all, Retake Mass Effect sounds like the biodrones OWN the game, and that Bioware 'took' it.I mean, how do you retake something that isn't yours to begin with?
Also, the movement is very childish, if you don't like the ending, tough shit, join the bandwagon & cling on to the Indoctrination theory for now, that is the best you can get.
And I love the way people think Bioware animator, coders, etc.. can just wave their magic keyboard and conjure up a new ending, it isn't that easy,Think of all the time of a hard working animator/coder you are wasting because you didn't particularly like the ending.
Just because you don't like something, doesn't mean you have to go apeshit & demand a replacement.


"You're not cleared for that."
Jan 30, 2012
Slash Joel said:
Why the hate?

All the group has done is mailed cupcakes, donate to charity, and their lasted plan to make 1000 paper cranes to send to Bioware and they make it clear that the aim not to grief any side. They must be the most horrible of villians out there.

They don't deserve the hate for wanting the end changed.
No, they don't deserve hate for wanting the end changed or for the things you listed. They do deserve some dislike (at least on my part) for some of the members being way too vocal, let's call it vocal, in their dislike for the ending. Others almost took off on a crusade against all BioWare/EA. And they flooded the forum here with ME3 threads. Actually they flooded it with ME3 comments everywhere.

So, what I'm saying is, the stuff you listed is fine, but that's ignoring the people who overreacted which, in turn, annoyed outsiders.


New member
Feb 3, 2010
FalloutJack said:
Oh, so more of the same, then? I see. Well, since my girlfriend was fucking ecstatic about it, I'm going to just say that other people should reconsider their thinking. Mostly because RUINED FOREVER people are ridiculous.
Well, y'know. I knew a girl in university who thought "The Macarena" was an awesome fun song. Doesn't mean it was. Our individual, anecdotal reactions to things don't amount to much, and no one needs to 'reconsider their thinking' on issues of art appreciation so it's more like yours.

Something Amyss

Aswyng and Amyss
Dec 3, 2008
Bhaalspawn said:
That game you liked had a disappointing ending. A lot of narratives turn out that way.

Quit pitching a big hissy fit over the whole thing. It had a bad ending, get over it.

Do you feel better now, having railed against a completely distorted notion?


New member
Apr 6, 2005
Because I don't think gamers need a higher sense of entitlement. When I saw the thread "What should we retake next?" show up I wanted to kill something. I'm not too happy about the ending, but god damn it didn't invalid the other 130 hours I spent on that Shepard over all three games, and that's not counting my other files. Also as mentioned "Retake" makes it sound as if it was ours. No, we didn't make it, it isn't ours. The cupcake thing? Pure childish. The only good came out of the donation, which apparently some idiots believed was toward changing the ending instead of charity. That says a lot.
Would an expanded ending be welcome? Yes, preferably along the lines of the indoctrination theory.
Do we need to give gamers the idea that they are allowed to change whatever they don't like? Hell. No.


New member
Aug 6, 2009
Mass Effect 3 has received a great deal of hate because Bioware promised a trilogy of games where your actions would dictate how the story unfolded and the choices you make would ultimately affect the ending of the game.

They "delivered" this promise by making an ending where you die. There was no renegade or evil option where you say "fuck this" and leave everything alone. The only outcome was you killing yourself.

Unless you did the 100% good ending where you might not die.


New member
Feb 16, 2011
Everyone I see who dislikes the RME movement does so for one of three reasons - 1, they dislike the more childish people who are complaining about it. 2, they don't understand the name or the reasons for it (mostly critiques who incorrectly assume we're annoyed because shep dies and its not happily ever after) or 3, they are the people who need to take an opposite viewpoint to feel superior to everyone else.

Thats pretty much the only reasons.

Now, I could understand if the whole movement was full of childish death threats and other vitriol, but the majority of the movement has been creative, beneficial and supportive.

Cupcakes? Genius idea, showcasing in a nice way the problem with the ending.
Charity drive? Well, we cared so much about the game Bio made, that we donated over $80,000 to a charity to help kids... if thats not dedication then nothing is.

Still, as someone pointed out above, haters gonna hate. Most people who feel the need to "hate" on the movement are doing it for hatings sake. If they truly didn't care, they wouldn't be commenting.

Capcha: hand over fist

How appropriate.


New member
Feb 18, 2011
The hate towards Retake Mass Effect was mainly because of the crazy rage filled fans that were only spewing profanities out of their mouths...and keyboards.
Combine that with the ones that donated to charity only to ask for their money back. It sucks but this small portion of the group is how other people are seeing everyone as.

Non-gamers who heard about this (from news sources and such) mainly "hated" because they thought gamers/fans were just throwing another hissy fit. There is still a stigma when it comes to being labeled a gamer, but that's beside the point.

Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go see that "Mass Effect 3 and Art Envy: Reaping What They Sow" video someone posted here.


New member
Aug 9, 2009
Because if you want really, truly great stuff, you need stuff that disappoints you. And gamers need to learn to scrub the sand out of their crevices and accept that.

Criticism is fine, weird attempts at trying to make everything fit exactly what you want aren't. I mean, has anyone actually considered the fact that they could change the ending and everyone would still hate it? Then what? Do we retake Retake Mass Effect?

Yes, they raised money for charity, good for them - that's not the point of debate. They're not impervious to criticism on one level because of their actions on another.