Why you should play fighting games


New member
Aug 28, 2008
Smithnikov said:
Dreiko said:
Lol that guy sounds like the type of person the FGC makes fun of, never mind idolize.
I dunno man, I read the chats on this guy's videos, those aren't rubberneckers in his box, they're legit fans, and like DSP, he's impressing someone enough to keep the money coming.
I think those people are either very young or are more laughing at him and not with him. Either way, that's not any local community I've ever visited and I've been to both coasts.

Lufia Erim

New member
Mar 13, 2015
Dreiko said:
Hey, what's your opinion On Grand blue fantasy versus? I played about 2 hours of the closed beta this morning. I know you are the " anime fighters" expert around here and was was wondering about your initial impressions if you would be so kind.


New member
Aug 28, 2008
Lufia Erim said:
Dreiko said:
Hey, what's your opinion On Grand blue fantasy versus? I played about 2 hours of the closed beta this morning. I know you are the " anime fighters" expert around here and was was wondering about your initial impressions if you would be so kind.
Haha, I have a video of my session from this morning uploading as we speak.

So, the game is kind of "baby's first fighter" but in a good way. It's very easy and simplistic on a cursory glance but it has depth to it. Initially I was fighting people who didn't know how to play fighting games at all and the matches were ending SUPER fast, like under a minute for both rounds. Eventually I ended up running into some good players and those fights were a lot of fun.

It has a lot of "polarizing" systems such as easymode inputs and a block button but then you realize your moves have much less cooldown if you do em manually so it's actually horrible to use the easymode inputs and the guard button is mainly there just for the dodge and roll as well so overall those are not real issues or concerns. Anyone worried they're making the game too easymode in that sort of way has nothing to fear, hell, this game has Instant Blocking with timing exactly like in GG. Also, I like how EX specials don't use meter but just make the cooldown longer, it's effectively infinite ex specials if you use them early on during a combo and then let them recover during the duration of the combo.

I used Lancelot in this beta and fought everyone other than Gran so the char variety feels great as usual. It's something that I take for granted from arcsys nowasdays but it's still worth noting how each char plays completely nothing like anybody else. You have the whip girl with her pets, you have the midget who slashes all over the place like a cannonball, you have the rapier girl with the fast projectiles and super armor and you have the teleporting ninja knight with wall jumps and command fastfalls and full screen crossups and so on. Lots of variety for a beta with just 5 chars available that's only 30% done.

Lufia Erim

New member
Mar 13, 2015
Smithnikov said:
No thank you. Any community that lionizes and encourages people like Low Tier God is one I want nothing to do with.

Also, if I want the non stop of experience of getting repeatedly beaten and humiliated over and over by people far above my skill level, I'll sign on to MMA.
LTG is actually a pretty competent SF player. Not Pro sponsorship level, but he could be if he buckled his as down and stop being a clown. He's a pretty big meme even in the FGC, and he is kind of an asshole, but most of that is a persona. Kind of like hate/troll clicks. People love a villain.

However 99% of people ( offline) aren't like that, and you mostly get shunned if you do behave like him in tournament/meet-ups.

Lufia Erim

New member
Mar 13, 2015
Dreiko said:
Lufia Erim said:
Dreiko said:
Hey, what's your opinion On Grand blue fantasy versus? I played about 2 hours of the closed beta this morning. I know you are the " anime fighters" expert around here and was was wondering about your initial impressions if you would be so kind.
Haha, I have a video of my session from this morning uploading as we speak.

So, the game is kind of "baby's first fighter" but in a good way. It's very easy and simplistic on a cursory glance but it has depth to it. Initially I was fighting people who didn't know how to play fighting games at all and the matches were ending SUPER fast, like under a minute for both rounds. Eventually I ended up running into some good players and those fights were a lot of fun.

It has a lot of "polarizing" systems such as easymode inputs and a block button but then you realize your moves have much less cooldown if you do em manually so it's actually horrible to use the easymode inputs and the guard button is mainly there just for the dodge and roll as well so overall those are not real issues or concerns. Anyone worried they're making the game too easymode in that sort of way has nothing to fear, hell, this game has Instant Blocking with timing exactly like in GG. Also, I like how EX specials don't use meter but just make the cooldown longer, it's effectively infinite ex specials if you use them early on during a combo and then let them recover during the duration of the combo.

I used Lancelot in this beta and fought everyone other than Gran so the char variety feels great as usual. It's something that I take for granted from arcsys nowasdays but it's still worth noting how each char plays completely nothing like anybody else. You have the whip girl with her pets, you have the midget who slashes all over the place like a cannonball, you have the rapier girl with the fast projectiles and super armor and you have the teleporting ninja knight with wall jumps and command fastfalls and full screen crossups and so on. Lots of variety for a beta with just 5 chars available that's only 30% done.
Yeah i played about 2 hours this morning. I played only with Charlotta.

I will admit i had fun with it. It is definitely the " slowest" Anime fighter iv'e played. Not that that' a bad thing.It felt to me like " anime Street fighter".

Having said that i do like the idea of "cooldown skills", it is novel at the very least and pretty tactical at most.

I didn't get to explore the "combo" system too much, and i would have loved to have a chance to " lab it out". i watched a couple of " pro matches" and you can tell these guys had practices sessions with other guys testing the game mechanics.

I think the game will be fun, i'm going to pick this one up on day one, i have been itching for a fighting game, and this one seems like it's going to be active on launch. It should tide me over at least until the PS5 releases it's launch Fighting game ( Please be Guilty gear!).

Thanks for the reply! If you have a link to your session i'd def be interested in checking it out!


Renowned Latin Lover
Jan 30, 2009
Smithnikov said:
No thank you. Any community that lionizes and encourages people like Low Tier God is one I want nothing to do with.
Low Tier God is seen as being an absolute joke though, on the same level as Darksydephil when he used to compete.

My personal limited experience with the FGC has been all in all positive, though there is definitely a hygiene problem in it.


Elite Member
Nov 15, 2012
For the singleplayer content, they're (generally) absurdly expensive for the value.

Couch co-op is fun. But most of my friends are out of town, conflicting schedules, etc.

Maybe there's places with internet good enough to not make the concept of online play a joke, but it ain't where I am. Its the same reason I stick away from twitchy low TTK FPSes. Latency makes the whole concept of competition at those speeds a joke.


New member
May 7, 2016
Lufia Erim said:
He's a pretty big meme even in the FGC, and he is kind of an asshole, but most of that is a persona. Kind of like hate/troll clicks. People love a villain.
I haven't seen any indication that this is anything but his personality, but even if it is, that's an indictment against the community if this is the behavior that's rewarded. People love assholes? I don't want to be around those people.

you mostly get shunned if you do behave like him in tournament/meet-ups.
The man got a spot on the national stage, on TV no less. If that's shunning, then hand me the big A to sew on.


My flask is half full
Nov 18, 2010
Dreiko said:
Smithnikov said:
No thank you. Any community that lionizes and encourages people like Low Tier God is one I want nothing to do with.

Also, if I want the non stop of experience of getting repeatedly beaten and humiliated over and over by people far above my skill level, I'll sign on to MMA.

Is he a streetfighter person?

Legit never heard of him and I've put thousands of hours in the genre. (this is a good point to highlight the fact that fighters have a lot of sub-genres, each its own enclosed environment with its own separate community, there is crossover of course and some people play a lot of stuff but you don't wanna think of the community as a monolith.

hanselthecaretaker said:
Dreiko said:
Love fighters, I've been competitive for over a decade now but I played em for a good decade or more before that point, I used to play a bit of everything but I got competitive with the first Blazblue game so from then on I focused more exclusively on those kinds of games like Guilty Gear and Undernight in birth and arcana heart and so on. ATM I'm on the closed beta for the new Granblue Fantasy fighting game, super excited for it! Not a fan of 3d games or stuff like MK especially, since they tend to have shallow mechanical depth and use mechanics that for a lack of a better terms mask button mashing too much and all of their supposedly original ideas are ripped off from other games that were innovative at the time but were hardly recognized. (for example, the 3 different styles of character introduced in MKX was actually already a system of the Melty Blood series from the mid 2000s)

Oh and it's a complete myth that you need an arcade stick to play games with directional moves and special command inputs. I have never owned one and I always played with the default playstation's controller (sixaxis, ds3, ds4) yet have won tons of money and various tournaments and local gatherings and what have you. You still need to practice just as much with a stick too. Also, the practice it takes to just become able of doing the attacks whenever you want to is nothing at all compared to every other thing you need to learn to play the game effectively so if you stumble there you weren't gonna make it far either way anyways. If you can't figure out how to time a series of directions effectively, you won't be able to figure out how to abare through pressure or how to instant block, never mind learning to react to overheads and what have you.
True, but it also depends on the game. There are a lot of people who are very proficient in SF that struggle with having to actively block or time combo strings in something ?simple? like MK due to the difference in mechanics. I personally also have played the more recent SF?s mainly on a projector with 67ms input lag best case, which makes the strict timing all that more difficult to comply with.

Learning curves will always vary from player to player but it ultimately boils down to how much time one is willing to invest in any given game. Even the latest MK takes a lot of time to reach a competitive level. It also has one of the most comprehensive tutorial systems I?ve seen, even though it still only touches upon a bit of everything. More fighters should start including something like it to help players adjust to their own respective mechanics.

I don't know about SF much either since the last one I played was vanilla sf4 back before I was competitive (which happened when the first BB came out, about a year later) but from what I know with MK, there's no hitconfirming and the way cancels work make it so that you wanna input your string ahead of time so you can't visually react to what your foe is doing mid-string and alter your input cause if you try to time it like that the input will be too slow and nothing will come out. It feels very limiting.

Oh but of course there's other things to learn and those take a lot of effort too, I'm just coming into this from an arc system works style angle (the general "airdashers" subgenre) and pointing out the things that stand out to me.
Hit confirming has been in the last several MK games but because of the way strings are entered it?s different than other fighters where you can typically hit confirm with normals. Basically it?s knowing whether to continue a string, end it early or cancel into a special depending on the opponent blocking or not.

This video [https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=tmWD3Op36oM] basically explains how they work in MK11, and how string timing can vary between characters, which also affects what you can use to hit confirm. What the opponent is doing ultimately depends on their respective frame data [https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=bU-ZnnKJclI], or at least knowing which of your attacks are safe to try hit confirming from.


My flask is half full
Nov 18, 2010
To shift gears a bit, Shang Tsung is back! [https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=iPzzzg6u3Zc] Along with some other welcomed regulars and surprises yet to come. Really wanting to try out Sindel, Nightwolf and hopefully the Terminator.

Lufia Erim

New member
Mar 13, 2015
Smithnikov said:
Lufia Erim said:
He's a pretty big meme even in the FGC, and he is kind of an asshole, but most of that is a persona. Kind of like hate/troll clicks. People love a villain.
I haven't seen any indication that this is anything but his personality, but even if it is, that's an indictment against the community if this is the behavior that's rewarded. People love assholes? I don't want to be around those people.

you mostly get shunned if you do behave like him in tournament/meet-ups.
The man got a spot on the national stage, on TV no less. If that's shunning, then hand me the big A to sew on.
Yeah, He's a good player. He's not just some asshole. He could beat 95% of Street fighter players. Look i'm not defending his attitude, but skill > personality in a competitive scene, this is also true for sports.

I have no idea, why you would pick out the player with the worst attitude and assume the entire community is like that. And even then, that's only one of the many Fighting games communities.

He was also on this "reality tv show" The:League. You know how these shows are, you need "a villain", and LTG was definitely that. To garner views.

Look if you not interested in the FGC that's fine. But comparing the entire FGC over literally dozens of games to one asshole is disingenuous at best.


New member
May 7, 2016
Lufia Erim said:
Look if you not interested in the FGC that's fine. But comparing the entire FGC over literally dozens of games to one asshole is disingenuous at best.
Not if that asshole get's rewarded and has a fanbase, no, I don't think it is disingenuous. When people refuse to have matches with him, give him money, and he gets blacklisted over the genre, then I'll buy the rhetoric.

I do the same to video gaming as a whole thanks to us supporting Darksyde Phil, too.


Trump put kids in cages!
Mar 8, 2011
I really love (some) fighting games. I love Mortal Kombat (though 11 lacks any of my mains), I love Street Fighter. I have loved Soul Calibur, and I loved Tekken 6.

But I am also good at them. People who are bad at them, I think it is understandable to not like them. The most fun are fights where you win, but barely, yet fairly. Cheap tactics and getting wasted suck, and I don't fault people for not liking it.

I don't like 'anime' fighters though. They never seem to have any depth and tend to be spammy and overly flashy.


New member
May 7, 2016
Another thing; what the hell actually IS considered fair playing in FG's anymore? Everyone blame lag. Every character is a "trash" character. Every single strategy and method seems to get criticized as being "Garbage ass" and "Playing off my brain, I do all the work". I thought that was the POINT of a competitive game? To find and exploit weaknesses in one's technique? Why participate in something competetive where nothing is considered valid?

I got enough reasons to be ashamed of my genetics without people in video games regularly streaming to the world about it.


My flask is half full
Nov 18, 2010
Smithnikov said:
Lufia Erim said:
Look if you not interested in the FGC that's fine. But comparing the entire FGC over literally dozens of games to one asshole is disingenuous at best.
Not if that asshole get's rewarded and has a fanbase, no, I don't think it is disingenuous. When people refuse to have matches with him, give him money, and he gets blacklisted over the genre, then I'll buy the rhetoric.

I do the same to video gaming as a whole thanks to us supporting Darksyde Phil, too.

I think the FGC to take the higher ground and collectively ban him from competing until he learns how to at least act like a decent human being.


My flask is half full
Nov 18, 2010
Smithnikov said:
Another thing; what the hell actually IS considered fair playing in FG's anymore? Everyone blame lag. Every character is a "trash" character. Every single strategy and method seems to get criticized as being "Garbage ass" and "Playing off my brain, I do all the work". I thought that was the POINT of a competitive game? To find and exploit weaknesses in one's technique? Why participate in something competetive where nothing is considered valid?

I got enough reasons to be ashamed of my genetics without people in video games regularly streaming to the world about it.

Back in the arcade days, people fought side by side and there was a tangible air of respect and camaraderie present. Now they hide behind tv screens and headsets, which tends to bring out the worst in human nature. How ironic it is that in a time when more people are ?connected? than ever before, the exact opposite seems to be far more prevalent.

It?s also a big reason why MK has been my favorite in the genre, and perhaps now more than ever. It?s never hurting for outstanding single player content.
Sep 24, 2008
Smithnikov said:
Lufia Erim said:
Look if you not interested in the FGC that's fine. But comparing the entire FGC over literally dozens of games to one asshole is disingenuous at best.
Not if that asshole get's rewarded and has a fanbase, no, I don't think it is disingenuous. When people refuse to have matches with him, give him money, and he gets blacklisted over the genre, then I'll buy the rhetoric.

I do the same to video gaming as a whole thanks to us supporting Darksyde Phil, too.
So, are all FPSers/Battle Royalty (I just made that up!) supposed to answer for Dr. Disrespect and his antics? In the game and in his personal life?

The indie game players must rally together and apologize for Markiplier and PewDiePie?

Moba players will once again regain creditability once they denounce Pink Sparkles and her rage ways, I gather.

Every scene has assholes. And they'll have a crowd of people who are also assholes themselves, or people who just love to see a trash fire. You call them what they are. Outliers. You move on and see what else is out there.

Because for every LTG, I can name a Smug, a Spooky, A Gootecks, a Woolie, a Maximilian, A Tasty Steve, a Sajam, a TKbreezy and EE, and more.

Hate him all you want. A lot of us in the community do. But don't paint us all the same because we haven't... Look, I don't even know what we could do? Prevent him from buying video games? There are more videos about him being a horrible sport and mocking his temperament than there are of his actual game play.


New member
May 7, 2016
ObsidianJones said:
So, are all FPSers/Battle Royalty (I just made that up!) supposed to answer for Dr. Disrespect and his antics? In the game and in his personal life?
If they act like that and still get fans and money for it, yes. Same for Pewds, Mark, and Pink. OR AT LEAST STOP REWARDING THEM.

Look, I don't even know what we could do? Prevent him from buying video games?
Refuse to play him. You see one of his tags, drop out right there. Give him nothing.

In any other competitive sport, people like him would be blacklisted, teams would refuse to hire him. He wouldn't be playing in any level or setting where people actually pay money to see it.


New member
May 7, 2016
hanselthecaretaker said:
Back in the arcade days, people fought side by side and there was a tangible air of respect and camaraderie present. Now they hide behind tv screens and headsets, which tends to bring out the worst in human nature. How ironic it is that in a time when more people are ?connected? than ever before, the exact opposite seems to be far more prevalent.
I notice that too. Yea, there was some bad behavior at times, but if people behaved like LTG or DSP, their asses would not just end up beat, they'd get banned from every arcade they tried that shit in. I've seen it happen personally if they got insufferable. We were a mean bunch, but we have a code of civility if only because the threat of getting your teeth knocked in or the arcade staff throwing you out kept the worst shit in check.

Instead, we give money to those people now. What the fuck?!


Nascent Orca
Jun 21, 2012
Gordon_4 said:
I like them, but my DSL isn?t good enough to play very well online. So I just play the story mode and play against friends when the opportunity arises.
You've just gotta get NBN bro. Fix all your problems