You say mentally unstable, I say able to understand the difference between impact they have in a completely virtual space and in reality. Isn't the ability to grasp the difference between reality and not reality a sign of a more stable brain.
Evidence please.
You're really comparing every online griefer to a convicted serial killer? To point out how utterly silly that statement in would be a tad redundant I think.
1: Im not talking schizophrenia, although they can cause great harm in any situations if they dont understand the implications of their actions are or in a paranoid state. I was refering to the group of people that range across the labels of Sociopath, Antisocial, Dissocial, and Psychopath. They can tell what their impact is in a virtual space, and are will aware that it causes real stress, annoyance, and in some cases even outright anguish in real people on the other side of the moniter. Which is why they act as they do.
2: Ted Bundy was my evidence that psychopaths hurt people in reality. But if you dont believe its a real problem look here ( at the criteria set forth (n the DSMIV) to help diagnose one of the four i just listed.
I also suggest reading Snakes in Suits, The Mask of Sanity, or The Sociopath Next Door to get an idea of how pervasive and these sorts of people and the harm they cause is.
3: Ok, how about this. All griefers and trolls who feel no remorse for their actions have the potential to do so. Most wont. I figured you were smart enough to figure out that i wasnt making an absolute statement about what they would do. I was wrong it seems.
Conversely, when a lass I've been friends with for five years tells me something about me, I do listen
But if she told you that you were a horrible person, would you feel ashamed?
If she threatened you with a knife what would you do? Feel fear? Rage? Sorrow?
The fact that to even listen to her (you make no mention of caring for her or of not hurting her) you feel the need to put on the requirment of knowing her for five years....