Will someone please explain why hitting a girl is bad but hitting a guy is fine?


New member
Jul 18, 2010
I would say this topic comes from you being mad about being beat up by a girl and not being able to defend yourself, is this in the ballpark?

More OT: Women are generally perceived as being weaker, sometimes they are and sometimes they aren't. It's a stereotype, but it's one of the few that I think benefits society as a whole.


New member
Sep 5, 2009
Czargent Sane said:
wrong. strength and size mean a lot less than what people believe. strength helps, there is no denying that, but skill, determination, cleverness, and though I personally distain it, brutality, make much more of a difference. in regards to brutality, no matter how much muscle a guy packs on, his eyes and groin dont get much more resilient.

its not my fault if one chooses to be unable to fight. If you cant fight, learn to fight or just dont fight. because if you fight, I will treat you as a warrior

1. no. I would fight and die. what else is there? why would I want to offset his advantage? I want to beat him at his best! with no handicap or obstruction! there would be no other recourse. I would not want the help of anyone else. you can tell me i cannot defeat him, but there is only one way to determine that. I beat him, or I die. there is nothing else.

2. he will not win forever. more men like me will challenge him. there will be a man or woman standing in his path everywhere he goes. anywhere he seeks to subjugate others. those men you speak of led cursed lives, ever were there knives waiting for them in the hands of the defiant, or other men like them

3. and? we all die. my death is of no concern. I will never allow death to be a deterrent in itself. I am not fearless, far from it. but I am absolutely uncompromising. if I come upon that situation, then i am going to face the challenge. my death, my victory, it does not matter. the fight is important. the fight is what matters. I dont care what happens, I face an obstacle, attack it with all the strength I have for as long as it takes, and move on.

does this mean that if I ever meet an evil master martial artist who feels like pushing me around, I will die? if I cant beat them. I wouldnt have it any other way.
Alright, Miyamoto Musashi! Let's return to the realm of reality for a minute.

We're not living in feudal Japan here, where all the characters know how to fight and the word "warrior" in reference to yourself doesn't sound really silly. We're living in 2010, and not everybody has the money for karate lessons. You should be able to speak your mind, whether you are a man or a woman, without having to worry about some jerk smacking you for it. And unless you hold pretty firm to the idea that violence against those weaker than yourself is Wrong (with a capital 'W'), there is going to be some guy who gets mad and beats a woman because she outwitted him. You can make the argument that there are exceptions, and you can point to rare cases where women have physically beaten men, but by and large it is just a good rule of thumb for men to hold to: don't hit girls.

And why are you bragging about how brave you are on an internet forum for a game website? I don't want to make assumptions about you, but if I had to guess I would say you are probably in your early to mid teens, really want to take an asian martial art but haven't started yet, and have never been in a fight where there was any chance of real physical injury. Because the only "warriors" who would brag to strangers on a message board that they don't fear death and that they would insist on beating a hypothetical opponent at his best and wouldn't have it any other way are ones who watch an awful, awful lot of anime. But I might be wrong...


New member
Aug 14, 2010
Ithos said:
If you want to know a real reason, you have to read up on some MaleVsFemale psychology litterature, that is written by REAL psychosists and not the "self help" kind. Aside from millenia of guys and girls basicly having different societies where they live and thus different rules to abide by, there's a lot of psychology behind the whole thing.
It's going to take a lot more than the "equality between genders" wave to get this out of our systems.

I never really read too much up on that. I was raised a gentleman, so I'm already in the "hitting girls are wrong" grouping, and I'm fine with that :)

There's also the upperbody strength and fair fight side to the debate, but if your really need to hit someone your either a prick or in trouble anyways.
there is never such thing as a fair fight especially if you are taking differences of strength into consideration as then one person will always have the upper hand or be willing to fight dirty etc so this whole its not ok because theyre weaker notonly offends me because of my refusal to be sexist, but also because fights rarely comes down to a difference of upper body strength and anyone who believes so hasnt really been in a scrap, it usually comes down to who the better fighter is, or who is willing to "cheat" (not that its possible to cheat in a fight in my opinion) more

Czargent Sane

New member
May 31, 2010
Helmutye said:
Czargent Sane said:
wrong. strength and size mean a lot less than what people believe. strength helps, there is no denying that, but skill, determination, cleverness, and though I personally distain it, brutality, make much more of a difference. in regards to brutality, no matter how much muscle a guy packs on, his eyes and groin dont get much more resilient.

its not my fault if one chooses to be unable to fight. If you cant fight, learn to fight or just dont fight. because if you fight, I will treat you as a warrior

1. no. I would fight and die. what else is there? why would I want to offset his advantage? I want to beat him at his best! with no handicap or obstruction! there would be no other recourse. I would not want the help of anyone else. you can tell me i cannot defeat him, but there is only one way to determine that. I beat him, or I die. there is nothing else.

2. he will not win forever. more men like me will challenge him. there will be a man or woman standing in his path everywhere he goes. anywhere he seeks to subjugate others. those men you speak of led cursed lives, ever were there knives waiting for them in the hands of the defiant, or other men like them

3. and? we all die. my death is of no concern. I will never allow death to be a deterrent in itself. I am not fearless, far from it. but I am absolutely uncompromising. if I come upon that situation, then i am going to face the challenge. my death, my victory, it does not matter. the fight is important. the fight is what matters. I dont care what happens, I face an obstacle, attack it with all the strength I have for as long as it takes, and move on.

does this mean that if I ever meet an evil master martial artist who feels like pushing me around, I will die? if I cant beat them. I wouldnt have it any other way.
Alright, Miyamoto Musashi! Let's return to the realm of reality for a minute.

We're not living in feudal Japan here, where all the characters know how to fight and the word "warrior" in reference to yourself doesn't sound really silly. We're living in 2010, and not everybody has the money for karate lessons. You should be able to speak your mind, whether you are a man or a woman, without having to worry about some jerk smacking you for it. And unless you hold pretty firm to the idea that violence against those weaker than yourself is Wrong (with a capital 'W'), there is going to be some guy who gets mad and beats a woman because she outwitted him. You can make the argument that there are exceptions, and you can point to rare cases where women have physically beaten men, but by and large it is just a good rule of thumb for men to hold to: don't hit girls.

And why are you bragging about how brave you are on an internet forum for a game website? I don't want to make assumptions about you, but if I had to guess I would say you are probably in your early to mid teens, really want to take an asian martial art but haven't started yet, and have never been in a fight where there was any chance of real physical injury. Because the only "warriors" who would brag to strangers on a message board that they don't fear death and that they would insist on beating a hypothetical opponent at his best and wouldn't have it any other way are ones who watch an awful, awful lot of anime. But I might be wrong...
you know, if you do not want to make assumptions, then dont do it. especially after saying you dont want to make assumptions. as I am not interested in arguing or talking extensively about my own life, I'll just leave it at that.
also, hitting someone over words is wrong to begin with, and I already mentioned that I possess neither a lack of fear nor a large amount of bravery. it would seem what I possess is no more than a massive amount of stubbornness in matters concerning violence and personal oppression. and for another matter, my "bragging" about my determination only stemmed from your hypothetical situation, to which I gave a honest reply.
this being said I generally break off a discussion once the other party starts speaking more about me than the issue, so see you around.


New member
Oct 9, 2008
FargoDog said:
soulsabr said:
Oh yes, and women NEVER abuse their guys, right?
Not to the point men do, and female abuse is far more common. One in five women claim they've been abused domestically, while only one in ten men claim they have been.

And in case you think I'm bullshitting, here are statistics [http://www.nspcc.org.uk/Inform/research/statistics/domestic_violence_statistics_wda48736.html]
Doesn't matter if you are trying to BS me or not, statistic only tell you what the statistician want them to. At best they point to a possible correlation but nothing beyond that. Besides, you forget that when people do surveys such as "does your wife beat you" they rely on honesty. Well, guys arn't quite as forthcoming about being abused as women are for basic ego reasons. And third, women are every bit as vicious as guys are so I don't buy the "not to the point men do" argument for a second. Sure, they don't have the raw power we guys do, but a golf club more than makes up for that in a pinch.


New member
Aug 26, 2009
FargoDog said:
soulsabr said:
FargoDog said:
There are guys who will hit their girlfriends for no other reason than to show dominance and blow off steam, because they think they can get away with it. That, in my opinion, is just cruelty.

If a girl is genuinely attacking you there's no reason not to hit her back, but abuse against women is something I can't stand.
Oh yes, and women NEVER abuse their guys, right?
Not to the point men do, and female abuse is far more common. One in five women claim they've been abused domestically, while only one in ten men claim they have been.

And in case you think I'm bullshitting, here are statistics [http://www.nspcc.org.uk/Inform/research/statistics/domestic_violence_statistics_wda48736.html]
Emotional abuse is primarily the form of abuse women inflict upon men rather then hurting them physically, and no i don't have a statistic to show you because it's rather hard to show a statistic for a form of abuse that men are coached to just deal with all there lives.

Men are much less likely to report being emotionally abused by there wives. Hell who would you even call about that and be taken seriously?

Physical and emotional abuse are both serious problems. Problems that men can't easily escape. Problem's that were told were just supposed to deal with. I mean can you imagine a guy standing before a judge and pressing charges for his wife calling him an impotent failure everyday? For hitting him over the head every time she doesn't like something he did?

"Well she isn't giving him black eyes!"

Yeah? Have you ever been struck repeatedly in the back of your head. Over and over. Only able to awkwardly smile about it because showing the fact it fucking hurts would get you sneers. Only to be mocked publicly later for talking to your wife about it? It might not be black eyes, but its still abuse. It still hurts emotionally and physically, and its hard to get it taken seriously if you have a dick.

Its impossible to tell a true number of men and women victims of either forms of abuse.

Our society cheers on women for reporting abuse while giving a dirty eye to any man who can't deal with his wife hitting him or insulting him. We live in a society where a women is empowered for coming forward and a man is shamed for it.

When the day comes this changes this can be spoken about with more accuracy. Till then either side trying to say it is more of a seriouse problem on their end is blowing smoke, because there is no hard proof either way. Women are more likely to speak up because they are encouraged by society to. Men are encouraged to stay quiet about it because, as they say, Men Should be Strong.

All that can be said its bad for either group, and to say its worse for either particular gender is insulting to the victims on the other side.

nuba km

New member
Jun 7, 2010
eggy32 said:
don't know how old this thread is so I quoted you. I will give a small rant before my answer.

My answer is because women a treated better. oh I know that woman are abused and other horrible things but since feminists I find that woman are treated better:
1.) sexual abuse, quite a heavy topic to begin with but think about it how many times to you hear about a woman sexual abusing a man. Now I know that men to sexual abuse women more but not nearly at the proportion to what the news reports. also women can be much more sexual towards men and not be called a whore (what I consider the female equivalent to pervert) just think about it a large number of 40 year old men wanting to sleep with a 16 year old girl now that is perverse but 40 year old women wanting to sleep with a 16 year old boy now that's twilight.
2.) clothing, think about it we call men that were "women's" clothing a transvestite and you can say that's weird and even unnatural but if you said it is weird or unnatural for a women to were "men's" clothing your either old fashion.
3.) generalization, it is fine to say that men are normally less emotional and you say that generalising men people say yes but it's true, while if you say that women are weaker a lot of people will say that your generalising women and that's offensive.
4.) jobs, pretty much the same thing that I said about clothing but with jobs instead of clothing.

That's all the points I can think of now but to properly answer your question people are afraid of taking things away from women which were only given to them because they were thought of as lesser but because it's an advantage feminist don't care about it. people say you don't punch a women because they are more fragile but if you say women are weaker it's like "that is so offensive" or they say it's because they feel more pain but yet they also say that women can injure more pain. the thinking that women aren't meant to be punched lead to situations of guys being sued for pushing a women after she punched them several times and the think is the women most of the time win the law suit because of that type of thinking. if I ever get sued for that type of thing I can use doctor notes showing that I have and incredibly low pain threshold (seriously my arm got numbed and I got blood taken normally most people don't get there arm numbed and they say it's only a prick but for me it hurt like hell) to show which person is fragile.

nuba km

New member
Jun 7, 2010
Czargent Sane said:
I just want to say that you either are a samurai or someone acting "deep" to seem impressive I say this because your writing doesn't seem natural I know not every bit of writing on these forums is natural it has more thought in it so it doesn't seem stupid but your writing seems really forced just say what you think not what a poet worrier thinks also don't use the word worrier unless you have been in a live or death fight being a worrier is not just you thinking deep thoughts while fighting people it's being able to fight for your believe with your live.


New member
Nov 18, 2009
Violence isn't the answer. What you do is goad the other person, male or female, into attacking you. Then you sue/report them for assault, and they either give you/the government money or go to jail. Aside from being the smart and legal response, since a fight is techinically illegal (at least in America), if everyone used this as their first resort then random stupid fights would decrease. We're civilized humans, not boars.


The One Who Protects
Oct 22, 2009
eggy32 said:
For some reason people seem shocked by the fact that I'm as willing to hit a girl as I am to hit a boy, why is this?

Is it not sexist to say that girls cannot be hit by us guys? After all, males and females are apparently equals, so why does this not apply to violence.
Funny story I heard from a female Officer. This takes place in Iraq

Female soldier goes out walking one night by herself. Three (now former) male soldier jump her and try to rape her. She fights off all three, leaving the males very battered and bloody (I should mention that the female soldier is a black belt in multiple forms of martial arts). Then she reported the attack to the MPs. Last I heard the three male soldiers were still in Ft. Leavenworth (the military prison that is their).

Moral of the story, Army women can kick some serious A**.


New member
Nov 18, 2009
Kagim said:
Men are encouraged to stay quiet about it because, as they say, Men Should be Strong.
That's not being strong, that's being a doormat. A strong man would come forward, or leave the relationship. Of course, I'd never abuse someone, physically or emotionally, so I guess I don't have to worry about that happening.


New member
Nov 16, 2009
I like Christopher Titus' little piece on his abusive girlfriend.

Here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8nDfaUnCPGk#t=2m30s

"I don't think a man should ever hit a woman...'til the fifth time she's cracked him in the face."


This name was cool in 2008.
Feb 11, 2009
Because no matter how much people want to say we're equal, we're not. It's either equality or chivalry, one has to go, and no one's prepared to say it should be chivalry.