Will someone please explain why hitting a girl is bad but hitting a guy is fine?


New member
Jan 9, 2010
As many have pointed out already, women are generally weaker than men, women are more valuable to the human race than men (in the longer run, at least on the biological level), and in the western culture (again, generally) it's a moral crime to strike women, no matter the reason, and amount of force behind it.

Self-defence is one thing, since in that situation, the attacker has surrendered social norms of etiquette and respect for other people, again, no matter the reason.
However, the defender has a moral obligation not to use more force than reasonable to make sure he is unharmed (that -greatly- differs depending on the situation, experience and readiness of the defender). Using more force than necessary is most of the time (don't quote me on this one) just as illegal, if not moreso, than assault.

I'm just grateful that I've not gotten into a fight- I'd probably beat that fucker's jaw out of joint.

Disclaimer: I do not desire to do the statement above. End Disclaimer.


New member
May 11, 2010
Cause we are big man! with muscles! and women are tiny! with small muscles! so they stand no chance!.

But really 40% of domestic abuse cases are the woman attacking the man.


New member
Oct 28, 2008
Housebroken Lunatic said:
Hitting ANYONE is bad PERIOD, unless one does it in self-defense.

If I feel threatened by a woman (which might not be as likely as me feeling threatened by a man of course, but that doesn't mean it couldn't happen) I will respond with lethal force just as I would do against a man...
.....you would respond with lethal force if you only felt threatened?....thats slightly excessive lol
OT: Its just generally frowned upon, i find it reprehensible to hit a girl unless im getting attacked, just the way things are.


New member
May 12, 2009
Withall said:
As many have pointed out already, women are generally weaker than men, women are more valuable to the human race than men (in the longer run, at least on the biological level),
Why?? In my opinion men and women are both equally valuable.
Why would women be "worth" more (for lack of a better word)
and in the western culture (again, generally) it's a moral crime to strike women, no matter the reason, and amount of force behind it.
World is a mirror. You hit me, I'll hit back. Well.
I don't care who I have in front of me.

The chances of me starting are small though

Self-defence is one thing, since in that situation, the attacker has surrendered social norms of etiquette and respect for other people, again, no matter the reason.
However, the defender has a moral obligation not to use more force than reasonable to make sure he is unharmed (that -greatly- differs depending on the situation, experience and readiness of the defender). Using more force than necessary is most of the time (don't quote me on this one) just as illegal, if not moreso, than assault.
Just keep fighting back until the other stops. Then I stop as well

I'm just grateful that I've not gotten into a fight- I'd probably beat that fucker's jaw out of joint.

Disclaimer: I do not desire to do the statement above. End Disclaimer.
Same :)


Brushie Brushie Brushie
Mar 14, 2008
If a girl does something that would cause you to hit a boy, then it is fine to hit them.
They are all for equality anyway.


New member
Jan 23, 2010
girls are usually weaker then guys and even if hitting a girl wasn't frowned upon, its messed up.


New member
Jul 29, 2009
Marter said:
Males are usually stronger. They can do more damage.

That's the way I look at it anyway.

And it's a societal thing. It has always been worse, so that thought is in people's minds.
You have obviously never been kicked in the stomach before.
That's right, it doesn't even have to be aimed at the nuts.
But I guess I wouldn't go as far as punching a girl. A slap should be more than enough.
Slapping (well, more like hitting with the palm but whatever) somebody in bar brawls so hard that it sends them tumbling over a table is somewhat of a local unicum in Hungary.


New member
Aug 10, 2009
Dahni said:
eggy32 said:
Dahni said:
eggy32 said:
Dahni said:
Girls are generally weaker than guys. It might not always hold true but most guys can often underestimate their own power and hit harder than expected.

Sure, I'll punch guys as a joke, on the arm or whatever, but it literally never hurts them. Guys have punched me before, as a joke, in the same way, thinking they're hitting me as hard as they hit me, but it's often painful as fuck, and i'm left with a bruise and my eyes get all watery.

I don't even think men & women can be equal. We're superior to each other in different ways so being equal is impossible.

I reckon that women are generally treated with more respect by decent men because we're the reason the human race continues as it does. Think about it. You exist because of your mother, a woman. Your mother exists because of her mother who exists because of her mother, and so on, all the way back to the beginning of humans. Humanity owes everything it has to the women of the world.
Did you forget that those women exist because of men?
Women can easily just tell men to fuck off. It's purely our choice to put our bodies through hell in the name of creating new life. Just saying. Having a baby is no easy task. While I haven't had one, I've certainly been told that it can be traumatising. The birth is the worst pain you'll ever feel without being in a freak accident. The fact that there's every chance there could be a miscarriage (which is a million times worse for a woman than a man, because our bodies have been nurturing this tiny being just to have it die inside us)...

Caveman days, the guys wanted sex and enjoyed it. For women it was having sex and then having a baby. They may have enjoyed it at the time but 9 months and hours of pushing to bring a baby into the world is no small feat.

If we wanted to, I don't doubt that women could end the human race. These days, we can have all the sex we like and never produce a child.
What does that have to do with my point? You said that women are the reason the human race exists as it does. You seem to be forgetting that women and men play an equal part in creating human life and continuing our race. Males could end the human race the same as females can, you know.
Guys probably enjoy sex far too much to decide to just give up on it. We enjoy it too but if we decide we don't want to spend 9 months with a massive belly, essentially baking a tiny human, we don't have to. Every form of contraception there is, is to prevent pregnancy. Some prevent STDs too but in general its to avoid pregnancy. The pill, condoms, abortions, etc. etc. are all ways for women to avoid getting pregnant. If a man gets a woman pregnant, he does only have to be there for maybe an hour for the actual sex... Whereas if the woman is compassionate and keeps the child that's at least 17 years of her life gone. 9 months carrying it before it's born then 16 years of paying vast amounts of money and spending lots of time caring for it, raising it to be a decent person, and even then she could have to look after it for a few years after that. 16 is just the age in the UK where the parents no longer have a responsibility over the child... men avoid those responsibilities a fair bit more often than women do. Divorces, for example. The children stay with the mother the majority of the time. 50% of marriages end in divorce, chances are there'll be kids involved there somewhere, and (this is a guesstimate) probably about 90% of the time, the kids stay with the mother.
The first statement is in my opinion a very good point, but as I read on the arguments become increasingly based on mere assumptions. "Guys probably enjoy sex far too much to just give up on it", what does that have to do with anything? Didn't you just mention contraception? Males can have sex without anyone becoming pregnant, and therefore have the same ability to end the human race if they want to.
Given the nature of both men and women, this case is highly unlikeley though.

More to the point: I don't consider it okay to hit anyone, unless in self defense. If it's self defense you also have to consider how threatened you actually are and respond with appropriate force.


New member
Aug 18, 2009
In my case it's because the chance of a very embarrassing outcome is pretty big :p
But it's likely because in most societies men have always been the "warriors" and women were weak and defenseless.

Travis Higuet

New member
May 19, 2010
WanderFreak said:
I love how the arguments FOR generally include things like "men are physically stronger than women" or "woman have less upper body strength."

So you're saying ALL women are weaker than men?

Oh, you're not? Some are stronger?

Well then you don't have an argument.

If hitting one is fine, hitting the other is fine. I'm not advocating going around hitting people for no reason, but if you give me a reason, male or female, I will put you down.
Unfortunately for you, it is you that has no argument. Men are rarely weaker than women, and on top of that men are more likely to be more physically oriented. These are generalizations, and are not ALWAYS true, but are true often enough as to make arguing to the contrary pointless. You argue that because men aren't ALWAYS stronger, then men and women are therefore essentially equal in this regard, and you are therefore fully justified in using the maximum amount of force each and every time you feel threatened. Such a statement is ridiculous, and seems rooted in the idea that men and women are just giant blocks of people, rather than individuals. You are looking at it like MEN, and WOMEN are just two different entities, and while one is stronger most of the time, it isn't true all of the time, and that this makes the fight fair. The reality is that the words MEN and WOMEN encompass billions of INDIVIDUALS, who must be judged on their actions individually. So your argument that because some women are stronger than some men, then it is ok for any man to hit any woman when threatened, is worthless and cowardly.I'm not suggesting that there is no time when striking a woman is justified. I'm not saying that it isn't possible for a woman to be in a position to threaten a man, or his family with violence. Of course that is possible, and when such a situation arises, whatever force necessary must be used. But it is never something that should be done outside of absolute necessity.

It is unfortunate that modern feminism has managed to degrade the human male's natural instinct to protect those members of the species less capable of protecting themselves. It's to bad that so many men have been convinced that if you have eyes, and notice that men and women are in fact NOT the same (identical is not a synonym for equal), that makes you a chauvinist. I reject the hard feminists notion that a woman must be like a man in order to be equal to a man. Sorry, kinda went off subject a little there... Was just recognizing a trend, and identifying what I believe to be its root.

Emily Boogades

New member
Jul 6, 2010
The same as hitting a child? Are you on crack?

The primary viewpoint held by most society is that women are weaker than men, as a general rule. Yes. Because a woman who spends all of her day running or working out is going to be weaker than a guy who spends his entire day on the computer, playing games.

Strength and ability to fight are subjective and measuring them purely by gender is stupid. I'm a girl and I had a guy punch me in the face once hard enough that he almost dislocated my jaw. I was in middle school and I had provoked him into it, so I recognized it as my fault - and he didn't get in trouble for it because it was MY FAULT.

I think hitting anyone unprovoked who may be weaker than you is a cowardly thing to do. I think the stigma about not hitting women comes from when Christianity overtook most other religions, including those that were actually matriarchal in nature, and started teaching the idea that women were weak, fallible little creatures that needed to be locked up and protected.

Women versus men, physically, may be a matter of adaptation over time, in that case, but in reality, it's as much a matter of what a person does as what gender they are. A weak man versus a strong man will most likely have the same outcome as a weak woman versus a strong woman. A strong woman versus a strong man or a weak woman versus a weak man isn't really something that can be figured out just by looking.

If you start shit with somebody, you should have to pay for it.


New member
Mar 28, 2009
Probably because most cases of violence against women have been males asserting their dominance over somebody who is physically weaker. Nobody wants to be associated with that, and rightly so.


New member
Apr 7, 2009
all these women saying "Equal rights" then complain about men hitting them. Fuck right off, you want the perks of equal rights? Then take the shit too.


New member
May 19, 2008
Ah, this is all bullshit.
I hit my girlfriend regularly.
Now for some clarifying statements.
She and I hit each other as a joke, with each of us still receiving bruises. It's just fun and we get that.
Now if one of my female friends were to strike me in a real "fighting" sense, then it's fucking on and she'll be in a hospital bed, friend or not. As soon as someone hits you, all bets are off and gender, race, disability, and so on go right out the window. Hit back, and hit harder.
I'm off to go strike my girlfriend while she attempts to break my arm, see ya!