Will you forgive Bioware if they bomb ME3?


New member
Dec 8, 2010
I still haven't forgiven them for DA2- I have no problem with them turning it into an action RPG, I have a problem with them releasing a half arsed tepid underdone bucket of slop.
And to me ME3 was announced far too quickly after the second one for the chance of it not turning out similarly to be anything other then minimal.

Atmos Duality

New member
Mar 3, 2010
Since ME3 is almost certainly using Origin, I won't be buying it to start with.
Though if I was...well, yeah. I'd forgive them, but I'd be more wary about buying their products in the future.


New member
Sep 28, 2010
With ME1 being a buggy as hell, and the...quirks of ME2, I could forgive a bomb of ME3. ME2 was a huge let down, the gameplay was solid, a definite upgrade from ME1. But the story, the entire game is one main quest, with most of the side quests being to recruit your "team" which allows you to upgrade your ship and not die. The side missions are limited to their recruitment and loyalty missions. If they can take the characters and plot from the first game, with the gameplay and mechanics polish from the second, should be a good game. Cant be any worse than Halo 3 or Killzone 3 were.


New member
Oct 14, 2009
Don Savik said:
blindthrall said:
No. In fact I might bomb them.
kman123 said:
Only if they make KOTOR 3
Ya got me there, even though ME is the better series.
How so exactly? Romance options? you prefer third person gunplay over d20 combat? Just curious, not insulting or anything.
I'd prefer first-person gunplay over anything. Mostly just because ME feels like the more complete series, plus it's an original IP. If KOTOR 2 had actually had an ending, from what I've seen of it, it may have very well been the better game. Plus I like how ME is slightly more grounded in reality (biotics vs. the Force-at least biotics are handwaved). I guess my problem with KOTOR mostly stems from the Star Wars franchise itself- beyond the fact that there's only so much KOTOR could do and still stay canon- Star Wars never really felt 'alien' enough to me. It's fantasy tropes with spaceships instead of horses, the Force instead of magic, lightsabers instead of swords(although I would kill to be able to go full melee in ME). ME makes you really appreciate the scope and wonder of space, whereas KOTOR just treats it as a scenery change. In ME, you deal with some truly strange alien intelligences, like the rachni and the geth, to say nothing of the Reapers themselves. And the Sith can't really compare as a threat to the Reapers, since the Sith by their nature aren't a united front-even if they win, civil war will destroy them.

As far as companions, while overall companions are better in ME(Wrex, Garrus, Mordin, and Legion are the best, I really don't give a shit about romance characters, since it seems all the characterization is ultimately focused around their genitals), none of them really compare to HK-47. One of the best robots ever.

Having said all that, I still really love KOTOR. ME1>KOTOR>ME2>KOTOR2. I'll just have to see where ME3 fits in.


New member
Nov 19, 2007
Zack Alklazaris said:
But they haven't ended. All the relationships you've been in are coming back in ME3. If you had more than 1 relationship you should prepare for some sleeping on the couch.
Umh... didn't know that and all I can say is oh cr*p.


New member
Dec 8, 2010
As possibly the only person who liked Dragon Age 2, I think Bioware could be forgiven if they bomb ME3. Unless they completely fuck it up by having Shepard become a Reaper or something like that. That could never be forgiven.


New member
Jul 16, 2011

(In all seriousness, depends on how badly they bomb it... If it's just bad I could probably move on. If it's atrocious, then I will cry myself to sleep at night and never buy another BioWare game again. It would hurt too much. Except maybe Dragon Age 3.)


New member
Jul 29, 2009
Sure. People make mistakes. Forgiving them for crushing your hopes seems hard, but you'll get used to it quickly.