Will you forgive Bioware if they bomb ME3?


New member
Oct 25, 2010
Nomanslander said:
zama174 said:
Fuck no.. After making ME1 and 2 so amazing if they some how bombed Mass Effect 3, I would never buy another game of there's. Why? Because they would have crushed my soul, and that is a wound time cannot heal.
Personally speaking, if it can heal from the blasphemy that were the SW prequels and the last Indy movie, a soul can heal from anything. lol

As for the OP, could I forgive? Sure, but never forget! Although from what I've seen ME3 seems to offer everything I can hope for. A return of weapon/gear upgrades, better TPS, mele, AND YES EVEN MP (hey, it'll be fun). So I don't have much to worry about. But what I am a bit worried about is the direction the plot might go. Considering how the Reapers have been built up, I'm worried Bioware will cop out, get lazy with the story and end the series with a deus ex machina. That would blow! -_-
My soul has not healed from that... DAMN YOU LUCUS!


New member
Mar 7, 2011
Certainly not after Dragon Age 2. Mayyyybbbbbbeeeee if they redeem the series, but only with good reviews. My heart is still healing from Dragon Age's death.


New member
Mar 7, 2011
Don Savik said:
the ego in this thread is hilarious

they will have to earn MY trust back because MY heart will be crushed because I had a deep relationship with a masked clawed foot chick and a blue chick Q_Q they are my favorite games evar and I demand it to end according to my satisfaction!

People, especially bioware fanboys/girls, lets just take a chill pill and calm down. We have other games to play if its turns out not that great. Its not the end of the world.

Try visiting the Bioware forums. After Dragon Age 2 ( and arguably a few months before) every one was crying about how crap it was.

But to be fair, so was I. It is the developer's property, but if your parents (if you still lived with them. If not, when you did) sold your house and bought a cabinet to live in, you'd complain, but it was THEIR house.


New member
Nov 19, 2007
Me? Nah. But my wife already crossed them out. In her eyes they botched ME2. She was extremely unsatisfied with the conclusion to the romantic threads for her femshep.

She thinks I had it real good (with Miranda) and all of her romantic endings sucked.

Don Savik

New member
Aug 27, 2011
blindthrall said:
No. In fact I might bomb them.
kman123 said:
Only if they make KOTOR 3
Ya got me there, even though ME is the better series.
How so exactly? Romance options? you prefer third person gunplay over d20 combat? Just curious, not insulting or anything.

Dr Jones

Join the Bob Dylan Fangroup!
Jun 23, 2010
Ruwrak said:
CarrionRoc said:
If they had the entire trilogy planned then there would be no way to drop the ball barring publisher interference and even then it'd be EA's fault.

But if they just give us a shit ending with an excuse to make another trilogy or more sequels, then yes (e.g. God of War III and Halo 3).
Well the ending is all up to you isn't it?
Completely correct. Shephard may die. Though of course they could just say that the "everything is sunny in California" ending is the canon, and base sequels off that.


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Jul 10, 2009
Use_Imagination_here said:
equalplatinum said:
I've never gotten into BioWare games, even though everyone loves them. Therefore, for me, it would be good if they did screw it up. At least, in the eyes of the fans cause that means they might make something I will actually want to play.
That's a bit incredibly selfish, don't you think?
Yeah I do :)


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Jan 22, 2010
BioWare hasn't been making good RPG's since KOTOR, but I've enjoyed all of their recent games quite a bit for what they were. (Yes, even Dragon Age 2)

As long as it's fun, has a better main story than 2 (Which isn't much of a selling point, as ME2's main plotline was terrible) and good gameplay, ME3 will be alright in my book.


New member
Dec 29, 2009
i havent really enjoyed a bioware game since baldurs gate. i hated kotor and was let down by dragon age origins. mass effect was pretty good but the sequel started to bore me after about 2 hours. my expectations for bioware are pretty low so they could turn mass effect 3 into a card battle game and it wouldnt really effect my opinion of them


New member
Sep 15, 2009
Dr Jones said:
Ruwrak said:
CarrionRoc said:
If they had the entire trilogy planned then there would be no way to drop the ball barring publisher interference and even then it'd be EA's fault.

But if they just give us a shit ending with an excuse to make another trilogy or more sequels, then yes (e.g. God of War III and Halo 3).
Well the ending is all up to you isn't it?
Completely correct. Shephard may die. Though of course they could just say that the "everything is sunny in California" ending is the canon, and base sequels off that.
Or they pull a Assassins Creed on us.
Make a trillogy then start a new series based on or as a spinoff from Mass Effect.
Assassins Creed you ask? Well AC 1 was a lone standing part, AC 2, AC:B and AC:R are a trillogy. After AC:Rev is going to be AC3. How do I know? Eh... Intuition I think?


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Nov 7, 2010
Zack Alklazaris said:
Lets face it, when it comes to sequels to video games they tend to disappoint and don?t even get me started on trilogies. Now I can?t speak for everyone, but Bioware has been my favorite company for years. Aside from Dragon Age 2 it has never really disappointed me at all. With that being said

Would you forgive Bioware if they bombed Mass Effect 3?

For me I would have to forgive them. It wouldn?t be easy, but they have done so well in the past that they would deserve a chance to make it up somehow.
Nope, I've preordered the big kit and caboodle, so, I'd never forgive them, I think I've put 100-110 bucks into that game, and I want it to melt my face when it comes out. Lock myself in my room Friday night, and by Monday morning know the story of the trilogy.

Look, they sort of get a pass on ME2, but enough fans (like me) have kicked up a fuss about the removal of most of the RPG elements, so hopefully they'll add them in, fix some of the gameplay back steps, and it could be the holy grail.

If they fuck it up, its unlikely I'll ever give them another cent. Mind you, I did join the ME band wagon later than most, I started to play ME2, so wanted to rush through ME1, but it was so awesome, then I did ME2, and was less impressed so...



New member
Feb 4, 2009
If BioWare drops the ball on ME3, I absolutely will not forgive them. Mass Effect has become their biggest franchise, and they're obviously putting a lot of resources into it, even at the expense of other franchises... *eyes Dragon Age II with utter hatred*

At this point, ME3 has been set up to be possibly the most epic video game of all time, story-wise. Heck, the story that will unfold seems set to rival even some of the most epic films of all time. Unfortunately, this means that BioWare has written a pretty big check that they might have trouble cashing.

My biggest worry is the implementation of past decisions. I liked the idea in ME2, but felt that it was largely superficial and didn't really do much to change my experience on a deep level. Unfortunately, given the gravity of some of the choices made in ME1 and 2 (the rachni, the reaper ship, the geth, etc.), BioWare is going to have to craft one hell of a lot of major branches into the story to accomodate every possible combination. It's an unprecedented undertaking in interactive storytelling, and as much confidence as I have in BioWare, I'm not sure if they can pull it off and still make Mass Effect 3 the epic conclusion that it needs to be.


Elite Member
Mar 29, 2011
No, I would not forgive them. It would show that they have become just another generic company these days, at least IMO.
They stuffed up DA with #2, they have said RPGs are no longer important (Hey, guess what you got your fans by making...), they are releasing an MMO instead of KotOR3... There is a list of bad decisions here, all somewhat recent. If this is a continuing trend, then I'm out.

Zack Alklazaris

New member
Oct 6, 2011
imagremlin said:
Me? Nah. But my wife already crossed them out. In her eyes they botched ME2. She was extremely unsatisfied with the conclusion to the romantic threads for her femshep.

She thinks I had it real good (with Miranda) and all of her romantic endings sucked.
But they haven't ended. All the relationships you've been in are coming back in ME3. If you had more than 1 relationship you should prepare for some sleeping on the couch.

Iman Shumpert

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Oct 19, 2011
Mass Effect 1 and Mass Effect 2 can stand on their own in my eyes if ME3 bombs. However I am with the masses in hoping Mass Effect 3 will be the cat's pyjamas.