Will you forgive Bioware if they bomb ME3?


New member
Mar 2, 2011
What do you mean by forgiving them? Will I continue to play their games? As long as they interest me and get good reviews, I will.


Not actually a Japanese pop star
May 26, 2011
Don Savik said:
Small snip

People, especially bioware fanboys/girls, lets just take a chill pill and calm down. We have other games to play if its turns out not that great. Its not the end of the world.
That's too logical for "fanboys". The way I see it these days, coming mostly from Bioware "fanboys" and Sonic the Hedgehog "fanboys", is that they're actually incapable of liking the product that they're a "fanboy" of.[footnote]I keep using quotation marks because I believe that "fanboy" is a derogatory term, as true fans don't get outraged by such petty, stupid things like "OMG MASS EFFECT 2 HAD BETTER COMBAT AND SLIGHTLY LESS RPG ELEMENTS OMMGGGGGGGGG ITSTHEWORSTGAMEEVAR!"[/footnote]

OT: There's nothing I need to forgive them for. I never played Baldur's Gate or Neverwinter Nights, I liked Neverwinter Nights 2 despite it not being made by them, I like KoTOR and KoTOR II, despite the second being buggier and having that insane ending due to, again, not being made by Bioware. I've enjoyed Dragon Age: Origins and Dragon Age II, I enjoyed Mass Effect despite clunky combat, abysmal inventory organization, pointless weapon mods, and mostly useless skill levels, and I absolutely loved Mass Effect 2 despite it being "dumbed down for the masses" (meaning good combat and a functional cover system, very little inventory management, no weapon mods, and skills that actually had an effect outside of "This gives you an extra 2% on that stat!")

People need to stop being so irrational and thinking that every little change to something is a personal attack against them. It's a damn game, and in the era of "Brown, dusty, realistic shooter XIV", it's a damn fine series that actually adds some complexity to the overall shooter genre.


New member
Feb 6, 2009
There is literally almost nothing that Bioware can do to lose my trust other than a trend of significantly shitty games over a long period of time. Even if they botch ME:3, they have won my loyalty and trust time and time again. But more specifically I would buy ME:3 even if it sucks balls just to fund Bioware. Do you know why?




New member
Oct 7, 2007
zama174 said:
Fuck no.. After making ME1 and 2 so amazing if they some how bombed Mass Effect 3, I would never buy another game of there's. Why? Because they would have crushed my soul, and that is a wound time cannot heal.
See, I agree with the overall sentiment ("fuck no") but not for the same reason. I've been increasingly underwhelmed with them since Knights of the Old Republic. The shit they'd need to do to take my feelings from "meh, almost passable" to "good" is pretty overwhelming. I'm already prepared to ignore ME3 entirely if it forces me to use Origin to play it. If it bombs? Especially after Dragon Age 2? Ho boy. You can bet there'll never be another Bioware game on my shelf again.


New member
Jan 8, 2009
ZeroMachine said:
Yeah. I would. Why?

Because I don't judge a developer on one fuck up. Yeah, one. I loved Dragon Age 2.

Plus, what if their next game is the greatest they've ever made? The greatest game EVER made? Would all you naysayers forgive them then or would you be stubborn as usual and try and rip the game apart?

I'm honestly unsure. All I know is that if that happened, I'd be laughing.

When it comes to ridiculously blanket statements such as "I'LL NEVER FORGIVE THEM FOR RELEASING A SUB-PAR PRODUCT!" people are either assholes or hypocrites when a better product comes out.

And this is coming from an optimist.

I've played more DA 2 since all of the hullabaloo when it came out and storywise (which Bioware always have stated was their main point) it is damn good. Especially Anders story, and with that particularly if you played through Awakenings. Google characters with character: Anders to see what I'm talking about here. DA 1 is still my flat out favorite game, and while I didn't feel captivated by the gameplay mechanics, the story was still good.

ME3 will be very good, if its not mind blowingly awesome, that is alright. I still hope to look at the complete trilogy and view it as people about 10 years older than I view Star Wars.


New member
Apr 18, 2011
I know better than to put faith in a game developer, so I probably would not get mad at them in the first place. Been disappointed too often to really expect everything the hype brings.


New member
Apr 16, 2008
I'm not getting my hopes up. After what they did to Mass Effect 2 (and according to my friends, what they did to Dragon Age 2 -- I haven't played it yet) I'm not exactly expecting a masterpiece.

ME3 just looks like more ME2, so I'll just do what I did with that game: play it for the story, and then GTFO.


New member
Mar 15, 2011
Racecarlock said:
Scorekeeper said:
Racecarlock said:
Probably, but then again I'm not really interested in mass effect after completing the first one and not buying the second. Face it guys, it's the plot of halo, but replace "Halo" with "Reapers" and "Flood" with "Geth" and "Covenant" with "Reaper slaves I guess" and you pretty much have the same story but with dialogue and side missions. And dating. It was never that smart or cerebral. People say 2 was "Dumbed down" but dumbed down from what, exactly? Because all I got with mass effect 1 were some shooter levels with weapons selection and upgrading and a dialogue system where talking is about as exciting as looking at a wall painted two different colors and picking your favorite and side missions which never got more complex than shooting something, shooting a boss something, and a fetch quest followed by more shooting. It's not an action RPG, it's a shooter with bells and some geology homework on it.

Because that makes sense. Halo's story is the same as the Lord of the Rings, but replace "Ring" with "Halo" and "Uruk-hai" with "Flood" and "Covenant" with "Saruman". They pretty much have the same story, amirite? It's not like the biggest similarities are purely superficial, what with both being sci-fi with aliens, humans, ancient races and what have you.

OT: I highly doubt they'll botch it. If they do, and it's genuinely bad (worse than DAII), I'll be severely disappointed. ME3's the only game I'm looking forward to more than Skyrim.
Hey, I'm just stating my opinion honestly. What, is criticizing mass effect not allowed here? Or is it brutal honesty? I just didn't like mass effect very much, and complaining about it won't change my mind.
I'm perfectly fine with criticism. Just make a valid point next time, mkay? Texture issues, occasional bugs and technical problems are valid, and some people don't like morality meters. The combat wasn't particularly refined, leading me to prefer the gameplay of ME2. I can name more reasons not to like it but a Halo-derived story? lolwut


New member
Apr 9, 2010
Zhukov said:
jFr[e said:
ak93]My biggest fear is that EA pulls an EA and makes it an Origin exclusive and gives Steam the cold shoulder... that would suck.
Hate to be the bearer of bad news, but they already have.

The ME3 EULA states that you need an Origin account and the Origin client installed to play ME3 on PC.

I don't know if it's going to be on Steam, but I doubt it.
-_- oh EA, how you screw such simple things up. I'll probably get it anyway... I just hope I don't wind up with a Matrix Reloaded.


New member
Jul 17, 2011
They would probably have to purposely sabotage it in order to bomb it so bad that I wouldn't like it. I find that pretty unlikely.

If they did go through all the trouble of making it bad on purpose then yes, i'd probably be pretty miffed. But i'm not sure why people insist on such a relationship with developers of games rather then the games themselves.

If a terrible company makes a great game, I will play it.
If a great company makes a horrible game, I won't play it.

So "forgive"? I guess if bioware goes on to make a good game later on (after bombing ME3) then yes I will "forgive" them and buy that good game.


New member
Jan 8, 2010
Well yes. It?s not like mass effect bombing is personal attack against me or the end of the world. Bioware still has a good record and even if they didn't no matter how shit a studios games have been in the past I will still buy a game from them if I have enough reason to believe that game will be good. It would mean get as hyped over their games and would research them more before deciding whether or not to buy. *shrug*


New member
Aug 22, 2010
I never found Bioware games to be amazing anyways.
But imho the train already left with Dragon Age Origins.


New member
Apr 21, 2010
If they did-which I think is an incredibly small chance- then no I would not forgive them after demolishing two franchises with such potential.


New member
Jul 11, 2011
I couldn't. I would have died of a massive brain hemorrhage. It'd be like if one day you met Brian Boitano and found out he couldn't actually Figure Skate.


Sep 22, 2009
VoidWanderer said:
If ME3 bombs I'd actually be impressed. Think about the original ME game. It was well-loved despite the Mako and the Inventory 'system'.

ME2 had a richer story proves decision made in ME actually mattered and the more stream-lined design worked.

If they screw this up, again I would be impressed.
My thoughts exactly.

I know both games aren't necessarily everyone's cup of tea, but they'd really have to be trying or not trying at all to screw this game up. I mean, I can think of plenty of things they could do or overlook that might make the game slightly disappointing, but I can't even conceive of how this game would outright bomb for me personally.


New member
Apr 27, 2011
ME3 iis the one game that I´m looking th emost forward, and I really liked the first two and the whole fiction.
If ME3 bombs I will be really disapointed, and it wpuld be a couple of years before I would trust Bioware with any kind of purchase.
But I think they know this especially following the whole DA2 debacle, which is why they delayed ME3 till March, so I trust them to make an amazing game worthy of it´s predesecors.