Will You Press the Button?

Eddie the head

New member
Feb 22, 2012
You're the world's most talented tap dancer.
You must dress in drag at every performance.

Umm hell yeah. That would be awesome.

Adeptus Aspartem

New member
Jul 25, 2011
The tl;dr of mine was: Become god but 85% of the world population dies, including people i know and i'm not allowed to revive.

Pressed it.

I'm not allowed to revive, but i'm allowed to recreate. Since im God i can make an exact copy of everything.. viola.


Elite Member
Mar 20, 2010
"You can choose the benefit."
"Your worst enemy chooses the drawback."

Hmm, I guess that depends on how much of a dick your worst enemy is...

Another one basically offered omnipotence against being forced to always watch anime, like that's a downside.


New member
Mar 2, 2009
First try:
"You are the most attractive and interesting person in the entire world; but EVERYTHING you eat tastes like raisins"
Yeah, I would press it. Sure, not a big fan of raisins, but look at the upside...

Second try:
"You never have to pay for food again; but you always have to eat at subway"
Ehh, no thanks. No problem with subway, but I have not much of a problem with having to pay for food.


don't upset the insane catgirl
Apr 11, 2009
You are the most famous wizard in the world but Your parents died when you were just a little tot and you are forced to live with your bitter aunt, uncle, and cousin

Um... That was already there before I pushed the button... >_> - Isn't that basically Harry Potter?

Ahem. Since I didn't do anything yet, let's give it a try...
OK... I see this works kind of differently to how I was expecting. XD

Pokemon are real but your life span is cut in half each time you capture a new Pokemon.


Edit: Oh. This one got me good though:

You will become a very attractive man but The only thing you'll be able to say are quotes from French musicals



Romanorum Imperator
Jun 20, 2009

Justin Bieber dies, Kim Kardashian's tape is never revealed, Saxton Hale becomes the 4th richest person on the earth and MLP is removed from existence
you cannot eat cookies anymore

I don't need cookies.


New member
Nov 9, 2009

Was the first that made me press the button. If I had a perfect relationship with my ideal partner then gender, either doesn't matter, as I'm forced to swap but still have the relationship, or the swap makes the relationship perfect; no downside to this one from my point of view.


Better Red than Dead
Aug 5, 2009
In my experience, buttons are dangerous.

Unrelated, anyone want to play a cool game built into the Forum? :D [http://www.escapistmagazine.com/forums/read/18.297629-HEY-Who-wants-to-play-bubble-breaker]


The leading man, who else?
Aug 23, 2009
'You are able to fly, but you can't close your eyes so bugs and whatnot gets in them.'

The goggles, they do something.

Little Woodsman

New member
Nov 11, 2012
So I got
"You are put on the will of the 12th, 34th and 56th richest men in the world to take their entire fortune."
(That's badly phrased, they should have said "as sole beneficiary")


"You have to give 95% of it to donations."

So it's a "Yes, I'd absolutely press the button!" but I rated it as bad, because it's not really any kind of dilemma.
Any way you look at it, getting 5% of the fortunes of these men is a huge windfall for me, and on top of that I'd get to give fantastic sums of money to worthy causes like disease research and getting clean water to third world nations. Win-win.

Patrick Buck

New member
Nov 14, 2011
Gray-Philosophy said:
You are able to manipulate the mind of everybody that you see.
Everybody that you look at appears naked.

I don't see the downside.
"Hi Mum I- Argh fuck no god damn it"

I can find a downside in everything my friend.

Johnny Impact

New member
Aug 6, 2008
You get to have amazing powers and travel the world but your best friend betrays you. (PRESS, as I don't rely on friends for all that much)

You become the best actor in the world but you'll never fall in love. (PRESS, as falling in love has been an utter shit show for me)

You receive anything you desire for free, but you will be considered evil. (PRESS, I don't care what others think)

You can transfigure any part of your body in any way at any time, but each use of the power reduces your lifespan by a week. (PRESS, because I'd only need to use it once or twice)

You find concrete proof that god does not exist and convince all of humanity of this, but you become distant, lonely and bitter, and you die alone. (PRESS, I'm already all that, I relish the chance to slap believers upside the head and get them to maybe focus on what's real instead of wasting time on wishes and unicorn farts)

You become the sexiest person in the world but your IQ drops 20 points. (I WILL NOT, it's not that being smart is awesome (it is) but rather that the appeal of being stalked by psychos and hounded by paparazzi would wear off real quick)

You can travel into the past, but everyone you know forgets who you are forever. (I WILL NOT, I don't care about the past, the future is where all the cool toys are, plus I like my family)

You marry the person of your dreams, you are together as long as you'd like, but they don't like you. (I WILL NOT, because to be the woman of my dreams she would have to like me, it's part of the package)

You can get a ton of candy you love, but you can never read a book again. (I WILL NOT, books are irreplaceable, I can eat cake and cookies instead)

You can listen to any song with perfect clarity in your head at any time, but you must listen to a 30 second ad after every song. (I WILL NOT, because of my seething volcanic hatred for advertising)


Tiger Robocop
Aug 29, 2010
"The perfect MMO is created for free" but "The server is brazilian and 90% of the players are brazilian"
I am brazilian, no downside to this. Yes, please.

"Everything you say comes true" but "You get the opposite of what you say"
So? Just say the opposite of what I want. I will never get a date with Natalie Portman...Never.
I will just have to work hard to be very careful what I gonna say from then on... I pressed, why not? What could possibly go wrong?

"You have the knowledge of the universe" but "You will find out everyone in your generation will live longer than you"
With that knowledge I could build a death ray and make sure they will never out live me. Win-Win. Pressed.

"You can make anyone you desire fall in love with you" but "your closest family member will despite you forever."
I say yes, but it's tricky nonetheless.

"You will be instant Tumbrl famous"... Don't care about the downside. No

"You are a master thied and can steal anything you want without getting caught" but "you will have horrible nightmares from everyone will steal from".
Fuck those people. Pressed.

"Get the body shape you like" but "you have to work to keep it".
So... Just like actual body shapping? Pressed, why not?


New member
Jan 29, 2009
Veldie said:
You get one wish every day for the rest of your life but every wish you make causes 100 ppl to die.

Day 1
Alrighty then I wish for a TARDIS with the knowledge to use it.

Day 2
I wish to be like a Time Lord with regeneration.

Day 3
I wish for all the doctors gadgets and for them to work regardless if it makes sense or not.
First wish: I wish all the people who die from me wishing are people about to murder someone innocent, someone about to rape another person, or someone who would harm me in the future.

All wishes after that would only be good for the world....and I'd make a bunch of them.


New member
Jan 29, 2009
Diablo2000 said:
"The perfect MMO is created for free" but "The server is brazilian and 90% of the players are brazilian"
I am brazilian, no downside to this. Yes, please.

"Everything you say comes true" but "You get the opposite of what you say"
So? Just say the opposite of what I want. I will never get a date with Natalie Portman...Never.
I will just have to work hard to be very careful what I gonna say from then on... I pressed, why not? What could possibly go wrong?

"You have the knowledge of the universe" but "You will find out everyone in your generation will live longer than you"
With that knowledge I could build a death ray and make sure they will never out live me. Win-Win. Pressed.

"You can make anyone you desire fall in love with you" but "your closest family member will despite you forever."
I say yes, but it's tricky nonetheless.

"You will be instant Tumbrl famous"... Don't care about the downside. No

"You are a master thied and can steal anything you want without getting caught" but "you will have horrible nightmares from everyone will steal from".
Fuck those people. Pressed.

"Get the body shape you like" but "you have to work to keep it".
So... Just like actual body shapping? Pressed, why not?
The first one is a paradox since it says everything you say comes true, and you get the opposite of everything you say...so basically you can't say anything about yourself or it's a paradox (so it would have no affect). You could say something like nobody in the world will sleep with natali portman though..and in theory you would then sleep with her.

The second one means you would die as y ou press the button of your death ray (since everyone else would die right after you press it). You probably would not have time though as someone in your generation dies every second (every millisecond just about), so as soon as you pushed that button, you would die).

The next one says you can make anyone fall in love with you, but your closest family member will despise you. Obviously you can't use the power on your closest family member then. Since you could make EVERYONE else love you and make world piece that way (since everyone would follow your will/desire), I think one person not liking you is very worth it. You could even make sure they have a very good life through all the other people who love you helping them (without them knowing it's related to you of course).

Your a thief, but you feel guilty about what you steel/have nightmares? Steel for good reasons and it's worth it...and anyone, just because you CAN steal anything doesn't mean you have to. No reason not to press it...and many reasons to.

You instantly get the perfect body and look however you want. So what, you have to THEN work to keep your great body...big deal. All that sex is gonna burn alot of calories!!

A few of the positives are actually negatives anyway. Knowledge of the universe means you pretty much know everything, so what would you look forward to in life? Nothing would be new to you...even if you didn't instantly die, you'd probably wish you could. Everything you say comes true would be super hard to deal with, even if there was no downside...one wrong phrase could be deadly. I'd probably say something like, "I can't say anything out loud without writing it down first" right away to protect myself from mistakes.


New member
May 3, 2011
'Be hated by everyone on earth.' But 'guarantee to go to heaven.' ....Atheist here so...that really does nothing for me. *pass*

'See one year into the future' I'm assuming I know a lot then, perhaps everything that happens in that year? but 'Have to move to another country' that's my plan anyways, I could look forward to which country would be best for me and move there....I love it. *press*


New member
Oct 18, 2013
First one I got: You can divide by zero but every time you do it a cat dies a horrible death.
I can't see the downside in that! Also I can't see the positive side in this but at least I get to kill all cats!

Another one: You wouldn't ever feel pain but You may be having a heart attack and not even know it.
Why would I do that? Usually pain is there for a very good reason! Especially in a line of work where there are dangerous chemicals and hot surfaces aplenty.

Hmm this ones a bit more interesting: To start over as a new person vs You will have no memories of your past life.
Ask me again in 70 years or so please.

You fall in love with anyone you choose but You two break up and fight, then get back together every moth
Holy crap why would anyone want that?


New member
Sep 19, 2014
Patrick Buck said:
Gray-Philosophy said:
You are able to manipulate the mind of everybody that you see.
Everybody that you look at appears naked.

I don't see the downside.
"Hi Mum I- Argh fuck no god damn it"

I can find a downside in everything my friend.
I am aware of this point, and I considered it myself. But I'm also confident I can choose to direct my focus elsewhere, especially after a while of desensitization.

J Tyran

New member
Dec 15, 2011
Instantly have exact amount of cash required for any and all vidya purchases in your pocket

never have a girlfriend for the rest of your life
Kinda pointless for me, I can already afford all the movies and games I want and girlfreind is very specific and there are a number of ways out of and around that for me.

Tried again and,

Gain the ability to fly

fart when doing so
So you're telling me someone doesn't want to fart while flying?