Woman Busted For Trying to Sell $1.7m Moon Rock

Reed Spacer

That guy with the thing.
Jan 11, 2011
immovablemover said:
Why, exactly, is it illegal to sell moon rocks?
The moon wants a cut of the profit. I mean, if they're gonna steal parts of it, it wants in on it.


New member
Jan 5, 2008
Bad Jim said:
Senaro said:
I'd love to hear about a private space program getting to the moon. It's just been the main countries with their space programs. Makes me wonder if somehow getting into space through private means is illegal as well.
Richard Branson is working on it.

Oooooh, interesting. I'll keep an eye on that, thanks.

Worr Monger

New member
Jan 21, 2008
Hmm.. The More You Know I guess.

I was unaware of this... guess I should stop wiping my ass with my moon rocks.


New member
May 21, 2009
NASA has undercover agents? Aaahahaa... I find that most amusing :) Kind of makes me go, "What? Why? What the hell for?" Part of me hopes that position were created for the sole purpose of returning the Moon rocks, and then they'll get rid of it.

Also, why's it so bloody illegal? National treasures? Why? That seems really, really, REALLY weird to me. It seems like another thing to just waste money on; national treasures require buttloads of security and whatnot, yes (Obviously, seeing as they actually have people running around busting other people that have them)? They're rocks... I get that they're from the Moon and no one's ever going there again, but damn, they're rocks.

Hmm... if they're so valuable, organize another mission, bring back a tonne, turn them into diamonds and POW! People will pay arms and legs for Moon diamonds.


New member
Dec 23, 2007
SlayerN said:
If I was this women I would pretend to go crazy and blather on about some flat earth conspiracy to get the media's attention and make myself seem like less of a criminal.

and since when is SPACE controlled by the USA's government.(there are lots of flags on the moon not just the USA's)
It isn't. The world largely accepts that it would also be illegal to do so. [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Outer_Space_Treaty]
However the Rocks were obtained by the US Government, so they have the right to ask for stuff they found, back.
Abandon4093 said:
Fuck that. I'll drop my 2 tons of spare moon rock on the smug smugering smugersons as they prepare to award me my prize. Because I'm awesome and flew to the moon.
Let me know when you figure out a good Turbopump design. In fact if you make a good one right there you could probably just patent that and sell it to General Electric for a few hundred million, save their engineers the trouble.


Wanna have a bad time?
Dec 15, 2010
HankMan said:
arc1991 said:
JDKJ said:
arc1991 said:
*Waits for Hankmans pun-joke of the day*

OT: Well this is amusing, who'd of known Nasa has it's own Undercover Police? xD
I'll beat him to it:

This is a case of lunacy.
You got beaten by another person ;)
matrix3509 said:
Of course they are trying to keep the moon rocks on the down low, I mean what if somebody shot a portal at the moon? Lunacy, says I!
Come-on! That joke is so obvious you could see it coming
... from orbit

OT: Wow. What I want to know is if it was real and how she got it if it was real.

henritje said:
she should have grounded them up and mixed them into a gel!
also a piece of advice from the space core if anybody else want,s to do this:
... That made me laugh. Quite a bit.


New member
Jun 24, 2010
awesome, but who would actually say ooh, selling a moon rock? i'll buy.

arc1991 said:
*Waits for Hankmans pun-joke of the day*
how about, 'that price is out of this world' :)

sorry i couldnt resist.

The Wooster

King Snap
Jul 15, 2008
HankMan said:
vansau said:
In case you weren't aware of this, it's totally illegal to sell moon rocks. The only ones released to the public by Richard Nixon were given out to each U.S. state and 136 countries by then-president Richard Nixon, but they're highly-sought after by collectors and apparently sell for millions of dollars on the black market.

However, a recent survey showed that ten states and ninety countries couldn't account for the rocks that had been given to them.
You know you're a pessimist when this sort of news doesn't phase you in the slightest.

arc1991 said:
JDKJ said:
arc1991 said:
*Waits for Hankmans pun-joke of the day*

OT: Well this is amusing, who'd of known Nasa has it's own Undercover Police? xD
I'll beat him to it:

This is a case of lunacy.
You got beaten by another person ;)
matrix3509 said:
Of course they are trying to keep the moon rocks on the down low, I mean what if somebody shot a portal at the moon? Lunacy, says I!
Come-on! That joke is so obvious you could see it coming
... from orbit
Or from...

space? SPACE.


New member
May 19, 2010
Why do moon rocks sell for so much and why is it illegal to sell them?
Is NASA afraid you might grind them up and turn them into gel for inter-dimensional gateway experiments?


Trump put kids in cages!
Mar 8, 2011
Pyrosomniac said:
Mental note to self: NEVER mess with NASA.

Anyway, I don't quite get the illegality of them. Are they afraid they'll hit someone in the hea-

*reads article*

National treasure? Sure we've a giant sphere littered with them over our heads!
It would be illegal because she either shouldnt have it (its Government property, or technically, no one's (its illegal to own the moon), or its fake (and thus fraud).


New member
Apr 27, 2011
vansau said:
(side note: if there is a sexier job title out there, I have yet to hear it)
Well I might have a candidate.

Back in 1967 the Outer Space Treaty was signed, which basically says that anybody who explores space don't contaminate it and makes sure nothing travels back with them to contaminate earth.

And what do they call the people hired to enforce this treaty, Planetary Protection Officers.


New member
Feb 28, 2011
Spacefrog said:
vansau said:
(side note: if there is a sexier job title out there, I have yet to hear it)
Well I might have a candidate.

Back in 1967 the Outer Space Treaty was signed, which basically says that anybody who explores space don't contaminate it and makes sure nothing travels back with them to contaminate earth.

And what do they call the people hired to enforce this treaty, Planetary Protection Officers.
Wow, this. I want this job. Now. But remind me... How does NASA know that it is THEIR rock if it turns out to be real? Come with a guarantee tag attached? Some kinda certificate?

Paul Hearding

Creator of Pro-gamer Gauntlet
Oct 1, 2010
I pretty sure the illegality resides in the fact that the production of the spacecrafts and execution of the missions were funded by NASA. So, as a result, the government acquired the moon rocks as a part of the mission that they paid for. So, technically, the rocks belong to NASA (as much as moon rocks can belong to any one). For someone to get a hold of the moon rocks and try to twist a cool couple million off of them seems in incredibly poor taste. I highly doubt this woman had anything to do with the funding of the missions or the building of the spacecrafts, but I could be wrong...