Women: Do you consider yourself superior to men?

Cephei Mordred

New member
Jul 23, 2011
Beliyal said:
Yup, I agree. Especially this last thing about the geeky stuff. Though, it seems to me that geeks in general get a lot of "hate" from others, and people just assume that we'll deal with it without being insulted or something. Like, "So what, he/she is a geek, who cares?". And much more teasing goes to male geeks, as everyone immediately assumes they are all basement-dwelling asocial virgins and that's, for some reason, funny (because, "real people" go out and get drunk and stuff). What that woman did with that blog was really disrespectful and awful, although the guy didn't seem to care that much (but hey, what do we know how he really felt? And while we're at it; it's not "manly" to show that you're sad or disappointed so for all we know, he had to pretend to be dealing with it in order not to end up looking like a wimp or something). We're just in this tricky times where the whole equality fight is still relatively fresh enough, but we also strive to go much further without properly educating people. It'll balance out eventually though.
Well, I'd be more okay with being rejected for being a nerd/geek who plays too many video games if I were allowed to reject women for 'shallow' reasons as well. See, that's the part that really gets to me. Sure, some women will say "go right ahead and reject women for not looking the way you like," but the fact of the matter is, the whole body of stuff concerning female body image issues serves to strongly imply that it's the fault of men for liking attractive women.

Now, do I have chapter and verse that points to it? No, but this goes back to the whole "it doesn't have to be blatant." I'm pretty sure that the whole issue of appearance and its role in attracting a mate is at the heart of the matter. Sure, some will say "looking good has nothing to do with pleasing men you silly boy" but while that's certainly true in some cases (for instance, cosplay can be done solely for purposes completely divorced from attracting a mate), I'm pretty sure it's safe to say that this is where the issue lies, and no amount of quibbling over details will change that.

Oh and yeah, I agree on the focusing on the past and all; while it's certainly not good to forget it, it's not good to constantly live through the past either. We should learn what happened and how it happened, but shouldn't use it all the time as some justification to do shit right now. Nobody here lived in the times when women didn't have the right to vote and while we all see some sort of discrimination during our lives, we certainly can't go and justify misandry or superiority complexes by saying "Well, we were inferior for thousands of years, now it's our turn to be on top". Especially women shouldn't be doing that, because we know (from history) how it feels to be inferior; why would anyone want to do that to others? I know I wouldn't wish that to happen to anyone else, ever (just thinking about the fact that you are simply not allowed to attend school or to do anything else but give birth to children frustrates me, despite never experiencing it).
This. Oh so much. This is why I am a radical egalitarian. Identity politics has no place in a society dedicated to true equality.


Big Stupid Jellyfish
Jun 7, 2010
Cephei Mordred said:
Beliyal said:
Yup, I agree. Especially this last thing about the geeky stuff. Though, it seems to me that geeks in general get a lot of "hate" from others, and people just assume that we'll deal with it without being insulted or something. Like, "So what, he/she is a geek, who cares?". And much more teasing goes to male geeks, as everyone immediately assumes they are all basement-dwelling asocial virgins and that's, for some reason, funny (because, "real people" go out and get drunk and stuff). What that woman did with that blog was really disrespectful and awful, although the guy didn't seem to care that much (but hey, what do we know how he really felt? And while we're at it; it's not "manly" to show that you're sad or disappointed so for all we know, he had to pretend to be dealing with it in order not to end up looking like a wimp or something). We're just in this tricky times where the whole equality fight is still relatively fresh enough, but we also strive to go much further without properly educating people. It'll balance out eventually though.
Well, I'd be more okay with being rejected for being a nerd/geek who plays too many video games if I were allowed to reject women for 'shallow' reasons as well. See, that's the part that really gets to me. Sure, some women will say "go right ahead and reject women for not looking the way you like," but the fact of the matter is, the whole body of stuff concerning female body image issues serves to strongly imply that it's the fault of men for liking attractive women.

Now, do I have chapter and verse that points to it? No, but this goes back to the whole "it doesn't have to be blatant." I'm pretty sure that the whole issue of appearance and its role in attracting a mate is at the heart of the matter. Sure, some will say "looking good has nothing to do with pleasing men you silly boy" but while that's certainly true in some cases (for instance, cosplay can be done solely for purposes completely divorced from attracting a mate), I'm pretty sure it's safe to say that this is where the issue lies, and no amount of quibbling over details will change that.
So true. I have this one example among my college friends. There's this guy, he's geeky and he's a bit fat. Not a lot at all and he's a very kind person, but he has some extra weight. Everybody teases him. I never understood that really. It all looks like good fun and he even laughs too, but I always wonder whether it really bothers him or not at all, as he pretends. However, no one dares to tease any girls regarding weight, not even as a joke. This problem is not simple though, but women body issues certainly can't be all blamed on men. It's too complex to be blamed on anyone specifically at all, let alone on men as a whole. And besides, I've seen many men with girlfriends who don't look attractive at all (not by some societal standards), and just as much women with men who don't look attractive (by the same standard). I guess it's easy to find a scape-goat and just blame someone or something, instead of actually look for the real root of the problem, unfortunately.

Cephei Mordred

New member
Jul 23, 2011
Beliyal said:
So true. I have this one example among my college friends. There's this guy, he's geeky and he's a bit fat. Not a lot at all and he's a very kind person, but he has some extra weight. Everybody teases him. I never understood that really. It all looks like good fun and he even laughs too, but I always wonder whether it really bothers him or not at all, as he pretends. However, no one dares to tease any girls regarding weight, not even as a joke. This problem is not simple though, but women body issues certainly can't be all blamed on men. It's too complex to be blamed on anyone specifically at all, let alone on men as a whole. And besides, I've seen many men with girlfriends who don't look attractive at all (not by some societal standards), and just as much women with men who don't look attractive (by the same standard). I guess it's easy to find a scape-goat and just blame someone or something, instead of actually look for the real root of the problem, unfortunately.
Indeed. I wouldn't know how to find the answer, but as far as the real world goes, I just think it should be even. Either both men and women should be allowed (and by allowed I mean not given even the least social disapproval for doing so) to be shallow, or neither should.


New member
Jul 3, 2011
No, different does not equal superior.

Besides that feminism is about equality between men and women. While there is an element within feminism that would like nothing better than to reverse the patriarchal order, most simply want equality.


New member
Feb 28, 2008
My body chemistry and anatomy is a bit different than men.

There simply no logic to insisting that my sexual dimorphic traits could possibly make me superior to the general male population.

And cultural stuff? Sex may define a demographic I'm a part of, and I do factor being female into my identity, but I also factor in things like my age, or my love of art. Just because tons of people also fit into that demographic doesn't mean I have to observe the difference as some sort of challenge issued, pitting me against the male other for the sake of it.

More to the point, if I or most of my female friends relied on social norms to define gender, then we wouldn't be geeks and gamers, now would we?


New member
Jan 15, 2011
thenarth said:
Mr.Numbers said:
Again, if chivalry is wrong, I don't want to be right.
I take your "chivalry" and raise you "manners". snip
Just want to clarify: You seemed to have been under the impression that I only treat the opposite gender this way.

I was trying to state I emphasise for the opposite gender, not that I ONLY do it for women.

I'll make more of a point to do it, but I won't go "Tits or GTFO" To quote a...depressingly...common expression to any GUY who happens to be in the same situation.

That would be sexist to men, and only women can do that
(Due to Poe's law...^ This was a joke)


New member
Dec 8, 2008
Dark Knifer said:
Wait what? I'm a white male and I enjoy so many luxuries and freedoms it's not funny. How are we at the bottom?
Statistically white males are the least helped group of all, there are scholarships for every minority out there but white children.
There are educational programs out there for under privileged African Americans, whilst the program isn't bad the fact it's centered solely on one type is kind of meh. Rather than just being under privileged children, it's X minority instead.
You don't take any special treatment when consideration for employment because of skin colour, gender, your best bet is actually to have some kind of disability so companies can fill in a quota if it needs filling.

We have programs such as affirmative action that go the distance to help people who need it, I applaud that but being a white male dumps you down at the bottom.
Stuff like that, really.


Dad, I'm in space.
Mar 10, 2010
Yes. Absolutely.

Not really, only some. But then I also feel superior to other Women, just depends on the actual person in question.

Dark Knifer

New member
May 12, 2009
Lyri said:
Dark Knifer said:
Wait what? I'm a white male and I enjoy so many luxuries and freedoms it's not funny. How are we at the bottom?
Statistically white males are the least helped group of all, there are scholarships for every minority out there but white children.
There are educational programs out there for under privileged African Americans, whilst the program isn't bad the fact it's centered solely on one type is kind of meh. Rather than just being under privileged children, it's X minority instead.
You don't take any special treatment when consideration for employment because of skin colour, gender, your best bet is actually to have some kind of disability so companies can fill in a quota if it needs filling.

We have programs such as affirmative action that go the distance to help people who need it, I applaud that but being a white male dumps you down at the bottom.
Stuff like that, really.
I guess it depends on where your from really. I'm Australian and our indigenous people have a life expectancy 20 years less and a much, much lower chance of completing high school etc. So that's where I'm coming from. I also sort of see that we don't have many help programs because we don't have as many problems as other, though that's just my personal experience and obviously by problems I mean social problems, not problems as people.


I'm in your mind fuzz
Sep 26, 2010
oh yeah....SURE I fucking am, and I want all men herded into captivity like cattle

seriously? thats like me asking "any guys out there belive men are smarter than women?" 99% of sane people say no, and then you get that 1% who are...well sexist like that

I mean how can you belive that HALF of the world is inferior?


I'm in your mind fuzz
Sep 26, 2010
Mr.Numbers said:
I consider myself superior to women in the art of holding open doors, waiting politely for them to sit down first...

Wait, is that sexism or just manners and chivalry?
It's getting really friggin hard to tell with some people...

If being more courteous to the opposite gender is sexism, is considered wrong, I don't want to be right.

I also consider them less likely to be able to stand up for themselves against drunken assaults. I, however, CAN take a punch (With some exceptions, some women are pretty damn hardcore) (The first person to make a wifebeater joke I strangle through their webcam) So I'm going to do my best to defuse the situation, or defend the woman involved.

Again, if chivalry is wrong, I don't want to be right.
no offence BUT I find it somwhat annoying how this chivalry thing needs explaining

basically treating women "different" because they are women is kind of sexist, it implys that they are weak and cannot defend themselfs...and of coarse it comes from an older time...in a way I guess it was a trade off for not being able to do much

kind of like how most people dont like the "hero of the story rescues his helpless girldfreind" type thing thease days

anyway the Idea is not "chivalry" but showing respect and decency for people regardless of gender

now obviously some idoits take it the wrong way (stories of women getting offended when I guy holds the door open) but in the end Ill hold the door open for whoever needs it, and apreciate it when somone does, but I dont expect it

Colour Scientist

Troll the Respawn, Jeremy!
Jul 15, 2009
Lyri said:
Statistically white males are the least helped group of all, there are scholarships for every minority out there but white children.
Do you ever think there might just be a reason for that? Also, white children are not a minority.

EDIT: I forget to mention that there ARE loads of scholarships white children can get, just because they're not specifically for white children doesn't mean they aren't there.

Chemical Alia

New member
Feb 1, 2011
Every thread you make is stupider than the last. And no, I don't. To suggest that either gender is better is insulting to everyone.


New member
Dec 8, 2008
Colour-Scientist said:
Do you ever think there might just be a reason for that? Also, white children are not a minority.

EDIT: I forget to mention that there ARE loads of scholarships white children can get, just because they're not specifically for white children doesn't mean they aren't there.
I didn't mention that white children are a minority, just that there are scholarships for minorities mostly and not white children.

My problem stems from the fact that they're basically positive discrimination, congrats we'll help you by a greater margin because of your ethnic background.
The truth of the matter is it should be scholarships to help underprivileged children.


New member
Sep 22, 2010
retyopy said:
Daystar Clarion said:
Nobody hates feminism (well, except misogynists).

People hate femi-nazism.

And the whole "use your feminine wiles to control his puny male brain" is just a joke. Nothing to be taken seriously.

No different than the whole, "more importantly, why isn't she in the kitchen making me a sandwich?" jokes.

We like to poke fun at the old gender stereotypes.
Well, girls freak out at the sandwiches, so why can't I freak out over the punieness of my inferior male brain?
Who says you can't? I actually laugh at the go make me sandwhich joke but no one has ever said it to me seriously.


New member
Aug 29, 2009
Hmmm, men are generally nicer people the way I see it.
That coming from a guy that now hangs out with more girls than guys.

I guess I just prefer their way of thinking.
This is no lash at girls though, love girls.


New member
Dec 28, 2008
Obviously not. That would be retarded.

Sure, I consider myself superior to many individual males, but that is based on their cognitive abilities and never on their sex.


New member
Aug 24, 2010
Some women genuinely consider themselves better than men. Some men genuinely consider themselves better then women. Congratulations, you are both right.

Different physical attributes confer different abilities. Since nobody can argue that men and women are physically different (not by a lot, but hey, it's there) nobody can argue my first point. There are certain things women can do better, certain things men can do better.

Oh, do you want to consider an absolute value? well then, let's start small... compare an apple to a pear. Tell me which one is better, without taking personal preference or specific situations into account. Do that, and I will accept your equally argumented opinion on the subject matter.