Words/phrases that piss you off


New member
Dec 4, 2012
Hm I would not exactly say it pisses me off, but it REALLY bothers me..
Abbreviations, all of them.

People, can you please stop using those things unless you are 100% sure everyone in question knows what it means? We seriously need some kind of rule set for using those things, as it's rather annoying reding anything or hearing anything only to have to look it up to figure what the hell it is about. Took me forever to figure out what SJW meant, because I never bothered to look it up.
Also, at this rate they are already overlapping all over the place too, so sometimes I have no idea if it means what I think it means. OP still says "Overpowered" in my head whenever I see it.

Just think about it okey? I know it saves time, but do something like LoL (Leauge of legends) and then you can use LoL as much as you want because then everyone knows what it means from that point on.


Formely Gone Gonzo
Jun 30, 2014
"An opinion is never wrong" WTF!? I've never understood where that freaking lie was born. It sounds like something they were told as small children to boost their self-esteem or something.

L. Declis

New member
Apr 19, 2012
imperialwar said:
Political Correctness: nope sorry you can leave the room now thanks, it's my opinion and I will express it. If that offends you, then you can express that too. Doesn't mean I will change my opinion or the way I present it. Not everyone has to agree on everything.

The "C" word. I used to hear it so much at my former work from the indigenous population here, that I used to get down eye to eye with them and tell them it was against my religion to even hear that word. You'd be surprised how effective that was.
Can I just...

So, you're free to express anything you want, from racist to sexist to unpopular decisions, but if someone says "****", you have a problem with that?

Seems a bit contradictory.

That said,

"Swearing is the sign of a small vocabulary"

I fucking hate it when people spout this crap; for fuck's sake, swearing can be used for dealing with many shitty situations; like when you're dealing with a ****, someone is being a twat or an absolute shit, or when you're just dealing with the cum-stain of humanity.

Don't bloody act like you're the shit because you don't swear; bad vocabulary is not fucking swearing, bad vocabulary is when people say "Yeah, bruv, like, tots, yeah, I tots respect ya, blud, bruv, you know." That's fucking bad vocab, now piss off.


New member
Mar 30, 2011
"Because reasons"
I despise this. It basically says "well I can't understand why someone thinks/feels a certain way, so I'm going to act like it's so far beneath me that I don't have to actually attempt to understand someone else's perspective."

"Faux News"
I don't even like Fox News, but Christ, "faux news" wasn't a particularly edgy or smart insult 5 years ago, and it hasn't gotten any better with time.

"__________ privilege"
It would require a very long discussion about why I hate the use of the phrase "_______ privilege", but suffice to say it does piss me off. People are individuals, they are not the color of their skin, their sexuality, their religion, or their gender; treat them like individuals.

"What about the menz!"/"they r tryin to tak away our freedomz!"/"they wnt my vidger-gamez!" etc. etc. etc.
I got it, there are people out there you likely disagree with and have decided that you know what they are thinking, and boy are they thinking stupid stuff! What are you, 7? Make a coherent argument, you're not impressing anyone by acting like a child and doing mock voices of people with whom you disagree.


New member
Feb 9, 2011
"I'm just sayin'" Really? Do you have Tourette's syndrome or something? You suddenly had to say those words without any particular meaning behind them in that exact moment because they like felt good in your mouth or something?

Sheeple. This deserves a special place in the litany of words used exclusively by morons. Whining about "the corporations" and thinking you're being contrarian and edgy by complaining about Big Pharma/Big Oil/Big Whatever isn't really a whole lot else but annoying.

The term "rape culture" when paired with "consent". The idea that there need to be PSAs carefully explaining to men what sexual consent is is not only insulting, it's completely ineffective. It implies an understanding of sexual violence slightly below that gained by watching Law and Order SVU for a few hours (is that still running?). Rape is not a problem because a large number of people don't understand what is and isn't violating someone. It's a problem because people are well aware of what "violating someone" means and choose to do it anyway. I agree that there is are cultural elements that condone or at least exacerbate sexual violence problems, but the thinking that the problem is nothing more than a need for a clearer definition of consent is sending the message that men are either stupid or incapable of respect: do they really think it's going to come as a surprise to anyone that getting someone so drunk that they can't stand up and then forcing yourself on them is considered a horrible thing to do? Rape is a problem, but the reason that throwing around the word "consent" bothers me is that it's a half-assed, zero-effort solution that won't get anything done at all.

Oppression. Are some groups more advantaged than others by virtue of factors not under their control? Absolutely: some people will get a better lot in life as a result of being born prettier, smarter, and/or wealthier. I myself am not happy with the situation of women in technical jobs, for instance, where women often have to work twice as hard as men and still get passed over for jobs despite better credentials than competing male applicants, that's disgusting. There certainly is discrimination in society against a whole multitude of different kinds of people. But "oppression" isn't the word for that. "Oppression" is what happens in third-world dictatorships. "Oppression" is when you live in fear that you might accidentally offend the ruling party and be taken away in the middle of the night by the secret police. Those 200 girls who were kidnapped by political extremists and very nearly sold into sex slavery just for wanting to go to school were "oppressed".

"Check your privilege". Seriously, screw off. I acknowledge that I got lucky in life in some ways, but I'm pretty insulted by the notion that everything was just handed to me, or, even worse, that I'm part of some elitist class that seeks for nothing but to keep people down. I will admit that I have the privilege of wealth because of my parents, but that's it. I paid my own way through college with scholarships and work study, and I'm actually being paid to go to graduate school. I rarely asked my parents for anything growing up. But that's the end of my "natural" privilege. I certainly have others too, but here's the wonderful thing, such things can be earned. How did I get "thin privilege"? By dieting and exercising. How did I get "smart privilege"? By studying. Telling me to "check my privilege" is an insult to me because it belittles what I've accomplished in life and, moreover, attempts to pin all of society's problems on me just because of who I happened to be born to.

"Scientism". Obviously, because my background is scientific and technical, in many ways I try to look at things from a purely material and analytical perspective. I think in numbers and, in evaluating and analyzing the world, I see it as a set of data. I believe in scientism in that I think that reason and analysis of evidence are the most effective way to earn a factual and, more importantly, useful understanding of the world. However, most people seem to conflate it with reductionism, and they fail even to understand that, thinking it to mean that my interest in understanding the world means that I consider things worthless, ie, that saying that all things are ultimately made up of subatomic particles means I see people as nothing more valuable than a pile of quarks and leptons.

I could go on, but I need to stop before this turns into an 8 page rant.

Eddie the head

New member
Feb 22, 2012
JagermanXcell said:

It basically demonizes anyone that has a different opinion... thats it. Something isn't your cup of tea? Have legitimate reasons as to why? Well too bad, you're labeled as a cynical loser who goes out of their way to seek pleasure in disliking what other people like.
And not only has this fallacy been spread... but dear god almighty, the word just sounds stupid.

You use that term in an argument, you lost the argument, period.
Ok that's a good one. I forgot about it. I guess you could say I don't like words and phrases that marginalize others opinions as disingenuous. So guess "Privilege" as well.


New member
Aug 27, 2014
Cinematic: Constantly used to excuse everything wrong with modern games, from railroading, to quick time events, to 30 FPS locked games.

Political Correctness: Because most of the time when I hear someone say they're sick of political correctness, what they really mean is they're sick of not getting enough support and encouragement when they are being rude toward women and people of minorities.

Emotional Intelligence: I get the concept, but the people who constantly bring it up tend to be stuck up douche bags.


Scrolling through forums, instead of playing games
Oct 25, 2009
"SJW". No, I don't care about how/when it is used with Gamergate or whatever. I just don't. What I do care about, is that it just sounds nasty. Not the meaning, I'm not referring to that either, it's just the combination of letters that sounds off. Bleugh.

"Herbs". No, not "Herbs", but "Herbs". Y'know? How the Americans say it? With the silent "H" because that is apparently too much work? "'erbs"? Really? Icky.

2K14, or just any 2K__. IS IT SO HARD TO USE A GODDAMN 0?!

"Jelly" as in "Jealous". It just sounds nasty. When did it become so difficult to use the whole word?


New member
Jun 4, 2011
White Knight

I'm sure there's some more that I'm not remembering.


New member
Sep 14, 2011
I know its been said already, but as an English person, I've got to say it really irks me whenever I hear "I could care less".

Addicting is another one that really irritates me. As does Quadrilogy.

And as much as the term Grammar Nazi annoys me (as well as any other kind of Nazi, really) I'm someone who really dislikes it when people use words incorrectly. Like Irony, though I guess I have to give people a free pass on that one, otherwise I'd be a hypocrite.

People who use Douche as an insult. So I'm a shower in France am I? Well... ok then..?

What really really makes me sad though is the bastardization of the term 'meme'. Because now its used to describe any stupid little thing that takes off on the internet, and that isn't what meme's are...

Canadamus Prime

Robot in Disguise
Jun 17, 2009
Pretty much all the currently running buzz words, you know, misogynist, racist, sexist, SJW, Gamergate, etc.
For most of the "ist" words, it's pretty much because I'm fairly certain the people using them don't even know what the words mean.

AkaDad said:
Shit I forgot about those! Yes anything with the word "Bro" in it gets on my nerves. And while I hadn't really thought about it much, Preggers is also a really stupid term.

Neurotic Void Melody

Bound to escape
Jul 15, 2013
Oh there is a lot to hate... list time!!

Being called "mate", unless intentionally ironic, i will grate your face to meet its fate.

"Fit" ughhhh
"Adam sandler"
"insert macho bullshit phrase here"

Also people who say internet anachronims like "lol" instead of..you know...actually laughing. CBA to put up with your bullshit.. GTFOOHYCT!
Hyperbole got overused a bit...but im over it now.
Oh and all the ones in the first post too. SJW is quite a pathetic one.


New member
Sep 21, 2014
'It's legal!' used as an excuse for scumbag behaviour. It might be legal, but as measures of character go, 'Not so terrible that I'd be arrested for it,' is a pretty low bar.

'As you know...' then why are you telling me, rather than providing a brief reference to the thing? It's condescending.

Swearing when used as punctuation. It doesn't offend me, it bores me. Besides, if you do it all the time, I won't be able to distinguish when you're annoyed as compared to punctuating a sentence as easily. I'm one of the best swearers I know, not because I'm inventive about it but because I do it so rarely that it shocks people when I do.

Ushiromiya Battler

Oddly satisfied
Feb 7, 2010
Reverse Sexism and Reverse Racism.

I don't even know what to say when people use those two phrases.

It's just a way for people to decry feminism.

Seeing as 90% people using the word apply it wrongly I can barely take it seriously anymore.

L. Declis

New member
Apr 19, 2012
Leon Declis said:
Well, I'll try and apply it to her.

Let's take the idea that gaming is largely a male hobby (Come on...). Anita is trying to force the majority of male gamers who may be apathetic to the female minority and force them to be equal; so rather than the male game industry cater for the male audience, she wants them to cater equally to the male and female audience at a rate of 50:50 or more.

She also dislikes many very male aspects of game culture; trash talk, "guy saves the girl", "girl being kickass is co-opting the man", reliance on violence and so on. By forcing her feminist views on a large un-feminist hobby (or to be more accurate, a large apathetic audience), she is implying that there should be an equal field even if the hobby is not really equal between men and woman.

Plus, some people just don't understand the phrase and throw it around willy-nilly, see "misogyny" for the example from the other side.
You keep using the word "force" when Sarkeesian has precisely zero power to impose her will on gamers or game developers, and that undermines your entire claim. She can't force, she has no power to do so, so instead she's talking about what she wants to see. That's not cultural Marxism by any definition you've given, that's simply expressing an opinion.

So now I'm more convinced than ever that it's a made-up thing that doesn't actually exist.

Maybe it might benefit you to reanalyze your base assumptions [http://chezapocalypse.com/episodes/s4e7-gamergate/].
I said "trying to force". If she had power, she simply would.

Also, you say she has no power, but she has been invited to several large universities to spread her ideas, she been to several video game studios to help them develop their game ideas, and she has become the poster-girl for the movement.

So, that's some power.

She may be expressing an opinion, but she is also going to conferences to explain her opinion to others, which will affect a change on some of them and make the industry closer to her ideals. Would you like a "for example"? Anita has recently become very good friends with Christopher Poole a.k.a. Moot. After they publicly met, Moot has changed a lot about 4chan, including hiring more feminist mods and encouraging a more liberal atmosphere instead of the previous freedom of speech atmosphere. There is something she has changed for other people whether they liked it or not.

But if you'd rather dismiss the entire thing out of hand because of a single word I used, that is your choice. Nice conversation.

Also, I tried to load the video you sent me, but it wouldn't load due to the Great Firewall.

EDIT: No, I see where I said "force" by itself. Would like to think you'd be able to still see the point I was trying to explain.

One more thing: I tried to apply it to her. I don't think she's a cultural marxist, personally. I think the entire movement is, I just think she's a very poor academic. My base assumptions are fine, thank you very much.


New member
Jun 17, 2010
"No offense but,"

No, stop right there, the entirety of what you say is doomed to offend me.

'No offense' before what you are going to say tells me that you want to say whatever it is you want to say, without needing to treat me like a human being and therefore escaping the consequences of wording things in a less offensive manner, IE: being called out for being a jerk.

and also, the word 'Inclusive'

Specifically when used in a negative context referring to video games/other forms of media having gay/non-normative characters.

It implies that;
1. No one involved with the said piece of media WANTS to put in a gay/non-normative character
2. Said character(s) were not in the original piece of work.
3. That people are only creating non-normative characters begrudgingly.

And all of the above are false.


New member
Nov 5, 2012
Apparently means caring about things now.

I swear to god a few hundred people on these forums don't what what this word means or how to apply it properly.

-Ending sentences in prepositions! Really just unnecessary prepositions in general.
For fucks sake people say the sentence in your head and if it would function exactly the same without an "at" at the end, DONT FUCKING SAY AT!!!
-where are you? Acceptable, good, gold star.
-where are you at? FUCK RIGHT OFF THE EDGE OF MY DICK ************

-where were we yesterday? Fine, great.
-where were we at yesterday? HHHHHHHHHRRRRRRRNNNNGG

Edit: "of" and "to" are situationally excepted, because modern English can be weird.


Sometimes known as CaitieLou
May 27, 2009
I hate people who are my age or younger calling me "hun." It feels kind of condescending.

Also, a lot of common grammar errors from people who either don't read enough or don't pay attention enough: could of, should of, would of, irregardless, and the frequent bastardization of the word "literally."

ALSO, I hate how people in America use the word "liberal." Smartass morons use it as a stand-in for "rational" and hyper-conservative morons use it as a stand-in for "anybody who I disagree with." Neither really understands what it means and are just showing how idiotic they are every time they use it that way.