Worst Fan Base Out There


New member
Apr 17, 2011
ZRendZ said:
2. Touhou (Seriously not everything has to be made into a Touhou version, and i say about a good 50% of the fan-base has never played the games and only like it because they want to f*** the characters)
3. Anime (Just most anime and those who love Anime in general) The art style isn't 'Unique' almost all anime looks the same and no matter how many times i get people recommend me their favorite anime i will still not see it as the second coming of Jesus
As a Touhou and anime fan I'm sadly going to agree with you on that one, just google image the name of a Touhou character even with safe search on and prepare the mind bleach. And while I love anime I really hate people who say its unique and get all fanboyish about specific shows/characters, thats like saying all cartoons are unique, quite frankly the majority of anime over the last few years has been mass produced crap and you have to look for the truely good ones.

I am also going to have to mention Minecraft, which has its hatedom like most popular things, but I reeeeeaaalllly hate the Notch Defence Force. Try going on the forums and just saying maybe you think an update took a little to long for the content, I dare you.


New member
May 14, 2011
Slayer_2 said:
Valve fans, they are always either bitching about some episode 3 crap and how much Gabe Newell sucks, or saying how valve is the only good studio left in the world...
They are also annoyingly self-entitled.
"Portal 2 hats aren't worth money, Valve should just give them to me!"
"I paid for TF2 and now it free. Valve owes me!"


New member
Aug 25, 2010
Let's see, lots of possiblities here:
-Resident Evil
Mostly the fanboys who won't shut the fuck up about the movies: We got your point after the first movie! Just shut up, enjoy some explosions and hot chicks, or don't watch the movie in the first place!

-Call of Duty
Mostly the ones who will say that Modern Warfare was the only good CoD.

The annoying yappie bastards who sleep with a Companion Cube pluche at the age of 32 or always think (or even worse, say) ''is a lie'', as soon as you mention cake.

And of course, my own Nemesis: Nintendo.
-They don't need defending anymore, Nintendo is richer then Europe! If they release something that's shit, it's their own fault, and they shouldn't need fanboys to cleean up the mess!

Zabriskie Point

New member
Nov 22, 2010
Loud minority of Valve fans.
Flamboyant minority of Portal fans.
All Apple fans.
Loud minority of CoD fans.

The thing you have to realize is that the entire fanbase isn't shit, but the shit part of the fanbase stands out more.

Except for Apple fans. They're all idiots.


Gaming Wildlife
Apr 5, 2009
I have four nominations for worst fan base:

Twilight Fans
Anti-Twilight Fans
Justin Bieber Fans
Anti-Justin Bieber Fans

All of which are pretty darn annoying.


New member
Mar 18, 2011
Chibz said:
Stalydan said:
It's a kids game, stop trying to force people to play it like we're all 30 year olds with nothing better to do than beating other 30 year olds on a game for bloody 7 year olds.
You realize that nobody forces you to take part in the competitive aspect of the games, right?
I'd rather you'd post the whole message so people get the full context of the message. Anyway, it's annoying when I've met up at tournaments and people have berated six year olds because they haven't got an "elite" team. They're children and these guys literally scold and criticize them because they don't play like them.

And be honest with yourself, who really plays Pokemon JUST for catching and trading them all... well now anyway xD


New member
Jul 16, 2010
Hal10k said:

Trust me, there are plenty of fans of the original games whose main, specific complaint about FO3 was that it wasn't isometric and turn-based. I was an Admin on the wiki for a brief period of time, and we had our share of fanatical loons there.
Now I'm feeling sorry for you. You actually had to deal the inmates :S

I mentioned the Sawyer debacle to point out that there were, in fact, a (rather large) bunch of fans the tend to be unreasonable.

But I've got to admit, I always cringe when someone mentions the merits of Fallout 3 on NMA... The poor fella is in for a world of flames.


New member
Apr 5, 2010
Well there's this website based around a magazine with a bunch people who think they're cool 'cause their forums are civil.

Seriously though rap fans make me have an angergasm. I'll keep my opinions out but they alway try to project rap on to me and scold me for listening to non current music. That makes it sound civil. The bases of their arguments are "It's not all about money, drugs and hoes!" But they never have one example. And they act as if they're music elitist who are superior for listening to Skittlles, Big Wayne or whoever they are. And they dont even have a small reason for elitism like PC's

Ir0n Squid

New member
May 17, 2010
J03bot said:
Also, anyone who prefers Pepsi to Coke. Because they're wrong.

But for real: this sort of stuff is just silly. Not everyone likes the same thing. This is the sort of stuff that started the Inquisition: "You don't like my God?! MY GOD IS THE MOST AWESOMENESS!!111 Death to you all!"

btw, I like coke and pepsi. Prefer the latter, will drink the former.


New member
Aug 24, 2008
I feel the most harshest and irritating fans out there are those from the DOTA franchise. (LoL, HoN) Most of them are just so up their own arse its unbelievable.


New member
Aug 18, 2008
The Star Wars fanbase is some of the worst people I've seen. They've been around long enough to have some credibility, but they are still annoying. They forget that the first two made were the only ones that had decent scripts, that everything after Return is terrible, and Lucas was always about making green off his franchise.

The Clone Wars serial is not proof that Lucas has lost his mind. The Caravan of Courage and Battle for Endor are proof of that.
Aug 17, 2009
Many great games have a large number of silly fans. Creepy fanart is usually what makes me cringe (not fanart in general, but that certain kind of fanart). I think Bioware, Valve, and Nintendo are the biggest victims of this.

For films, I'd say it's a tie between fans of the new "Popcorn Intellectual" film, like Inception; or fans of the new "Just Switch Your Brain Off" film, like everything Michael Bay has ever made.

Other fanbases I hate are the fans of American extremist news (both Stephen Colbert and Glen Beck) who let them do the thinking for them, and, I hate to say it, but fans of "Black" American things. Modern Rap Music, Professional Sports, and just general loathsomeness shouldn't be associated with a race, but there are too many Black people who buy into that crap, and are total jerks about it. Although, there are plenty of people from other races who are just as ridiculous in these regards. One notable caveat is soccer fans, who no matter what race they are have a lot of jerks in their fanbase.


New member
Feb 18, 2011

"Some claim juggalo only when it's convenient, and no they don't really mean it, we're sick of being lenient"


New member
Mar 18, 2011
BanicRhys said:
Stalydan said:
Ouch, I used dA. Love it, great way for me and my friends just to have a laugh and share our imaginations with each other :)
Plus, I like the gallery system. I draw but I mainly write so it's just a good place to post both of them without the hassle of posting links to loads of different sites.
Nothing personal, it's just that whenever I go there I see the same crap. People blocking others for the most constructive of criticism, making horrible spelling mistakes and calling it "a personal touch", destroying some of my most beloved characters by making them a furry/gay/etc and the people who upload blatant pornography and call it art.

I just wish my school didn't force us to make an account to put all of our work up on.
Oh god, I hate that. I got a premium account around Christmas and remember I wanted to do a critique. Found something that got a Daily Deviation and noticed that they said they wrote the story of the comic. It had been plagiarised and I called the person out on it. They hid my whole critique :/ Was quite annoyed.

And I agree with porn thing. A photo of your vagina in black and white isn't artistic >_<


New member
May 23, 2011
Nulmas said:
Hal10k said:

Trust me, there are plenty of fans of the original games whose main, specific complaint about FO3 was that it wasn't isometric and turn-based. I was an Admin on the wiki for a brief period of time, and we had our share of fanatical loons there.
Now I'm feeling sorry for you. You actually had to deal the inmates :S

I mentioned the Sawyer debacle to point out that there were, in fact, a (rather large) bunch of fans the tend to be unreasonable.

But I've got to admit, I always cringe when someone mentions the merits of Fallout 3 on NMA... The poor fella is in for a world of flames.
I agree. There are legitimate criticisms to be had regarding FO3 (though, as someone who outright encourages a lack of consistency in sequels, I've found myself immune to some), but it starts getting out of hand when people start treating it as if it were something that is objectively, definitively, absolutely bad, and say that any percieved merits of the game are the result of the players delusions.