Hi, was reading another thread about games you've stuck with despite difficulty etc.
This made me think what have I played and completed despite it being a terrible game imo.
So there are two rules for this thread
1. Must have completed the main story at least
2. YOU have to have disliked/hated it, not the general public, YOU. In fact if the general public liked but you didn't that's even better.
For me it's got to be hyperdimensional Neptuina Mk2.
I have a friend who into his JRPG'S and really strongly suggested I get this and god was it awful. I mean between the lolita jokes, skimpy outfits, sex jokes and awful combat I can't say it was jokey bad it was just... damn. The only reason I completed it? Because I was stupid enough to buy and not rent the game.
It almost put off JRPG'S forever
Glad it didn't, Tales of Graces f is brill.
This made me think what have I played and completed despite it being a terrible game imo.
So there are two rules for this thread
1. Must have completed the main story at least
2. YOU have to have disliked/hated it, not the general public, YOU. In fact if the general public liked but you didn't that's even better.
For me it's got to be hyperdimensional Neptuina Mk2.
I have a friend who into his JRPG'S and really strongly suggested I get this and god was it awful. I mean between the lolita jokes, skimpy outfits, sex jokes and awful combat I can't say it was jokey bad it was just... damn. The only reason I completed it? Because I was stupid enough to buy and not rent the game.
It almost put off JRPG'S forever
Glad it didn't, Tales of Graces f is brill.