Worst Games in Great Franchises


Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
The game had the really annoying habit of cinematically dumping you into a firefight right out in the open with no cover though. And then also switching your current weapon from long gun to handgun, eventhough you went into the cinematic with the long gun equiped. Never finished Max Payne 1 because of the puzzle maze nonsense, and I have finished Max Payne 3, but 3 aggravated me way more mechanically (as well as narratively) than 1 did.
While annoying I'll take that a thousand times over the crying baby puzzle maze. 3 I got so used to; it doesn't even phase me anymore.
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Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
  • Lost Planet 3
  • Donkey Kong 64 & Returns (Wii version only)
  • Earthworm Jim 3D
  • Crash of the Titans
  • Enter the Maxtrix
  • Gun Grave VR - If it was not VR, Overdose would be on the list.
  • Double Dragon V: Shadow Falls, Double Dragon III (Arcade), Double Dragon on Game Gear, and The XBLA Double Dragon II Remake.
  • Arkham Knight
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Scrolling through forums, instead of playing games
Oct 25, 2009
  • Arkham Knight
Hey now - Arkham Knight is actually my favourite in the series.

Arkham Origins, however, would like to have a word with you

Though even then I feel like the word "worst" is extremely hyperbolic to describe even Arkham Origins - which, for the record, is still a pretty good game.
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The Big Engine
Apr 3, 2020
As for DA:O being the worst, have you played inquisition?! Origin and 2 have issues, but godamn inquisition, wtf were they thinking?
Yep, I’ve played Inquisition through about five times. DragonAge II is still my favourite in terms of characters and story but I can play Inquisition just fine. Origins gets insufferable and stupid in the first hour and transitions into unplayable bullshit in two hours.


Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
Hey now - Arkham Knight is actually my favourite in the series.

Arkham Origins, however, would like to have a word with you

Though even then I feel like the word "worst" is extremely hyperbolic to describe even Arkham Origins - which, for the record, is still a pretty good game.
It was not an easy decision, but I hate the Batmobile section, Origins has better and best boss fights, and Knight had a disastrous PC launch that took forever to fix. Everything about it felt extra and unnecessary.


Elite Member
May 13, 2010
It was not an easy decision, but I hate the Batmobile section, Origins has better and best boss fights, and Knight had a disastrous PC launch that took forever to fix. Everything about it felt extra and unnecessary.
Are the other open city Batman games, after that very first one, actually worth buying? This would be the PS 4 versions by the way. I really enjoyed Arkham City (the first one at least), as I enjoyed the open world sandbox, "I am the Knight" feel to literally prowling the streets, stopping crime. But I heard so many negative things about the subsequent ones, especially how buggy as fuck at least that one game was, as to avoid the rest of the franchise like the plague. But I do enjoy the flying around and beating down baddies setup a lot.


Elite Member
Dec 28, 2017
I think Yakuza 3 is by far the worst game in the series. It's soo fucking clunky and disjointed compared to every other game in the series, including the ones that jump between 4 main characters.


Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
Are the other open city Batman games, after that very first one, actually worth buying? This would be the PS 4 versions by the way. I really enjoyed Arkham City (the first one at least), as I enjoyed the open world sandbox, "I am the Knight" feel to literally prowling the streets, stopping crime. But I heard so many negative things about the subsequent ones, especially how buggy as fuck at least that one game was, as to avoid the rest of the franchise like the plague. But I do enjoy the flying around and beating down baddies setup a lot.
Origins is a good game, but it is buggy depending on the versions. If you have an Xbox One or Series x, it runs smooth enough that those bugs don't even exist anymore. Arkham Knight I found tedious and monotonous. The fact that they were hyping up the batmobile so much was an early warning sign before release. If you care that much about the story it might be worth the investment, but I couldn't even bother what the game much. I know my big brother loves Arkham Knight, but he still considered City the best, if that helps you with anything. I will say tread with caution.
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Elite Member
Apr 5, 2020
United States
So...I hate to say this, because it is technically part of my all-time favorite video game series. Mass Effect: Andromeda.

Only two of the party members gave me the same sense of connection I felt with all of the party members of the original trilogy, and the story felt like Ryder (player character) didn't really have agency. S/he is just going to planet to planet fixing stuff because it's his/her job as a Pathfinder, which s/he was not prepared for because his/her father was the one with all the training and prep. It just felt unfocused on a narrative level.

Plus, the kett were lame villains. Gameplay was a fair bit of fun, especially with the jetpack mechanics adding in mobility to gunfights, but while Anthem is definitely the nadir of Bioware's output, Mass Effect: Andromeda was a warning sign of what Bioware was becoming, and a significant disappointment in comparison to the (IMO) amazing original trilogy. Here's hoping what's Next is better for the brand.


Elite Member
May 13, 2010
So...I hate to say this, because it is technically part of my all-time favorite video game series. Mass Effect: Andromeda.

Only two of the party members gave me the same sense of connection I felt with all of the party members of the original trilogy, and the story felt like Ryder (player character) didn't really have agency. S/he is just going to planet to planet fixing stuff because it's his/her job as a Pathfinder, which s/he was not prepared for because his/her father was the one with all the training and prep. It just felt unfocused on a narrative level.
I would point out that one of the biggest running gags about Shepherd is that the missions boil down to "just going to planet to planet, fixing stuff because it's his/her job as Spectre" So I can't really say that's a good criticism of Andromeda, without at least acknowledging it as an equal one for the original trilogy. I mean given there was basically no benefit to mixing up Paragon/Renegade points, as you got more benefits going all-in one way or the other from the start, it basically railroaded your "choice" to whatever playstyle run you were currently doing.

I actually really liked that they tried to do a clean break with the original storyline, by hurling them into the great unknown. Enough familiarity via the species, and biotics to make it feel like the franchise, and make people happy, but not beholden to having to plot out whatever myriad of outcomes any particular playthrough might have, if you ported over the storylines from the OT. That was actually my biggest issue with the "callbacks" in ME 3, they were so many they felt they needed to shoehorn in there, that they ultimately amounted to nothing, even when they were things that probably should've matter more than they did. I recall feeling like I had to sit through a lot of content that was simply cameos from Season 1 of some long running tv show, during the series finale. It's fine up to a point, but there is a limit for me on how much I can stomach before I feel like I'm just waiting for the next new thing to come along.
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Adam Jensen

Elite Member
Apr 3, 2020
So...I hate to say this, because it is technically part of my all-time favorite video game series. Mass Effect: Andromeda.
Fuck this game. I knew from the get-go that it would be shit since it was a shit idea to begin with. A cop-out borne out of desperation. They wrote themselves in the corner with ME3 ending but they still wanted the sweet cash so they just ran away from the galaxy? From the central point of the entire fuckin' series? Imagine setting Assassin's Creed in the future. It's even dumber than that.

Are the other open city Batman games, after that very first one, actually worth buying? This would be the PS 4 versions by the way. I really enjoyed Arkham City (the first one at least), as I enjoyed the open world sandbox, "I am the Knight" feel to literally prowling the streets, stopping crime. But I heard so many negative things about the subsequent ones, especially how buggy as fuck at least that one game was, as to avoid the rest of the franchise like the plague. But I do enjoy the flying around and beating down baddies setup a lot.
They are all good. The first one - Arkham Asylum is arguably the best because of the tight design with a very clear vision and direction. The problem with the sequels is just that they are sequels. They "suffer" from the same "problems" as most sequels. Quotation marks are there for a reason.

The publisher wanted Rocksteady to make more Batman games, so they did. Which means they had to make sure that the next one is bigger and more awesome than the last. So in Arkham City they introduced a lot of new mechanics, made the game world larger, made a playable Catwoman etc. Additions such as these usually distort some of the original vision and design philosophy. But that doesn't necessarily have an impact on the quality of the game. If they hadn't done those things, they would be accused of lack of innovation. So really, the only way to not be criticized is to never release another Batman game. Basically, City is not a bad game. Not by a long shot. A lot of fans are of the opinion that Arkham City is vastly superior to the original game. In many ways it is. But you just can't deny the fact that it isn't as tightly designed as the original. And it lacks that novelty factor of the original. But that is normal and to be expected.

Then you have Origins, which was mostly a bigger version of City, with barely any new additions. And it was a prequel. Again, not a bad game by any stretch of the imagination, just not as innovative as Asylum or City. And on top of that it was made by a different studio. Personally, I never understood the criticism for this game. I had a lot of fun with it. It introduced the detective mechanic which I really enjoyed. And it is actually the best written game in the series, if you care about writing. Rocksteady's titles all suffer (no quotation marks here) from comic book cliche writing. Writing in Origins feels a lot more natural, nuanced and realistic.

And last, but not least you have Arkham Knight. Even bigger, even more awesome, and you even get the Batmobile. I played Arkham Knight three times. Which is just as many times as I played all the other titles in the series. In my opinion, it's just as good as the rest of the games in the series, and just like the rest, it's good for different reasons. I know that the Batmobile sections aren't to everyone's liking, but I actually enjoyed them for what they were. They offered much needed break from the usual formula, especially since the city is so much bigger now, so you need more variety in the activities and the Batmobile is there to provide it. They even fixed some of the writing problems, but alas, not all.
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