Worst origin horror story yet!


New member
Aug 27, 2010
Sober Thal said:
newwiseman said:
I'd sue,

I've have sued people for a lot less and won. Sue for damages the 60 x 2 for the game, sue for legal fees, and sue for wasting your time on the support line.

I consider my time valuable and if your going to waist it you owe me.

What small claims court jurisdiction has awarded you $$$ for your precious/valuable time?

EDIT: Or are you one those settlement junkies?
Two years ago I sued a guy who parked in my drive way and refused to move his car. I first called a tow truck but because of the angle of my drive way and a couple trees, the truck couldn't move the car without destroying my lawn. The police wrote the guy a ticket for illegal parking and did nothing else. I sued the car owner, called the tow guy as a witness, presented a copy of the ticket, and won $1,500 plus court fees.

Had I let the tow tuck destroy my lawn I could had gotten more.

He was only in my drive way for two hours, this guy was on the phone for longer than that and they charged his credit card without authorization before finally canceling his service. This is exactly what lawsuits are for. He should actually file a police report since they charged his card without authorization, that way he has more evidence on his side if he sues and EA lets it go that far.

Hell just a couple months ago The Daily Show did a story about a guy who sued a bank that sent him a foreclose notice when he owned his home, when they dropped the case the bank didn't pay up for the legal fees, so he got the sheriffs office to foreclose on that branch. http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/blogpost/post/florida-couple-forecloses-on-bank-of-america-the-daily-shows-john-oliver-gets-really-excited/2011/08/09/gIQAzwhZ4I_blog.html


New member
Aug 4, 2009
Broken Orange said:
The worst origin story for a horror movie I've seen would be Halloween. Michael Myers is suppose to be unhuman.
Has anyone ever told you that you are a sexy sexy genius?

In all seriousness, while I wouldn't put such a thing past EA, I will say that such services can have a few starter bugs.

I guess you could say you can't expect it to run completely smoothly so soon following it's...

Origin (yeeaaaaah?).


New member
Aug 27, 2010
Sober Thal said:
newwiseman said:
Sober Thal said:
newwiseman said:
I'd sue,

I've have sued people for a lot less and won. Sue for damages the 60 x 2 for the game, sue for legal fees, and sue for wasting your time on the support line.

I consider my time valuable and if your going to waist it you owe me.

What small claims court jurisdiction has awarded you $$$ for your precious/valuable time?

EDIT: Or are you one those settlement junkies?
Two years ago I sued a guy who parked in my drive way and refused to move his car. I first called a tow truck but because of the angle of my drive way and a couple trees, the truck couldn't move the car without destroying my lawn. The police wrote the guy a ticket for illegal parking and did nothing else. I sued the car owner, called the tow guy as a witness, presented a copy of the ticket, and won $1,500 plus court fees.

Had I let the tow tuck destroy my lawn I could had gotten more.

He was only in my drive way for two hours, this guy was on the phone for longer than that and they charged his credit card without authorization before finally canceling his service. This is exactly what lawsuits are for. He should actually file a police report since they charged his card without authorization, that way he has more evidence on his side if he sues and EA lets it go that far.

Hell just a couple months ago The Daily Show did a story about a guy who sued a bank that sent him a foreclose notice when he owned his home, when they dropped the case the bank didn't pay up for the legal fees, so he got the sheriffs office to foreclose on that branch. http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/blogpost/post/florida-couple-forecloses-on-bank-of-america-the-daily-shows-john-oliver-gets-really-excited/2011/08/09/gIQAzwhZ4I_blog.html
Again, I must know, what jurisdiction gave you money for you having your precious time wasted?
Lane County Circuit Court 2nd Judicial District. Lawsuits can be filed for a lot less.

ShakyFt Slasher

New member
Feb 3, 2011
It makes me quite sick to see video game companies have the legal right to take away a product you paid for just because you pissed them off. It was even their fault too!


New member
Jan 25, 2010
The Plunk said:
thespyisdead said:
thank god i am a steam user

regarding the photo: the superviser was a jerk regarding the refund, but the guy tottaly deserved his ban, due to his foul mouth... what do we learn from this? do not piss peaople off in high places, or at leas the ones, that have power over your account full of games,
A private corporation effectively fining someone $120 for swearing is not my idea of fair.
it's actually a public one, cos it's quoted on the stock exchange... and if you were in this supervisors situation, after having profanity spat in your ear, would you still be nice and let them keep their account, or shut it down?


New member
Feb 25, 2008
Sober Thal said:
What small claims court jurisdiction has awarded you $$$ for your precious/valuable time?

EDIT: Or are you one those settlement junkies?
I'm not a settlement junky, but I've gone down the small claims court route and it works.

Bought a nice new mountain bike, bike came with broken cranks straight out the box. Company I bought it from (Evans Cycles) at first ignored my emails and when I called on the phone got a response that the damage must have been something I did (lifting it out the box perhaps?) and that they would not offer any kind of help.
So I sent them a court summons and had a new set of cranks within five days. It never went to court but the threat was clearly the kick they needed to actually do something.

This is exactly the kind of thing small claims courts are meant for. That they were able to track down his account and ban him after the phone exchange shows they were paying attention, no doubt his phone bill and bank statments will show that he was under some duress by the time he swore and that he isn't making it up.

Doesn't seem like it would take long to sort out, bet EA wouldn't even contest it.


New member
Feb 25, 2008
thespyisdead said:
it's actually a public one, cos it's quoted on the stock exchange... and if you were in this supervisors situation, after having profanity spat in your ear, would you still be nice and let them keep their account, or shut it down?
I'd look and see how long they've been connected and how many times, a guy who's been on the phone two hours ain't going to be happy. If it's even half true the supervisor is a complete dick as he started the conversation with hostiity, if you open a CS call by abusing the customer all bets are off. Taking the time to track the account of and ban it was clearly a move out of spite seeing as up to that point they'd gone out of their way to avoid even acknowledging the caller.

But then I don't work in EA's call centre, I meet my customers face to face...


New member
Apr 26, 2009
OhJohnNo said:
Well from the looks of things, he posted it on 4chan, so I'm taking the post with a barrel full of salt. But if true, that's... a bit of a blunder on EA's part, to say the least.
Being on 4chan doesn't automatically mark someone as a troll.
And people wonder why the whole internet views us as a bunch of elitist pricks.

OT: Origin is a really shitty service, I'm glad I didn't buy BF3 for the PC.


New member
Mar 14, 2011
Good thing I didn't install origin. Even BF3 isn't worth it to me to put up with something like that.

Gmans uncle

New member
Oct 17, 2011
EA had better thank their lucky stars that they still have Bioware as a partner company, 'cause if they didn't I would never buy a game from them again, I have had it with them! The Online pass things, the DRM, pulling their games off Steam, those horrible add campaigns, that Origin crap, and NOW THIS? Seriously, Mass Effect 3 might be the last EA game I ever buy, I am done. Fuck you EA, I hope developer hell exists so you can burn in it.


New member
Sep 11, 2008
Sober Thal said:
-'STEAM fuckin charged me a bazillion fuckin times for one game. It's true, cuz I said so and I swore a lot!'-


It's a new service, it will be a bit before it runs smoothly for everyone. Of the what, tens of thousands who bought BF3 for PC, you're going to find some who had problems.
Gamersgate, Greenman gaming etc. etc. are all pretty new in digital distribution but they know how to treat their customers.
The only reason for Origin to be installed on my machine is that I got Mass effect 2 from my friend (the Dragon age 2 "sorry we sold you shitty game" promotion).


Level i Flare!
Mar 23, 2011
Sober Thal said:
-'STEAM fuckin charged me a bazillion fuckin times for one game. It's true, cuz I said so and I swore a lot!'-


It's a new service, it will be a bit before it runs smoothly for everyone. Of the what, tens of thousands who bought BF3 for PC, you're going to find some who had problems.
Difference is, from the story, EA is banhammering absolutely anyone for simply complaining about them, whereas Steam doesn't ban unless you're hacking on a VAC server. Remember that guy who got banned from Dragon Age 2?


New member
Feb 17, 2011
for now all we know is they froze his account during a investigation, I've had my steam account frozen four times by valve for the same thing.

Mycroft Holmes

New member
Sep 26, 2011
an874 said:
I second this. I remember trying to get support after installing that shitty Pinnacle Station dlc for Mass Effect and having it disable the game. They have some of the laziest tech support I've dealt with.
I actually received prompt and helpful support when I couldn't get bringing down the sky to work. They gave me a new CD key and everything worked out just fine after that. So perhaps you just got a really bad tech support guy as an anomaly. I've actually been of the opinion that EA has really cleaned things up over the past 5 or 6 years and become less of an evil juggernaut.

But its looking like origin is a huge fucking step back in that regard. Which is sad because I was looking forward to Mass Effect 3; but I doubt I'll buy it if its origin exclusive.


Level i Flare!
Mar 23, 2011
Sober Thal said:
You are so right... I now see the error of my ways. Let us curse out anyone trying to help us whenever anything goes wrong, then post about it on 4chan. Let us rally to all people who complain about something on 4chan and take their side as fact.


EDIT: The post above me (Normandyfoxtrot) needs more cursing. lol
Perhaps you missed the part where I said that EA banned people simply for badmouthing them at all. And the part in the OP with the unhelpful support staff.