Worst thing you've done to end an argument?


New member
Nov 7, 2006
Breaker deGodot said:
vesago said:
I got kicked out of the debate team for swearing of the other kid ... he shut up thats how i thought you won
Really? I debate at school myself and people swear during rounds all the time. Depends on the judge, I suppose, but that seems odd to me.
he was doing a ron white routine:


New member
Sep 23, 2010
hammering them with logic, their mistakes, making use of loopholes in their comments to insult them, if they insult me then I say something that makes them sound like they just insulted themselves, or if anyone is around make them sound like a complete and utter moron. that's my cruelest way of ending an argument, and it's almost always effective. The other thing I do is ignore them, completely if I know that I have no way of winning the argument.
on the interent, it's a tad more difficult however.


New member
Jun 7, 2010
I punched a baby. In anger. In my defense that baby was being kind of a dick.


New member
Nov 2, 2009
Just saying "shhhhhhh" Until they got the message. That was the point when I had realised that I was the one who was wrong..


New member
Mar 8, 2010
I punched a hole in my bedroom door. Not my proudest moment... I'm not even an aggressive person :(

No, really, I'm not aggressive. I have gotten angry about 5-6 times the last 5 years. Sure I get irritated but that's not the same.

Or once when I was around 8 I pushed a really annoying girl into some thornbushes. Trust me, she deserved it, she had been an ass to me for about a week at that point and I had some anger issues when I was younger, mostly because I got "bullied". (Don't really count it as bullied since I beat most of 'em up).

On second thought, why did people bully me? I mean, I beat people up on a regular basis, but not because I'm an ass but that they were.
I'm starting to think my fellow schoolmates were retarded.


New member
Jan 5, 2011
ZeeClone said:
Burst into tears.

Yes. I said it.
That works really well for me. If a girl does it, people tend to know what to do, but if you're a 6' tall massive hairy guy they panic.

My most extreme argument ender was when my gf of the time was yelling at me for cheating on her, which I hadn't. I got fed up and just shouted "I wish I had cheated on you, be nice to enjoy sleeping with someone for a change!". She just slapped me and ran off, and freed up my evening to go out with the lads.

Simeon Ivanov

New member
Jun 2, 2011
Virtual: Say "Be right back" and go offline.
IRL: Walk away without saying a word. It may be rude, but it's effective


New member
Apr 3, 2011
Put the phone down.
Like actually put it down and stopped listening.
I came back when the faint noise stopped and acted like I heard the whole thing. I was being yelled at for locking my cousin out of my room and ignoring him. It was too the sister that has acted like a second mother to me since I was born. I Felt like I was less than dog shit, but I was just depressed and frustrated at the time for some dumb thing. She still doesn't know. Like months later.


New member
Mar 3, 2011
Jack the Potato said:
Me and my boss were arguing over whether this new guy was a cop. I said he wasn't but the boss wasn't having any of it. He pulled his gun on the guy, so I pulled mine on him cause I knew there was no way the new guy could be a cop and he'd already been shot by some crazy ***** anyway. What cop takes a bullet for criminals? Anyway, the whole thing turns into a mexican standoff, and eventually everybody gets shot, including me. But I managed to survive as did the new guy, but he was in bad shape and I knew I needed to get him some help.

But then get this! After all I did for him, he tells me he really is a cop! I just killed my own boss for this asshole! Now the cops come in, but I don't give a fuck. I pull out my gun and shoot the traitorous bastard right in the head.
Cool story bro.

I said no and walked away. If that doesn't sound bad, no wasn't a valid answer at all in that situation.


New member
Nov 15, 2010
hmmm... probabaly refused to let them do what they want until they apologise, although, truth be told, they were always wrong(i mean my sister, and she still has those arguments with me now... for no real reson she sparks them up, but i have a 'pride' thing which stops me from backing down in arguments... /sigh...)


New member
Jun 2, 2010
I got really angry at my friend and started shouting at them they backed down really fast I felt really bad and apologized after so it was a win win


Leaf on the wind
Feb 20, 2011
demoman_chaos said:
NinjaDeathSlap said:
Utterly destroying my opponent with the twin hammer blows of logic and reason, leaving them with no choice but to admit defeat and beg forgiveness for how wrong they were.

That's how I end an argument bitches!
Doesn't work with majority of people, at least around here. Despite being trounced logically, they always resort to insults once all their points have been made and countered. They are at least persistant. The more ignorant they are on a subject, the less likely they are to admit defeat.

In those cases, telling them I have an axe usually at the very least makes them pause for a second. At which point I unleash my troll smile and say, "U Jelly." Their simple minds can't process it and the enemy derp faces. At which point, the war is won.
Ah, but you underestimate the sheer power of the logic I wield. In fact, it's scientifically proven that my arguments can render all insults inadequate, and even cause the opponents testicles to shrivel and become absorbed back into their abdomen, and if the opponent is female, it will cause them to grow testicle just so those testicles can the shrivle and be absorbed back into the abdomen. :3


They will not take our Fluids
Jun 5, 2008
The worst I've done is say something rude (usually about their intelligence) and then ignore them after. I'm sure everyone has done it.