Would you become veggie to help save the planet?


New member
Dec 8, 2007
Meat-eating should just be toned down and sobered up. No need to get rid of it entirely. Even tho I'm (mostly) vegetarian, I'm a little creeped out by the idea of humanity losing touch with its meat-eating roots. I mean, it's a *part* of us. The idea of a wholly vegetarian humanity just feels weirdly.. domesticated/castrated.

Personally, I do well on a vegetarian diet, so it's no biggie for me, but not everyone can live meatless and thrive. The problem is the overblown factory food industry, and that applies to veggies as well as meat. I think.. er, *hope*, rather.. that most humans would rather eat a quality grassfed steak once a week than eat shitty cardboard-hormone-meat-blend burger things from the drive-thru three times a day. Yeah, it would mean eating beans and rice too, but beans and rice can be really damn *good* if you give 'em a chance and actually, y'know, learn to cook.

Let's all meet in the middle. Don't persecute any particular food source, just try to do a classy job with it. Yeah, right, who am I kidding? We're fucked.


New member
Sep 9, 2008
So we've gone vego. Suddenly, most of the population are without their regular protein supplement and suffering from iron deficiencies. The land is overrun with useless livestock that need to be disposed of and the grain that used to be fed to the livestock, y'know the harsh, course stuff that isn't fit for human consumption, goes to waste. The land that's better suited to grazing than grain either goes unused and wasted or is ruined by the few harvests of crop we can get out before the land becomes too salinised or depleted to support plant life. Then, just as we're miserable from food shortages and health problems, aliens come along and wipe us all out, because most of us have lost the killer instinct that comes from eating meat.

One day, we'll be able to grow our nutrients in vats as we fly off into space to colonise the stars. That's about the point where livestock will become impractical, but we'll still have our meat, it'll just be vat-grown.


Zombie Specialist
Apr 16, 2009
Not only would I not go veggie, I would sneak into hospitals at night and fill IV bags with blended ground beef.


New member
Apr 8, 2008
No, as the CO2 foolishness has never been proven, as much as people like the cows take x veggies to make meat.

The human being needs animal flesh for our vital functions and most importantly it is the basis of our evolution, So in half a million years if we are still around....my spawn will being eatting the people who went veggie, their mind shrunk and intestines 4 times longer and all energy go to food and not their brain.

Even as of now I'm higher on the food chain than vegitarian....so even they are fair game.


New member
Oct 14, 2009
Time to throw in my two cents.

First off the planet Earth has been around for billions and billions of years. A few billion parasites like us will not kill the planet and I personally think that the idea of "saving" the planet is not only arrogant but also naive as well. It is arrogant because some people have this idea that something so great as the planet earth needs saving from us and is naive because I feel that deep down people who say that we need to save the planet only have this idea because they fear for their own lives not so much the planet.

As to the topic question: No I would not go vegan to save the planet because as I said I don't think the planet needs saving. We are omnivores we are not built to eat nothing but vegetables, however, we aren't meant to eat just meat either. With that in mind eat your meat and vegetables kids.


New member
Aug 12, 2009
I still don't believe climate change is going to be the end of the world, but maybe I'm stupid. Anyway, if I did, then probably yes, but shortly after I would kill myself.


New member
Sep 23, 2008
Hmm.. how does me no longer eating whale and deer meat help save the world?
As far as I see it.. taking 1-2 deers out of the system helps? If I didnt the deer would cause more methane? aka, with that reasoning. Not eating meat rather destroys "the planet"?

Jens Viking

New member
Nov 19, 2009
To quote Yahtzee; "Short answer; no, long answer; noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo..."


New member
Mar 25, 2009
Kellerb said:

*clears throat* Quoted for truth.
Orezroivas said:
Have you, by chance, read State of Fear by Michael Crichton? Seems like it'd fit in well with your opinions at the moment.

On topic- no, I'm not going to become a vegetarian. I'm not going to cause the apocalypse by myself, and going against the current isn't going to do much good either. While I could preach the advantages of it, I'd piss off my friends and family and create more anti-vegetarianism.

Plus, let's face it. What would you rather have, a stick of broccoli, or a prime rib?


New member
Oct 10, 2009
Climate change is an over hyped problem as it is. I'm not giving up meat to help "save the planet".


the God of Pants
Nov 24, 2009
Ok, we evolved from x and y over thousands of years right? Ok lets go with that, we are now an omnivore. Awesome so we dont need to exclude a type of food based on our system so we can get allw e need.

What? You want to take out half of our diet slapping mother nature across the face yet another time? Cmon she has so many bruses we should let up on the poor gal... that is untill she starts actually dealing with the infestation known as homosapien.

Edit: Forgot. Climate change could be just another course the world does, like the periodic ice ages. However thats no reason to continue our destructive lifestyle, we need to change something, but unfortionatly true change is only accomplished through alot of blood.

Edit the second: Also just because we think were arrogant and that we dont matter to the planet maybe we dont but what if we do? And were destroying this beautiful plane tht athas brought us life because we dont fully understand our impact? Im not saying that we are the OMGWTFBBQ of the planet but to cut down on the shit were doing against it is a noble endevor no?


New member
Jul 11, 2008
Furburt said:
I'm a pescadarian (eat fish) so I'm sort of okay. Anyway, saving the planet is over with, it's already too fucked to save. Just enjoy your life and don't have any children.
here's the answer folks, if we all ate fish, they'd take up less space, the sea levels would stop rising and we'd all be saved!


Welcome To Das Oontz
Feb 21, 2009
Not bloody likely. I like my meat, and my vegetable consumption is pretty much limited to potatoes.