Would you go to see My Little Pony the Movie?


New member
Oct 1, 2009
Eaglesolidus said:
okay in the last half hour i got to watch it i began to like it i cant believe i like My little pony
Hahahahaha! That's exactly how most of us started. I'm looking forward to hearing which of the ponies becomes your favourite.


New member
Apr 2, 2008
HT_Black said:
Yes, on both counts. And then I would fight anyone who disagrees. And then they would explode.
But what if they exploded twice?!

Assuming it's done with the same cast and setting as FiM, I would definitely watch it in theaters. Archaic gender expectations be damned.

Dragongod_Zenos said:
you "bronies" are the scum of the internet. worst then porn
Aw, I love you too.


New member
Feb 21, 2009
I would go with all my brony friends and we would have a great time.

But if I were, for some reason, too embarrassed to go, I could just babysit my cousin for the day and then we could see it. Problem solved.

Don't you have any young family members you could take as your excuse to see it?


Senior Member
Dec 18, 2008
Hell-to-the-yes I would! And I'd bring my two converts with me ;) And maybe even a third one who is starting to open up to fim more and more.


New member
Apr 15, 2010
I would watch it. If it ends up being anything like rescue at Midnight Castle. That was a first generation movie and it was good if really fast paced. If they went all out and did a fantasy adventure story like that I'd be in like flint. At netflix.


New member
May 21, 2010
Only if it was a gritty and live action and kept the magic and the colour. I would love to see how they pull that off.


New member
Mar 6, 2011
Ask me that a month ago and I'd have said no due to being afraid someone would see me, but over time I've become more and more open about it, so I say yes if I could get one of my brony friends to go with me.


Apr 28, 2010
Lost in my mind
I would go while wearing my Derpy Hooves shirt and possibly a CMC hoodie all with my MLP pins.


The Resident Team ICO Fanboy
May 14, 2009
Definitely, although my parents are currently my only way of transportation, and I would need them to drop me off at the theater. And even then I'll have to lie about what movie I'm going to see. >_>


New member
Nov 10, 2009
I really need a good happy movie right now so I hope it happens sooner rather then later. Stupid depression keeps popping up lately.

Let's get down to business
To watch some Pony
Did they send me Parasprites?
When I asked for Bronies
You"re the Greatest friends
I ever met
But you can bet
before we're through
Mister I'll love and Tolerate
the shit out you

Honest as an Applejack
But on fire like Twilight
Once you find your Elements
You are sure to win
You're trolling, mean,
pathetic lot
Who haven't got a friend
Somehow I'll make a friend
Out of you!!!!


New member
Jan 15, 2011
Pinstar said:
Pray my wife's pregnancy results in a girl so I'd have a legitimate reason to go see this my daughter.
Hell, even if its a boy, just dress him up like a girl if he is still an infant while the movie is released. Just never tell him what you did.


New member
Feb 28, 2008
See, I'm a young woman, so I get social permission to go to a children's movie and giggle at all the cuteness nonstop. :)
You should have seen me watching Ponyo. Nonstop "Awwwwwww"s and giggling the whole way through.

I kinda wish I had gone and seen the recent Winnie the Pooh movie in theaters...

Really, though, I don't get why people would need to bring fanboyism into this mess. Its two hours of candy-colored ponies we're talking here. Its just a time to sit down and relax in cuteness. I openly embrace childrens' media if its of a decent quality; I love reading children's books. (Granted, I want to illustrate them some day, but still) These guys [http://bookxcessblog.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/04/melrose-croc.jpg] are my computer wallpaper. :)
If nothing else, people go and see kids movies to make fun of them; its not really that strange to see Grown men watching family-friendly films for kicks [http://www.thecinemasnob.com/2011/06/17/midnight-screenings-the-green-lantern-and-mr-poppers-penguins.aspx].

Anyone who protests your going to see it is just looking for an argument and needs to chill out.

Jonabob87 said:
Eaglesolidus said:
Necromancer Jim said:
Eaglesolidus said:
why the fuck do people like my little pony so much all of the sudden?
someone tell me
Because Friendship Is Magic.

It's the new series, and it is genuinely enjoyable to most people who aren't making an effort to hate it.
okay thanks i just wanted to know i dont hate it
Here, episode one: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vqgsXkmQ6ZI

Prepare to be bored though, I don't think I'd even have liked this when I was a child...
I don't think most people who like Friendship is Magic did, either.
I thought the original series was terrible as a child and the one pony I did have was just a mount for my transformers action figures.

The thing is, this new series is a decent show. I don't find it the best thing ever, personally, but the writing, animation, and the rest of its constituent parts make it respectable, from what animators make of it.
It was made by Lauren Faust, who brought her history with the PowerPuff Girls, Foster's home for imaginary friends and Dexter's Lab to the production, so it somehow manages to have nostalgia points without being nostalgic for most people.

Really, though, I think a lot of "bronies" are drawn in for the shock factor of liking not just a girls' cartoon, but a girls cartoon who people know for being that mediocre show from the 80's, and stay for the fact that it validates the typically "unmanly" side we all have that appreciates unabashed cuteness and friendliness.

I, personally, think its great that we're getting some gender barriers being broken down for men these days; I find it so cruel of society to have such strict limitations of what men are allowed to find cute.


New member
Mar 16, 2008
Totally I'd go. But hey I'm a girl so I get that kind of privilege lol. I am quite open about the fact that I still love cartoons still. I grant that I was a little ashamed to find I enjoyed MLP because I grew up a tomboy and I'm more into darker things but....come on it's hilarious ponies and the cutesy and pretty elements do feed the starving girly girl somewhere inside me....I can't help myself.


New member
Apr 1, 2011
I saw Yu-Gi-Oh!: The Movie (2004) in theaters even though my love for the series was embarrassing and I kind of tried to hide it. Would have saw the new movie too, if a theater near me would play it. I saw Toy Story 3 in a theater but that's not the same now is it, everybody my age (19) loves Toy Story or they have no soul (I don't believe in souls, but still, they have no soul).

As for the actual question, imagine My Little Pony: A Michael Bay Film, Based on the Toys by Hasbro! All the explosions are replaced with rainbows! I'd still see it...


New member
Oct 4, 2009
Of course I would, probably be with all the fans enjoying or be thoroughly disappointed because it was outsourced to another studio with some bad writers.

Lunar Templar

New member
Sep 20, 2009
Eaglesolidus said:
Jonabob87 said:
Eaglesolidus said:
Necromancer Jim said:
Eaglesolidus said:
why the fuck do people like my little pony so much all of the sudden?
someone tell me
Because Friendship Is Magic.

It's the new series, and it is genuinely enjoyable to most people who aren't making an effort to hate it.
okay thanks i just wanted to know i dont hate it
Here, episode one: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vqgsXkmQ6ZI

Prepare to be bored though, I don't think I'd even have liked this when I was a child...
wow i still dont know why people like this
it can take a few eps to get into, eps 1 an 2 aren't really the best. stick with it though there are moments of purest badassery that are unrivaled by anything Kratos dose, EVER

check out Stare Master or Dragon Shy, wait for it, and be amazed

Lunar Templar

New member
Sep 20, 2009
lithium.jelly said:
Kitsuna10060 said:
check out Stare Master or Dragon Shy, wait for it, and be amazed
Another Fluttershy fan, I see?
hehe, guilty as charged :3
she's awesome in every scene she's in, but those two eps, hehe, o.0 OH!!!!

@Eaglesolidus: i think its called 'At The Gala' or 'Grand Galuping Gala' last seasons final ep

should be shot for forgetting that one -.-