X-Men Director: Superhero Movies Are Dying

Deacon Cole

New member
Jan 10, 2009
I think there may be something to his prediction. The average movie goer may not really care about super heroes per se. To them, it was a variation on the action/fantasy genre and as such, they can grow tired of it. It's probably a matter of how much of the audience for these films are super hero fans and if they are enough to sustain them.

Chances are good that the Marvel films will be supported up to the Avengers movie as all the films are leading to it. If the average viewer is hip to this, they may be curious enough to see it play out, good or bad. Past that, who knows? The general audience is as fickle as it is unpredictable.

Movies do tend to go in trends. Some can last a long time, others a very short time. It may be a bit quick to call super heroes dead, but the genre has been going since 1978. Thirty years is a good, long time.


New member
Aug 17, 2010
Diluted or not I will have no problem watching any of the 'Batman Begins' series... those movies are just pure win


New member
Sep 30, 2009
After reading this article, I went and typed up the Metacritic scores for every superhero movie since 2000 in Excel (excluding non comic adaptations like Hancock and Underdog). Whilst the movies have been a very mixed bunch, on average there has be a modest general INCREASE in quality over the years.

Are audiences growing tired of superheroes? That's a different thing. For that, I'd have to do a similar sheet with box office receipts, adjusted for inflation.


New member
Apr 8, 2008
Only reason these movies would "die" is horrible script writing and predictable directing decisions.

You want a GOOD movie, break the mold...

Stop killing villains. Period. Spider man fought Green Goblin, Venom and Doc OCK for years, why in every movie do they have to die two days after meeting the hero?

Give the tired old horse script template up.
Introduce hero. Hero does big things, hero meets love, hero has second thoughts. Bad guy kidnaps love interest, good guy appears to give up, good guy fights villain, good guy kills bad guy, happy ending kiss with love, end with lame "And the story is just beginning" tripe.

In part 2? Lather,rinse, repeat.

At least do what Xmen (the first movie) did, have the bad guys at least questionably fall into the water... like comic books, someone falls into the water and no body is found it means they are coming back later.

In reality, the movies aren't dying, but they never evolved past maybe 3-4 scripts that have been recycled with different heroes.