Part of the reason Zynga wouldn't release on X Box is because of a smaller consumer base, but not in the way they are implying. See, when you are a salesman giving an impassioned pitch to sell your quality product, you can survive on a smaller customer base because you are offering a quality product that people want to buy. Zynga however, is more like spam e-mails. Their stuff is crap, so the percentage of people who will get pulled in is much, much smaller. They have to rely on a huge customer base, bombard them with constant requests to buy their crap, and can survive on those people they manage to trick into playing their shitty games. It's not that Zynga has bigger fish to fry, it's that as developers they are incapable of surviving any but the most exploitable of sales environment. put them in a marketplace where even a modicum of quality is expected and they would fall to pieces.
I'm not even opposed to casual games. Gameing is great in all forms. Zynga just do a terrible job of it.