Y'know what? I LIKED IT DAMMIT!!!


New member
Jan 7, 2011
Angelus SnV said:
-Smallville: This one's the funniest on my list because i'm such a hardcore anti-Superman/pro-Batman fan...yet i found the show all kinds of entertaining, especially the later seasons when they introduced Green Arrow who is INFINATELY more interesting than Clark...and side-note, Michael Rosenbaum is THE GREATEST ON-SCREEN LEX LUTHOR EVER!!!

-Dick Grayson Batman > Bruce Wayne Batman: Yes, Bruce was the original. But original doesn't automatically mean better! Grayson has damn-near all the skills of Bruce, but isn't tormented at all times...HE ACTUALLY HAS FUN WITH IT!!!

I LIKED 'EM DAMMIT!!!!!!!!!!!!
i wonder WHEN is DC gonna realize superman is boring. his newer incarnations the LESS ya know A moral red blooded american superman is a BORE i also like small lives take on him.i mean can you imagine standing next to Clark Kent? the guys a borderline hank hill ya know OUT OF TOUCH!

and also on the same note

Dick Grayson does make a good batman i like a hero who doesn't spend all his free time figuring out how to kill the justice league. i honestly feel alone with my dislike of brace Wayne. the RICH closed off guy who doesn't like people who only know how to communicate threw slaps and SCREAMING! seriously has anyone else noticed that he mostly talks threw screams? it's never "hey nightwing i need you to go do this" it's always
DO IT NOW!!! living a life in solitude with only his convictions as friends just makes him more and more less likable.

Atmos Duality

New member
Mar 3, 2010
In recent memory, the movie "The Spirit"
Why? Because it involves a scene where Samuel Jackson brains someone with a toilet and then makes a stupid joke afterward. Never thought I'd see him do that.

Actually, the style of the entire movie (minus the rampant Miller misogyny) was very cool looking, and better done than Sin City in many places. This is one of those instances where a story is entertaining because it was so ludicrously bad that it became hilarious.
At least it had something to hold my attention, unlike another certain popular pair of movies I saw around that time...(*cough*Transformers2*cough*)

Fans of the actual comic and character (I've been told) absolutely detest this film because of the mockery it makes of, well, The Spirit comic in general. I do not have such qualifications, so can't say I was all that offended.


New member
Dec 9, 2009
Let's see:

-Farcry 2, I have spent hours just roaming around finding diamonds and hunting down people without even touching the story and I love it.

- LoZ Windwaker, not only do I love it, it is marginally better than Ocarina of Time in my opinion.

-Starfox Adventures, it is by far and away my favourite Starfox title, I never liked the space battles that much.

-FF13 is easily my favourite FF game and the only other I like is the very first one, I could not care less about 7 even existing.

-Mario Kart: Double Dash, a lot of people seemed to complain about all the changes, by I thought that every aspect of it was better completely.

-Resident Evil 5 with a friend was one of the greatest gaming experiences of my life.

-Prince of Persia film was actually enjoyable.

-CoD series, I enjoy them and I play them with friends for fun, they don't deserve the insane levels of shit they receive.

-Matrix TRILOGY was good in my opinion.

-70's 80's 90's pop was epic.

-I like the "emo" style as seems to be labeled, I think it can look very attractive on girls or guys.

-Assassin's Creed 1 was much better than any of it's predecessors, to the point I actually can't play them and just go back to this one.

That's all I can think of right now.

Also, why all the hate on OP for writing like that? It gave the post an interesting accent to read it in, rather than the monotone I hear when I read through other text. Also I know a fair few people here in England with that accent so it's not a big deal, a written accent is just fun.


New member
May 21, 2009
I saw a couple of people post that they liked the Forced Unleashed games because "they felt like a Jedi".


"Adventure, hah! Excitement, hah! A jedi craves not these things."

No, no, no you felt like a Sith. (Which is fine.)

And I must agree with the poster who linked to THE VERY BEST REVIEWS OF THE STAR WARS PREQUELS.

The Phantom Menace review [http://www.redlettermedia.com/phantom_menace.html]
The Clone Wars [http://www.redlettermedia.com/clones.html]
Revenge of the Sith [http://www.redlettermedia.com/sith.html]

The prequel movies are bad. You can still like them and get enjoyment out of them, but they are badly made, badly written movies.

On topic, I really like Kung Pow: Enter the Fist.
I loved Xenogears Disc 2.
Lady Gaga. Yup.

Jasper Jeffs

New member
Nov 22, 2009
Not so much I liked, but I like Hip Hop. You wanna try and tell me about how it's not music and all about money, guns, hoes and bling? Fine, but don't expect me to read it, especially when most posts start with "all rap" and use examples like 50 Cent and Lil' Wayne, like they speak for the entire genre. Try looking further than what you hear on the TV or radio. I'm not saying "like it or you're a dick", I'm saying don't shove your ignorance in my face until you actually have an opinion that isn't a generalisation.


Sep 14, 2010
k-ossuburb said:
I also think that the first Twilight movie is one of the best comedies of the year, that bit in the forest where Edward says "this is what I am" cracked me up because I'd end up thinking of a different response every time. Although, I admit, it's at its funniest when you've got a bunch of friends with you who know how to riff, especially when you're in a cinema filled with people who take that shit seriously.
This is what makes Twilight so damn hilarious. The fact that so many people take it seriously. The fact that the story itself takes itself seriously. Also, in the first movie in the scene where Edward started sparkling I couldn't stop laughing for about 10 minutes. XD


New member
Aug 17, 2008
no oneder said:
jakefongloo said:
no oneder said:
Angelus SnV said:
The only thing I hate about you is your way to write stuff. What's with your way yo write "th'" instead of "the". It disgusts me. You're just making yourself look worse, you know. I mean, everybody's just gonna feel sorry for you.
Get over it don't be a prick
Who brought you into the discussion? Are you his lawyer?
I make it my mission to ***** slap little pussies that HAVE to mention what bugs him no matter how small it is. Join the fucking military and then complain you cushion jocky.


New member
Dec 13, 2008
Anthrax are the best of The Big 4. Sure they're not hated, but alongside the other three they get forgotten.

Just sayin'.

It goes:

Also, I liked Metallica's Load & Reload albums (but not St Anger. That is awful), and I prefer the newer CoD games.


New member
Mar 20, 2010
*Plays the role of the douchebag in 90s teen flicks, who mans up as an immaginary main character gets the girl*

I liked Call of Duty Black Ops.

It's that or getting hit by a car in a cartoony fashion.


New member
Aug 27, 2010
I LIKED modern warfare 2
I LIKED final fantasy 13 (its not in my top 5 FFs though, don't be stupid)
I LIKED Resident Evil 5
I LIKED New Vegas MORE than Fallout 3
I LIKED the force unleashed
I LIKED Fable 3 more than 1 or 2
I LIKED KOTOR 2 more than KOTOR 1

and alternatively I DON'T LIKE half life which suprises people
i'm sorry but i just don't
though i've never played half life 2 which is supposedly much better