You are killing PC gaming. (Updated)


New member
Oct 24, 2009
Ok, i have had one game downloaded... only coz i had no money to pay £30 so i do apolgise for stealing £30 from the people who fix games/make them/ or whatever the money goes for.

However i do feel some games are far to pricey making it more tempting to download.


New member
Dec 31, 2008
Collymilad08 said:
cyber_andyy said:
i reckon soon pirates will own consoles, and PC will then become the favorite again. Its only a matter of time before consoles see the same level of piracy.
How do you work that one out? First off you have to do hardware mods in most cases, which is going to put someone off through lazines/not wanting to pay/lack of technical know-how.

Secondly, most console gamers are into online in some form, and since the online services of consoles operate as a more closed system, it's always going to be easier to catch people who pirate.
All you need is a DVD, 30 seconds of knowledge a free ISO program and a DVD writable drive... However, this may have changed with this Gen of consoles, but this is how you pirate consoles in general.

The only problem is the closed system, however, its easy enough to get round, just unplug your network cable, and then find a crack.


New member
Sep 22, 2009
I fail to see where these developers are coming up with some of their statistics. 60% pirated Call of Duty 4? Prove it to me instead of just throwing that statistic out there. I mean, I know you guys only sold 14 million copies. >_>

Anyways, the only reason I can think that PC gaming is "dying" is because developers are using piracy as an excuse to half-ass their product, even though Xbox 360 piracy is rampant. I can't tell you how many people I know who have modded Xbox's, but I don't hear anyone in the industry complaining about that.


New member
Oct 1, 2009
*stabs them* die die die!

but seriously, I must apologize. I don't play pc games much so I can't really care. The reason I apologize is because this sort of thing doesn't really apply to just PC games; therefore, I should care! Pirating affects a lot of the things we enjoy in the entertainment world.

I honestly wish you luck in your crusade. If you find a way to solve this problem, do get the word out so that the rest of us can fall in line and save a bunch of other things for which we care.


New member
Sep 14, 2008
I laugh at you.

Information should not be sold.

Infinite resources should be distributed infinitely.

Can be said in a hundred ways, but what can easily reach everyone is being withheld because of pure greed.


New member
Nov 12, 2008
Kair said:
but what can easily reach everyone is being withheld because of pure greed.
So you're saying since it can be downloaded over the internet, it obviously took no time or effort, so the developers should not be paid?

Don't want to put words in your mouth but...


Vi Britannia
Aug 1, 2009
The only game ive ever pirated was Postal 2, because its extremely hard to get hold of anymore


New member
Aug 31, 2009
I pirate under these conditions ONLY.

I never intended to buy it anyways, just for the "Lols."

I do not know if I will like it, if I really like the game and I want to support a sequel I buy it even though I already have a pirated copy. But if I didn't like it I'm not going to buy it *Duh*.

Nifty DLC or awsome multiplayer.

I DO pirate if I do not support what they did, but want the single player (MW2 I'm looking at you).


New member
Aug 31, 2009
wooty said:
The only game ive ever pirated was Postal 2, because its extremely hard to get hold of anymore
Same here.

Gotta love the cat ass silencer :3


New member
Sep 17, 2009
It boggles my mind how so many people today are perfectly fine with stealing people's work and view it as a non-issue.


New member
Aug 5, 2009
I'm sorry but your obviously out to get people riled up "The vast majority" huh well i don't know anyone who uses pirated games but i do know loads of PC gamers perhaps you'd best rethink your statement it's not a welcomed attitude to the escapist forums.


New member
Aug 11, 2009
I used to buy a truckload of PC games, but not anymore. On the good old days of Roller Coaster Tycoon and the first The Sims.

Last thing I bought for my PC (after a couple of years without a new PC game) was Sims 3 because I felt like it was a kind of 'duty', really (fan of the series, don't judge me), but I almost have no time to play it, considering I'm olaying over 9,000 gamea at the same time right now.

Well, this said, I might not be the problem of the PC gaming industry's 'death', but I'm pretty sure that I'm not part of the solution when, like, only one game per year grabs my attention.


New member
Nov 12, 2008
C.O.C said:
I'm sorry but your obviously out to get people riled up "The vast majority" huh well i don't know anyone who uses pirated games but i do know loads of PC gamers perhaps you'd best rethink your statement it's not a welcomed attitude to the escapist forums.
Yeah, I'm totally just trolling....
I'd say well more than half the people who have posted, have pirated.


New member
Mar 30, 2009
So where did you get you fact that 60% of people play modern warfare with pirated copies?


New member
Sep 13, 2008
I don't pirate games unless obscene pricing/unavailability warrants it. Emulators and ROMs, that's another matter...But then I own 99% of the games I get.

Assassin Xaero

New member
Jul 23, 2008
TylerC said:
Yes, YOU. If you are one of the vast majority of people who pirate copies of video games, you are causing a huge problem.
Ok, No. Sure they might have added to the problem, but they aren't THE problem. (And no I don't pirate games, but anyway...) People always complain about pirating and talk like it is only a problem on PC. Look at Gears of War 2, they said that wouldn't make it to PC because of all the pirating and what happened? It was cracked and was being pirated on 360 weeks before it was out. Oh look, and now the same has happened with MW2, go figure...

Ammadessi said:
You know what's killing PC games?

Developers that aren't putting the effort into it anymore.
That, in my opinion, is a more valid reason. I know more people that download movies and music then games, and do you see artists and producers not putting out movies or music anymore? Or, only putting them on things like iTunes? No. The developers are just wasting more of their time and money with consoles. Probably because they can make more with licensing fees, DLC, not having to worry about custom map/mod tools, or any of that other fun stuff on PC.