You are killing PC gaming. (Updated)

Emperor Inferno

New member
Jun 5, 2008
Ammadessi said:
You know what's killing PC games?

Developers that aren't putting the effort into it anymore.
This. But yes, people basically stealing games and the developer not getting the money they need because of it is a huge problem. I don't pirate. If I can't afford to buy, I rent, or do without.


This name was cool in 2008.
Feb 11, 2009
The DSM said:
I only pirate software (£300 for photoshop? I think not....)

I might pirate MW2 and not play on it just to spite Activison, Recommended retail price (As sais by activison) £55? no way (Note you cant find it for the price Activision recommened for it as it was too much so every where sold it for £ 40-45)
Luckily I'm a student so I got a student adobe pack which contains loads of different adobe software for £100.

OT: Another of these stupid piracy threads? Get over it already, all the points you have said have been said countless times. I don't pirate games, I like to purchase games legally but I'm not saying piracy isn't sometimes usefull. Piracy doesn't necessarily boost sales or lower them, the people who pirate the games would usually never buy the game anyway unless they're cheap but by pirating they might realise the game is actually pretty good and then either buy the game, or play through the pirated game and buy the game/ buy the sequel, which they never would have done before.


New member
Feb 15, 2008
Deshara said:
MGlBlaze said:
I never pirate games.

As for what a player can do to prevent the dying art of PC gaming... not much if the developers are douchebags. Look at IW. There's a huge outcry from PC gamers about the PC version of MW2, but are IW doing anything about it? No!

And here's how much 'effort' IW have put into the PC version;

" Moriarte: Ignoring, is the PC version a direct port of the console version?

Mackey-IW: No, PC has custom stuff like mouse control, text chat in game, and graphics settings.

This is the amount of work that went into the PC version: you are given the ability to use a mouse, to use text chat, and to adjust graphical settings. Are your fears now put to rest? "

Source -
You're mad because they don't treat the PC as being as special as you do?
Too. Fucking. Bad.
It's a game made for all three platforms, they aren't going to give you a lolipop and coo you to sleep just because you're stuck up and set in your ways enough to think that PC gamers deserve privilages just because they play games on a PC.

More Fun To Compute said:
Oh, what a shame, PC gaming is dying. It's a good job that I have all of these current and upcoming PC games to play otherwise it might bother me.
He said dying, not dead.
It kind of occurred to me...

Why aren't console gamers pissed off about no mods, custom maps and such? No dedicated servers? You also have to pay MORE money for 1/4 of the product we usually get. Only because you accept the removal of such grand things doesn't mean we have to. Only because you accept being treated like dogs -or more precisely- a pack of lobotomized monkeys, doesn't mean we have to. Seriously they treat you pretty badly and charge you more for a lot less content.

Mods, custom maps, custom models and such are AMAZING things. It's pretty much been the standard of any PC release. It's the way it should be. Developers are also cutting the games down these days and sell parts as "DLC" and people are stupid enough to support this? Seriously they are all bitches. Whatever happened to "more bang for your buck"?

UGC and proper dedicated servers is what makes PC gaming better then console gaming. We'd like to keep the possibility of UGC and we'd love to see console gamers get it to. You'd love it.

Todays gamers are really really weak :/ Either that or apathetic.


New member
Dec 16, 2008
Kalezian said:
you do realize they are treating the game THE EXACT SAME ACROSS ALL PLATFORMS AS THEY HAVE SAID NUMEROUS TIMES, what he was meaning the only difference between the PC version and the console version is that you use a mouse and keyboard.

really, are people this stupid?
People aren't stupid......
If IW came out and said that the xbox version will have N64 graphics and ONLY have 4 player ad-hoc online because they want it to be consistent with the Nintendo DS wouldn't care one tiny bit? I mean the DS is the highest selling platform this gen afterall, thats a good business decision right?

In order to appease your customers, developers generally need to adjust to each platforms strength, instead of forcing the strongest platform to mimic that of the weaker platforms.


New member
Jul 25, 2008
I have NEVER pirated a PC game.

I mean seriously, PC games are SOOO cheap, why would anybody pirate them it makes no sense. I'm seeing a bargain bin of really great quality games, 3 for £10, 2 for £15, and this is games from less than 2 years ago.

Hell even Batman: Arkham Asylum is retailing for as little as £23 which is such a good price considering the console versions struggle along at 720p, 30fps and 2xAA, while any decent gaming PC will play the game at 1080p, 60fps and 4xAA which REALLY matters considering the detail of the game and how the fighting element really needs faster than 30fps (a la God of War).

Hell they could charge Twice as much and you'd still be gettign a better deal than consoles yet I'm seeing B:AA retailing in stores for £44.99, so PC is legitimately getting it for HALF the price. And on PC almost the entire cut goes to the developers (far less licensing) so I have NOTHING BUT CONTEMPT for people who pirate PC games, especially the ones saving up for another £300 graphics card.

Same with DVDs, you can buy most of the good ones NEW for about £3, I'd only ever pirate a really obscure movie that they won't import for a reasonable price or is heavily censored over here (La Blue Girl... oh the shame). Hell, even Blu-ray movies are going for a good price now.

I have pirated TV shows, but only shows that are not broadcast in the UK and I normally buy the Boxset when it FINALLY comes to the UK, usually about the time when I have to free up some hard drive space.

... also music since it's fukkin bullshit that a song with 40 minutes of audio costs £10, when a new DVD costs £3.


New member
Feb 15, 2008
TylerC said:
Furburt said:
rom experience, getting a cracked copy of a game to work online is incredibly difficult.
And yet, more than half of the people online in CoD4 were using pirated copies.
That must be absolute bullshit.

You know what? I will guarantee that it's bullshit.


New member
Feb 15, 2008
Treblaine said:
I have NEVER pirated a PC game.

I mean seriously, PC games are SOOO cheap, why would anybody pirate them it makes no sense. I'm seeing a bargain bin of really great quality games, 3 for £10, 2 for £15, and this is games from less than 2 years ago.

Hell even Batman: Arkham Asylum is retailing for as little as £23 which is such a good price considering the console versions struggle along at 720p, 30fps and 2xAA, while any decent gaming PC will play the game at 1080p, 60fps and 4xAA which REALLY matters considering the detail of the game and how the fighting element really needs faster than 30fps (a la God of War).

Hell they could charge Twice as much and you'd still be gettign a better deal than consoles yet I'm seeing B:AA retailing in stores for £44.99, so PC is legitimately getting it for HALF the price. And on PC almost the entire cut goes to the developers (far less licensing) so I have NOTHING BUT CONTEMPT for people who pirate PC games, especially the ones saving up for another £300 graphics card.

Same with DVDs, you can buy most of the good ones NEW for about £3, I'd only ever pirate a really obscure movie that they won't import for a reasonable price or is heavily censored over here (La Blue Girl... oh the shame). Hell, even Blu-ray movies are going for a good price now.

I have pirated TV shows, but only shows that are not broadcast in the UK and I normally buy the Boxset when it FINALLY comes to the UK, usually about the time when I have to free up some hard drive space.

... also music since it's fukkin bullshit that a song with 40 minutes of audio costs £10, when a new DVD costs £3.
We pretty much share the same mindset here. Only I don't have to worry about censoring here since it's forbidden.


New member
Jul 29, 2009
Oh yeah.
I am.
It feels...
Especially since noone can stop me except for me.

You see, this is what happens when you even the slightest power to anyone.
And I regret nothing.
Jun 11, 2008
TylerC said:
Yes, YOU. If you are one of the vast majority of people who pirate copies of video games, you are causing a huge problem.

People complain that their beloved PC games are being cut from development or are losing support, but companies can't keep making games or providing support because it costs money, yeah all of your hard earned money for buying a game isn't going to the publisher. The developer needs money for their own salaries and for development and support of their game and future games. Pirating is like going to a game store and just stealing a copy. Think, would you really go to say Best Buy, and just grab a couple of games and walk out? Using CoD4 as an example, approximately 60% of players online were using pirated games, and the removal of dedicated servers could also be part of the of control piracy.

If Call of Duty: Modern Warfare was released as a PC exclusive, I'm sure you would have seen no dedicated servers, and no MW2. These games are surviving on console sales, and its no surprise that games like EA's extremely popular Madden NFL games are being's just not worth the time, effort and money to make a free game.

This isn't happening as bad with consoles because it is so hard to mod your console, and if you go online, you can say goodbye to your PSN, or XBL account.

So next time you complain about the dying art of PC gaming, think, what can I do to prevent this?

Feel free to argue your point against me, or provide your thoughts.

FYI This ISN'T a MW2 Topic.

Edited for better structure.[/small]
I'm sorry but that is complete and utter bollox it is just as easy to walk out iwth a 360 game under your coat as a PC game and console games are just as easy to pirate.

Where are you getting your information for 60% of gamers using pirate copys as unless I get a link I call that bullshit too.

I'd like to know how these games are surviving on console sales if they were just released for PC they would do fine.

Also removal of dedicated servers will do nothing to stop piracy.


New member
Sep 3, 2008
Unreal Tournament 3===Bioshock
Assassins Creed ======Mirror's Edge
Borderlands ==========Street Fighter 4
Resident Evil 5 ========Devil May Cry 4
Dead Space ==========Prince of Persia
Fallout 3 =============Batman: AA
Team Fortress 2 =======Left 4 Dead
Grand Theft Auto 4 ======Race Driver: Grid
F.E.A.R 2 =============Red Faction: Guerrilla
Need For Speed: Shift ===Section 8
[Prototype] ============Risen

^ Current Multiplatform titles^

Assassins Creed 2===Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2
Bioshock 2==========Dead rising 2
Left 4 Dead 2========Colin McRae: Dirt 2
Dragon Age: Origins===Aliens Vs Predator
Crysis 2============Supreme Commander 2
Mafia 2=============Max Payne 3
RAGE==============Deus Ex 3
All Points Bulletin=====Alpha Protocol
Mass Effect 2========Super Street Fighter IV

^ Future Multiplatform titles^

World of Warcraft: Cataclysm====Starcraft 2
Diablo 3====================Guild Wars 2
Dawn of War 2: Chaos Rising===Age of Conan: Rise of the Godslayer
Torchlight==================Star Wars: The Old Republic
Shattered Horizon============Cities XL

^ PC Exclusive titles^

Yep all my fellow PCgamers have sure been bored these past 4 years just waiting for one game to come out on the PC.
PC gamimg isn't dying having a greater number of genres to play is only a good thing.

Pyotr Romanov

New member
Jul 8, 2009
WickedSkin said:
Deshara said:
Why aren't console gamers pissed off about no mods, custom maps and such? No dedicated servers? You also have to pay MORE money for 1/4 of the product we usually get. Only because you accept the removal of such grand things doesn't mean we have to. Only because you accept being treated like dogs -or more precisely- a pack of lobotomized monkeys, doesn't mean we have to. Seriously they treat you pretty badly and charge you more for a lot less content.

Mods, custom maps, custom models and such are AMAZING things. It's pretty much been the standard of any PC release. It's the way it should be. Developers are also cutting the games down these days and sell parts as "DLC" and people are stupid enough to support this? Seriously they are all bitches. Whatever happened to "more bang for your buck"?

Todays gamers are really really weak :/ Either that or apathetic.
I agree so much! There's nothing better than those thousands upon thousands of mods for games like oblivion and Neverwinter Nights(well... i am told it's got good mods, i don't actually play it).
And about the "Todays gamers are really really weak :/": indeed, and the next generation will probably be even worse, it starts with Mario on the Wii which can play itself, and what comes later? "Just press this big red button, and in only 30 seconds you'll have the latest version of starcraft 4 right installed on your computer, you won't have to do anything!"
Either that, or they will be so weak that they don't even have the brains to figure out how to download stuff...

Hmm... I feel I missed your point a little, but I still felt like saying that.