You are killing PC gaming. (Updated)


New member
Jul 2, 2008
Ivan Issaccs said:
Curse us PC gamers torrenting.
And curse us all for buying pre owned games too and not supporting the industry!
Your such a bad pirate.... shame on you. No booty for you!


New member
Sep 14, 2008
TylerC said:
Kair said:
but what can easily reach everyone is being withheld because of pure greed.
So you're saying since it can be downloaded over the internet, it obviously took no time or effort, so the developers should not be paid?

Don't want to put words in your mouth but...
The developers are fed and clothed by the rest of the population anyway, money is only a tool to help with distribution. They developers could be paid according to the effort put into the product and how successful it is.


New member
Jul 25, 2008
jamesworkshop said:
Unreal Tournament 3===Bioshock
Assassins Creed ======Mirror's Edge
Borderlands ==========Street Fighter 4
Resident Evil 5 ========Devil May Cry 4
Dead Space ==========Prince of Persia
Fallout 3 =============Batman: AA
Team Fortress 2 =======Left 4 Dead
Grand Theft Auto 4 ======Race Driver: Grid
F.E.A.R 2 =============Red Faction: Guerrilla
Need For Speed: Shift ===Section 8
[Prototype] ============Risen

^ Current Multiplatform titles^

Assassins Creed 2===Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2
Bioshock 2==========Dead rising 2
Left 4 Dead 2========Colin McRae: Dirt 2
Dragon Age: Origins===Aliens Vs Predator
Crysis 2============Supreme Commander 2
Mafia 2=============Max Payne 3
RAGE==============Deus Ex 3
All Points Bulletin=====Alpha Protocol
Mass Effect 2========Super Street Fighter IV

^ Future Multiplatform titles^

World of Warcraft: Cataclysm====Starcraft 2
Diablo 3====================Guild Wars 2
Dawn of War 2: Chaos Rising===Age of Conan: Rise of the Godslayer
Torchlight==================Star Wars: The Old Republic
Shattered Horizon============Cities XL

^ PC Exclusive titles^

Yep all my fellow PCgamers have sure been bored these past 4 years just waiting for one game to come out on the PC.
PC gamimg isn't dying having a greater number of genres to play is only a good thing.

what does the "===================" between each title mean? Just spacing it out?

I'd also add: Dragon Age: Origin, Huxley, Interstellar Marines, Painkiller: resurrection, Stalker (all of them)

BTW, how is Prince oP for the PC? Is it a quality port as I'm looking to get that considering how ropey the Console versions looked, they clearly did not have adequate resolution/AA for the quality of in game graphics which PC could rectify easily as long as the devs didn't just do a rotten port.


Sep 22, 2009
Steam is to video games what iTunes is to music - piracy prevention extraordinaire.

I've never pirated a video game. If I'm really desperate to play something new I just look for a demo of a game I might like. I don't even know how to pirate video games. oO


New member
Aug 19, 2009
People here honestly have no idea how much a PC capable of gaming can be got for do they. It's about £400 quid; therefore the expense argument is void.

Also where are IW getting the 60% number from? They don't provide a source and as a uni student I know that you aren't supposed to trust uncited 'facts'.

Piracy is also rampant on 360, MW2 for 360 is already on torrent sites; the PC version isn't. And yes hacking a 360 is a piece of piss, I did some research and could do it in the best part of a day and it involves no soldering or any such things.

Yog Sothoth

Elite Member
Dec 6, 2008
PC gaming has been "dying" for the last 20 years...

I don't pirate games; I vote with my wallet like a good consumer...


New member
Oct 28, 2009
Deshara said:
MGlBlaze said:
I never pirate games.

As for what a player can do to prevent the dying art of PC gaming... not much if the developers are douchebags. Look at IW. There's a huge outcry from PC gamers about the PC version of MW2, but are IW doing anything about it? No!

And here's how much 'effort' IW have put into the PC version;

" Moriarte: Ignoring, is the PC version a direct port of the console version?

Mackey-IW: No, PC has custom stuff like mouse control, text chat in game, and graphics settings.

This is the amount of work that went into the PC version: you are given the ability to use a mouse, to use text chat, and to adjust graphical settings. Are your fears now put to rest? "

Source -
You're mad because they don't treat the PC as being as special as you do?
Too. Fucking. Bad.
It's a game made for all three platforms, they aren't going to give you a lolipop and coo you to sleep just because you're stuck up and set in your ways enough to think that PC gamers deserve privilages just because they play games on a PC.

More Fun To Compute said:
Oh, what a shame, PC gaming is dying. It's a good job that I have all of these current and upcoming PC games to play otherwise it might bother me.
He said dying, not dead.
You are making meanings up in what I said. The "It's a game made for all three platforms" argument is a load of crap and you know it; there are games released multi-platform that DO include server lists on the PC version (CoD4!), and it WORKS.

And no, PC gamers don't deserve privileges. We deserve not being forced to move over to an inferior system. It works for the consoles because they're meant to be a simple 'plug in and play, join a game quick' thing. PC gaming is BASED on having more control than that.

And before you start calling me an elitist, I'm not. I am primarily a PC gamer, though I own an XBox360 and a Wii, and also use both. Which is another thing, when you said "all three platforms", there are FOUR platforms. Six if you count handhelds, and even more if you count the PSP-go and all the iterations (too many) of the DS.

If anything, since consoles are getting more sophisticated too, they should be able to use the server list as well! If they include both, then fine. The problem is that they are forcing us to use a system we simply do not want.

And if you are going to reply to me, use your brain BEFORE you type; don't start gushing about all PC gamers being elitists or resistant to change (although why would we NOT be resistant to change for the WORSE?), or any other things you said in response to things I didn't say.

And if you still insist on thinking the new system is better, then fine; if you like it, that's your opinion of it, we're not saying you have to be mad about us loosing our control over the game we play, and I'm not saying you should be forced to use our system either, but your statements suggest to me that you ARE trying to force US to accept YOUR system, and it needs to stop.


New member
May 22, 2009
canadamus_prime said:
I don't pirate games, so don't yell at me.
Agreed, it is a small fraction making the rest of us look bad. Don't Generalize all PC gamers as pirates.


Friendly Neighborhood Time Lord
Apr 1, 2009
ma55ter_fett said:
TheDoctor455 said:
ma55ter_fett said:
TheDoctor455 said:
ma55ter_fett said:
I am a digital pirate, what of it?
You bastard.

HotFezz8 said:
fair enough, my pc is a laptop, therefore if i were to walk a game past it it would throw itself out the window and die.

i'm into 360, and honestly other than some RTS (the Total War series, i use it because i know it), flight sims, and maybe a handful of others i can't think of, computers aren't really designed to play games.

no, no... no shut up and let me finish. the only real advantage the PC has over the 360 or the PS3 (i refuse to call the Wii a games station) is that it has many many many more buttons you can use as a control.

stop and think. the PS3 sells for, what? £300? if you try to get a bling one? second hand ones in my area are £225... the 360 is, well i don't know but i can pick up a second hand mid range one for £75. using this as a comparasion the pc can't compete, a decent games PC costs a limb, a soul, and prefereably a child.

i can understand why companies stop making games for the PC, piracy et al, but there is a fairly compelling reason to stop making shooters racers etc for the PC all together.

p.s. is it possible to pirate a 360 or PS3 game?
Okay, now tell me this... could you play Baldur's Gate or Neverwinter Nights on a console? Could you play Crysis or most flight simulators on a console? No. That's what I thought.
Not quite,

My mother was married to my father when they conceived me.
There is no way that you can possibly play the games I mentioned on a console. And... what?
You called me a bastard, and I was just pointing out that I'm not one.

I was not conceived out of wedlock

Ha ha.


New member
Oct 18, 2009
im going to bet half of you probably downloaded some game friend just downloaded windows 7 ultimate 64 bit, some mac os(i dont really care about macs all that much) and ubuntu........


New member
Jan 11, 2008
Ah, it's Infinity ward trying to justify annoying PC gamers by saying it's out fault. Yes, very clever of them.


New member
May 22, 2009
PC gaming isn't dying....*rolls eyes*. There are just as many people pirating console games, I have a friend who pirates just about every game he owns for his 360.


New member
Apr 15, 2009
Here's an interesting spanner in the works...

How many people pirate games because the 'new' game is just like the old game, just with more bling and they can't be arsed to pay twice for (essentially) the same game?

I don't pirate games (except for demo purposes, or where my retail version has gone belly up) and, over the past 3-4 years have become increasingly despondent over the state of the industry. From my perspective, the games industry has gone Hollywood on me. The only games that get made these days (with a very few exceptions - go play Psychonauts, ya barstewards!) are ones that are 'just like that did so well on the charts'.

MMO's are a perfect example of this. WoW is the best MMO ever... at least, if you believe subscription numbers. And, you know... pretty graphics and passable game design aside, it's got nothing really unique about it. And yet, because of its massive subscriber numbers, virtually every subsequent MMO shares a large number of characteristics. Very few innovative ideas ever make it to market. Planetside was a brilliant game. Had issues, had hackers (what online FPS doesn't?!?), but also had a brand new concept and was basically unique in the market. The dev team made poor decisions, true. But how much it's overall failure was driven by the tiny subscription numbers?

So yeah. I've got a whole stack of games that I bought, played and then stopped playing shortly thereafter because it had nothing new (in terms of gameplay, scope, plot, whatever). It was just like which, while older with worse graphics, was better.

So, no. I won't buy games any more unless I've had a damned good look at 'em. ~£400 of repetitive, poorly thought-out unoriginality (let's ignore the 9/10 reviews, fantastic looking demo's and hordes of salivating fan-bois, shall we?) sitting on a shelf have convinced me otherwise.

When the games companies convince me that their product is worth it, they're welcome to their profit. That's only fair. But ONLY when they convince me.

Until then, I'll spend my time with Baldur's Gate 2, KotOR 1/2, DoW and... Theme Hospital :p


New member
Apr 16, 2009
I would argue that pirating a video game is not even slightly like stealing the game from a retailer. If you steal from a retailer you are stealing from the middleman, who paid the creators for the product. I get the sentiment you're trying to put forth but it is in fact two different types of theft.

Still, fuck the thieves either way.