You are on WATER


New member
Apr 8, 2010
Yeah, didn't see that one coming, did ya?

Similar to the 'You are on fire' thread in that it's a circumstantial thread, bit this one's a bit different.

What follows is intergral to the thread, so bear with me.

Okay, so, you wake up. You're bleary eye'd and you have an aching lump on your head. As you look around you realize that every direction seems to be flat. You blink a few times as your eyes get used the the glare of the blazing sunlight and you realize that you are in a aluminium dinghy in the ocean. You panic and look around the boat to find that you are alone, with only the clothes you're wearing, a single 2 litre bottle of fresh water, a long stick about a thumb-length thick and a tackle box half filled with hooks, some worms, a compass, a broken watch and a large cloth about 2x2 metres. The sun in the sky is high above, so it is about noon, you seen no land in any direction

So, what do you do?


New member
Nov 26, 2009
Eat the worms when I'm hungry, tie the broken watch, compass and shiny things inside the tackle box to the poll and flail it about when anything flies overtop. If that fails, make a sail ising the long stick and use my own body as a support beam to just go west. (If I'm stranded anywhere remotely close to where I am now (even WAY out to say) I'd still hit home if I go west.


New member
Apr 23, 2010
Drape the cloth over my head in an attempt to shield myself from the sun, take a sip of water, and look for birds. If there are birds, then there must be land, right? I tend to avoid large bodies of water, so I've never really thought about what I'd do in this situation. Cry, probably.


New member
Jul 13, 2010
Use the compass and go east. As I live in Western Australia Perth I would guess im in the Indian ocean and land would be east.


New member
Apr 8, 2010
Skobvs said:
Eat the worms when I'm hungry, tie the broken watch, compass and shiny things inside the tackle box to the poll and flail it about when anything flies overtop. If that fails, make a sail ising the long stick and use my own body as a support beam to just go west. (If I'm stranded anywhere remotely close to where I am now (even WAY out to say) I'd still hit home if I go west.
Good ideas, but which ocean are you in? you could be in the Pacific, the Atlantic, the Indian, the Southern etc. Especially bad if you're stuck in the southern ocean, since if you went west you'd just keep going forever. :p


New member
Apr 2, 2010
Call Candlejack. Rather him than starve on a tub floating in the middle of the oce-