You are on WATER

Irony's Acolyte

Back from the Depths
Mar 9, 2010
I! AM! ON! WAATTTtterr... Wait, what?

I guess I'd try to make a sail so that I could find some land and fish in the mean-time. Then find some god-damn shade. I'm not gonna cook myself before I find safety.


New member
Sep 18, 2009
Maybe the boring obvious answer but use the compass as designed, combine with the watch and sun direction to figure out time of day should it be necessary, use pole with cloth to make a rudimentary sail and strike out in the most promising direction (pour moi, in the time it would take someone to get a sleeping tahrey into a boat and away from land, probably east-south-east), use some of the thread from the cloth or my clothes to check direction and speed of travel by trailing it in the water, and should it come to it, combine with pole and hooks to try fishing. Or even paddling.
I'd also shelter under the cloth either from the sun (it's october, so not really) or cold and spray (yep).

There's some stuff I could try with the water bottle to attempt desalination of the seawater using the sun, but it probably wouldn't be necessary, between dozing off in a vulnerable position and noon the next day I'd still probably be in british national waters and within spitting distance of a shipping route or fishing port. If nothing else I'll hit mainland europe before dehydration sets in.

Oh yeah and my phone's in my trouser pocket, fully charged, and it's activated for international roaming. Plus it's got GPS. Shoulda remembered about that. So, I call the emergency services and tell them my lat/long.


In brightest day...
Nov 18, 2009
mirror said:
Meet a giant fish. Fuck his brains out. Like a boss.
Chop my balls off! Like a boss!

How long until we get a 'you are on earth' and a 'you are on air' thread? Although I shotgun the 'you are on tungsten' thread.

The Afrodactyl

New member
Jul 19, 2010
Use my incredible nagivation skills to get myself lost.
I then sacrifice the worms to Poseidon, hoping that he accepts and then drops a whale on me.

I'll either die, have a hell of a lot of food, or ride the whale home.


New member
Jul 7, 2009
Make a sail, cruise until I get to the island, and then help Locke put the numbers in the computer.