You can Complain about anything you want here


New member
Jun 10, 2009
silver wolf009 said:
The Mortal Engine books.

Where to start, well... the first one was great. Taking place in a post-apocolyptic earth following a seven hour war which leveld the world, cities are now moving, living entities, hunting one another. I highly reccomend you check out the first book, and maybe the second one, Predaotrs Gold, if you are really interested. But around number three... things start to go looney. I won't spoil anything, but trust me, draw the line at three.
1.Disagree with you there (mainly cos I loved darkling plain) and I cant get enough of Hester who has to be one of the most awesome characters ever. But I mainly quoted to spread the awesome (probably) news that a film is going to be made of it by....Peter Jackson, soon as he's done with the hobbit...yep could be a while.

2. Dragon Age 2 is...fucking amazing I have played that game for hours at a stretch. I'll accept its very much a matter of opinion over whether you think its better than the first one (I do) but to say its a terrible game??

3. I dont have any money to buy portal 2

4. People who hate on people who smoke green??? Jesus guys, did you miss the last 60 years?

5. People who look at buskers (specifically me) like their the skum of the earth, probably true but you might go to the trouble to ask.

6. and finally this, a million times over:


New member
Sep 25, 2008
rolfwesselius said:
Caligulove said:
There are two things I can't stand in this world: People who are intolerant of other people's cultures, and the Dutch
I hate it when people cant stand my people the dutch
Way to be intolerant, dismissive and bigoted. Psh, you Dutch are all the same.


New member
Feb 2, 2010
seriously, the game was built in a way that it's enough to make a tiny mistake and suffer horribly. I once jumped 0,5° higher as hunter on the last standing survivor and wham,I miss, it kills you, saves his teammates and reach the saferoom

and the campaign is full of idiots, literally 3 out of 4 survivor run of, friendlyfire, die, blame you and ragequit, in this order

EDIT: actually there's more

I hate it when someone thinks that they're so fucking cool by repeating zero punctuations opinion.
A lot of people just go on about how halo and cod and gow is shitty gritty and how amnesia and shadow of whatever are all pieces of art what roger ebert does not respect because he sucks

the sands of time trilogy has the most godawful control and fixed camera I've EVER seen. Seriously, I died like a hundred times because I couldn't fucking see what's in front of me, there's too many functions tied to too few keys. How come I'm the only one who notices it? and don't come with that it's better with a controller, because the pc keyboard port has to be as good as any other

how come everíyone says that Burger King tastes better than McDonalds? they taste all the same

consoletards, stop comlaining that games are too easy, try setting the difficulty up

mw2 is not gritty, there are a lot of colours

I'll repeat it again, stop repeating yahtzee's opinion, have your owns

well, that's a lot of steam finally blown off
btw steam, why's steam so much more expensive that retail?


New member
Feb 23, 2011
RiouChan said:
And those dirty console peasants.
I fucking hate PC elitists who think they're better than everyone else because they have pricey PC's. I'm 50% a PC gamer and 50% console and handheld and assholes like you give PC gamers a bad name.


New member
Oct 12, 2009
How weapon choice in video games always boil down to "HAHAUSETHECHEAPESTGUNWITHTHECHEAPESTATTACHEMENT" at every oppourtunity.

How anything that needs "Catching" or "Planting" in a video game will always have people sitting at the back not even looking at that point that needs catching.

How mutltiplayer makes me swear non stop at every opportunity.

How games such as Trials HD are horribly simple yet deviously hard to master - making me swear even more.

And in my real life:

How the economy is so screwed that there are no jobs in my area. And the only valid choice I have is to join the army (Which I don't mind so much)


Senior Member
May 17, 2009
Fucking sports games! With the exception of Wii Sports and other Nintendo specific games like Mario Golf, they're all the same year after year. As Movie Bob put it, why would anyone pay full price for what is essentially a rooster update that should have been a DLC? And yet they do! And where does that money go year after year? To royalties for the fucking athletes that whore out their likeness so they don't have to get a real job once their multimillion dollar contracts crap out after their forty-somethingth injury prevents them from partaking in what is essentially an over glorified boys club! And who actually buys this crap? Failed jocks who play them to experience what they might have had if they hadn't wasted a sports scholarship on drinking and partying instead of getting a decent education and are now stuck working as the manager at the local Arby's because all they have is a half finished Bachelor of Arts and lack any real skills because all they ever learned to do with their life was THROUGH A FUCKING BALL!!!!!


That felt so good to say out loud.


New member
Jan 19, 2011
No or Bad Story+Explosions+Shitty Sequels=Micheal Bay
How does this keep happening?


New member
Aug 3, 2009
C_Topher said:
Fucking sports games! With the exception of Wii Sports and other Nintendo specific games like Mario Golf, they're all the same year after year. As Movie Bob put it, why would anyone pay full price for what is essentially a rooster update that should have been a DLC? And yet they do! And where does that money go year after year? To royalties for the fucking athletes that whore out their likeness so they don't have to get a real job once their multimillion dollar contracts crap out after their forty-somethingth injury prevents them from partaking in what is essentially an over glorified boys club! And who actually buys this crap? Failed jocks who play them to experience what they might have had if they hadn't wasted a sports scholarship on drinking and partying instead of getting a decent education and are now stuck working as the manager at the local Arby's because all they have is a half finished Bachelor of Arts and lack any real skills because all they ever learned to do with their life was THROUGH A FUCKING BALL!!!!!


That felt so good to say out loud.
...Or they're just people that like sports? I like to watch and play football with my friends, and at times when that isn't available (at night, winter, whatever) we like to play some Madden. Although the fact that they release THE EXACT SAME FUCKING GAME EVERY GOD DAMNED YEAR AND PEOPLE KEEP FEEDING ON THIS SUB PAR GAME THAT THEY'VE BEEN SELLING FOR THE LAST 5 YEARS INFURIATES ME!!!! I bought Madden '06 in 2009 for $3 for some easy achievements and it was the first Madden game I ever bought. Then I bought Madden 10 with my friends so we could set up and online dynasty and play together... and it was the exact same thing as Madden '06 with a MINOR graphical update and a roster update. Then next year rolled around and I bought Madden 11 with my friends... and it is EXACTLY the same as Madden 10. The only change was cover art and the background image on the home screen.

The same graphics. The same roster (since Madden has periodic roster updates, the latest update for Madden 10 was the same as the starting roster in Madden 11). The same glitches. The same achievements... almost. The same horrid, Rubber-Band AI. The same Franchise modes. The same Madden Moments. I really can't find anything new.

If it weren't for the fact that the game is New Orleans Saints themed it would've gone back the very next day, even though it was a birthday present. I have never felt that betrayed as a gamer in recent years as I have by Madden. I was stupid, I went into Gamestop knowing I was paying $60 for what was the exact same game I bought last year, but in a moment of weakness (it was my birthday and my favorite team's quarterback was on the cover and the whole game was a big celebration of their first Super Bowl victory) and I wasted my birthday money at the midnight release for complete shit.


New member
Jan 2, 2011
YAY, fun time :D

A: I hate jade empire, it wasn't original just because it was in an asian setting.

B: Call of duty is NOT the best game evar! Its another knock off, and it sure as HELL isnt realistic.

C: Hentai weirds me out, get over it.

D: New Vegas was a worse game for me, i dont care if it was a better "fallout" game, fallout 3 was more fun in general.

E: The mass effect evolution comic sucks, get over it.

F:portal is fun, its not god though, shut up.

G: Yes, war and peace is a masterpiece, doesnt mean i have to read it and love it


New member
Jan 2, 2011
GeneWard said:
RiouChan said:
And those dirty console peasants.
I fucking hate PC elitists who think they're better than everyone else because they have pricey PC's. I'm 50% a PC gamer and 50% console and handheld and assholes like you give PC gamers a bad name.
Amen, you sir get my "your awesome" award.

If i get called a "console fag" one more time because i like halo and prefer the ME games on the xbox i might hurt someone


New member
Aug 7, 2010
Male Hawke in Dragon Age 2 sounds like (to me) a smug Simon Pegg with a barbed rod up his ass.
This is bad as I like Simon Pegg.
Paraphrasing has resulted in me choosing the wrong option far to many times. Seriously, paraphrasing is fine as long as it's relative to what Hawke says not: "I disagree" leading Hawke to say "I agree" and go on a rant about cheese cubes.
CoD: BlOps makes me vomit out my eyes.
The faces in Fallout: New Vegas look like they've been mercilessly beaten by a crowbar.
I cannot finish Half Life 2, though Ravenholme (?) was one of the scariest things I've ever played.
CoD4 was worse than WaW.

Hmmm... I think that's all I have to complain about out of me.


New member
Mar 9, 2009
Megawat22 said:
Male Hawke in Dragon Age 2 sounds like (to me) a smug Simon Pegg with a barbed rod up his ass.
This is bad as I like Simon Pegg.
Paraphrasing has resulted in me choosing the wrong option far to many times. Seriously, paraphrasing is fine as long as it's relative to what Hawke says not: "I disagree" leading Hawke to say "I agree" and go on a rant about cheese cubes.
Dear god I hate that, I had him do a joke option to Merill saying she worries too much and it ended up with him sounding like he was reprimanding her for it.


New member
Jan 5, 2011
HalfChance said:
The promises of one Mr Peter Molyneux..........That is all
Damn him and his promises of better games as the Fable series gets driven slowly into the ground.

On a related note I'd like to complain about the Fable series slowly being driven into the ground.

Finally, where did Half-Life 2 get it's "Get out of genre free" card when people complain about FPSs? Or did it just give up it's seat on the bus so Gears could get in with it's buddies without technically being an FPS?


New member
Nov 3, 2010
Sentinel vs Sentinel: Fate of Two Sentinels.


Why is MK9 NOT considered tourney level play when the entire thing is balanced to an extreme that I've never seen before, and would create actual tournament level ferocity that not even the putrid likes of SSFIV never saw?!