You can Complain about anything you want here


New member
Oct 27, 2010
I hate the game _____ wars, casual vs. hardcore, console vs. PC, console vs. console, etc. We all have are personal tastes and none of these are hurting the others, your FPSs will still exist alongside bejeweled and Wii sports, just like it always has.

I hate people judging things before they are released, yes you can look at the product and go I don't like the team working on it or it doesn't interest me or I don't have high hopes for it even, but not full on judgements of it.

I hate people who make judgements on a group based on it's loudest members.

I hate loud people.

I hate Artsy=Emo, you can be artsy and pretty and happy, all you need to be artsy is to be thought provoking.


New member
Jul 11, 2009
I hate it when people spoil games for me.

I hate that they still haven't updated the 3DS to have DSi Ware or the internet browser.

I hate my friend for ditching me for no reason. What a ****.


New member
Nov 15, 2010
It's 24 C out here, I got Mojitos, some bangin ganja and some coke, spinning ragga and balkan tunes...

how bout them psn outages, makes you like, really agitated!


New member
Sep 15, 2010
I hate the "put a X in your X so you can Y while you Y" Meme.

I hate it because it's based on a person not getting a joke.

The origin of this meme is the following joke:
"Hey dog, I put a conjunction in your junction, so you could derive while you drive."

Where the joke is the fact that to derive a conjunction in calculus sounds like the "jive-speak" pronunciation of drive, "d-rive" (and the fact that cars have junction boxes for their electrical systems).

Some idiot heard the joke, but didn't get it. And, for some reason, decided to repeat it on the internet as "conjunction in your conjunction so you could derive while you derive" which makes no fucking sense at all!

And now people repeat it for no reason I can fathom. It fills me with hate and rage.


I've been wanting to post a rant like that for weeks now. Thank you OP. Thank you. ^^


New member
Nov 2, 2010
silver wolf009 said:
The Mortal Engine books.

Where to start, well... the first one was great. Taking place in a post-apocolyptic earth following a seven hour war which leveld the world, cities are now moving, living entities, hunting one another. I highly reccomend you check out the first book, and maybe the second one, Predaotrs Gold, if you are really interested. But around number three... things start to go looney. I won't spoil anything, but trust me, draw the line at three.

Loved the first book to death. Never read the others.

In games, I hate it when I cause cause havok and rip things into pieces, and cut people in half and spatter the walls with blood, and after a few seconds all the debris just fades away. I want to sit and look at my mess, at my power, but NO, mr processor is a ***** and wants the room nice and clean.

I'm also raging that PSN is down. Seriously Sony, wtf?

Also, its passover, and I haven't had a bagel in weeks. Bagel withdrawal sucks elephant penis.


They will not take our Fluids
Jun 5, 2008
I really wish people would stop labeling others they disagree with, you know shit like "elitist" and "fan boy" just to cancel out whats meaningful to them and call it a waste of time. They're not even used for their actual meaning. People have changed it into something negative or something to generalize just to get away with being assholes.

Same with sayings like "haters gonna hate" and telling people "the world doesn't revolve around you", these bastard phrases have become very popular lately. You fucking cowards wouldn't get away talking to someone like that face to face.

Don't get me started on trolling. Many people who use the word often are actually hypocrites. Has anyone here been called a troll because they see things differently?


New member
Sep 15, 2010
Oh, one other thing that annoys me.

People complaining about DLC.

I fucking love DLC. If I don't like a game, I don't buy any. If I do like a game, I can buy more of that game. That's the best thing ever!

Dragon Age Origins. Loved it. I bought every extra quest, Awakenings, and the gift packs. I loved them all. I'm glad my money went to A) make my Dragon Age Origins experience last longer and B) the company that made such a wonderful game.

Although I got them free for buying the game new on PS3, I loved Lair of the Shadow Broker and Katsumi's loyalty mission in Mass Effect 2. I also enjoyed Arrival (bat-shit-insane as it is at points) because I got to run around as Shep and shoot people and blow up Baterians (I hate Baterians) for fun. Money well spent.

Just Cause 2 and Saint's Row 2 were other examples of amusing DLC I was happy to buy.

If I love a game, and if it has extra mission DLC, I'm gonna buy it because I want more of a great game! If it has extra items, well... maybe. Making a good game longer is the reason I usually buy DLC, but extra items can be fun sometimes too.

The point is, people who boycott games because of day 1 DLC, or who proudly claim to never buy any DLC for a game just piss me off. If you love a game, why won't you show your appreciation to its creators?

It's like leaving a good tip at a restaurant. You don't have to, but why wouldn't you want to reward quality?

I understand choosing not to buy it if you didn't like the game, but idiots refusing to buy a game because it has DLC is baffling to me. Seriously, what the hell?

**takes a breath**

Yeah, that's been on my chest ever since the Portal 2 0-bombing started. Thanks again, OP. ^^


New member
Jan 1, 2011
Rockstar games wth man!
What ever happened to Agent for PS3? and why did you take the bribe from micrsoft :( (well, it was $75 mil, but still whyyyy)


New member
Aug 28, 2009
I hate PC elitists who feel the need to be condescending pricks to people who play on consoles, if you enjoy video games it shouldn't matter what you play them on and the only difference I can tell between PC and console is the graphics, but graphics are the main cause of cookie cutter games so I don't see any problem with lower graphics.


New member
Jul 22, 2009
Lobbyists and lobby groups.

The whole point of the US democratic system is that each person gets 1 vote. If you want X to happen, you vote for a candidate who promises to do X, and don't vote for the candidate who says they'll do Y.

If more people vote for the candidate who does X, he or she will win and presumably, X will happen.

Enter the lobby groups who go to candidates already in office and pay them lots of money to not do X because it wouldn't be in their best interests. So instead of X, the candidate does Z and cites some BS reason for the change "Times have changed since I promised you X, X is no longer possible".

Now these lobby groups are wielding influence not based on their voting power, but their money. What is more threating to a candidate "Don't do X or we won't vote for you in the next election" or "Don't do X or we won't give you any campaign contributions this next election".

Sadly, it is the latter.

Thus we have a system where the wealthy few can out-influence the general population, despite the general population having more 'votes' by several magnitudes.


New member
Oct 27, 2010
I forgot one earlier, hipster bashing, after nerd bashing, goth bashing, emo bashing, I'm really tired of hearing people whine every time a new type of music or fashion gets popular, it's just beyond stupid at this point.

Titan Buttons

New member
Apr 13, 2011
I hate that new release games in America are half the price that they are here in Austrlia, I hate that there economy starts to go down the shitter and the prices suddenly raise another $10-$20
I hate that all release dates are here are 4-8 days after most of the world and there is no valid reason for it, I would actually be pissed if there was and don't you dare tell me its because its too hard to ship it, all the games are pre-stocked at minimum 3 days before our release dates WTF
I hate arrogant people who ignore facts and resaon even if they are beat over their narrow minded heads with it
I hate fanboys and fangirls who over react to any kind of criticism to the thing they love and what I hate even more are the ones that don't even know what they are defending.
One twilight fan actually posted a rant about how the movie remake of Wolfman ruined Stephenie Meyers creation of the Werewolf (no I'm serious she thought Stephenie Meyers created the 1st ever Werewolf in history). Stephenie Meyers states in her 4th book (yes I have read them all) that the 'Jacob's wolf pack', that everyone loves so much, are in fact aren't Werewolves but shapshifters, she even goes on to say that there are real Werewolves that are mindless, blood thirsty, beasts that transform to a full moon and can even kill her version of the vampire. Stephenie Meyers may have ruined vampires but at least she left Werewolves alone.


Cosplaying Nuclear Physicist
Nov 19, 2009
I hate the people who think they know everything and are smug about it. Looking back at my 3 years as a physics major, I've only encountered very few people who think they are smart, nerdy, and know-it-alls, but good god they are annoying. Being a show off in the scientific field is a big no-no, saying "my theory is right and better in every way than yours." I've encountered it a few times, but I hate it so much.

I hate the people on DeviantART that think they can get away with giving insulting criticism of my art behind my back. It's not that I can't take criticism, because constructive criticism is what drove me to my art style now. But when you say that my art is "rigid and lifeless" with no context as to why or how it is, then I have a problem.

I also don't like the people who place stereotypes on science. I also dislike the people that think Macs are complete piles of crap because they don't have as big a game selection as PCs and their commercials were making Mac users total pricks. I never spewed any hate towards PCs, but yet I use a Mac because I liked the interface better. If I grew up using PCs instead of Macs, then I probably would have preferred a PC's interface nowadays. Seriously people, Mac versus PC is like apples versus oranges, get over it.


*Insert Funny Title*
Feb 16, 2011
Caligulove said:
There are two things I can't stand in this world: People who are intolerant of other people's cultures, and the Dutch
I hate it when people cant stand my people the dutch