Very hard. I'm what could generously be described as somewhat decent and I can destroy friends who've never had any formal education, so there's definitely skill involved. And anyone who's read Mort can tell you Death is one mother fucking brilliant sword fighter.Alcamonic said:Assuming that we would be on equal terms, like he turning into a darker replica of me (like Shadow Link, hoo!) I would go down with a sword fight.
I have never swung any kind of real sword before, but I have watched three seasons of Game of Thrones. How hard could it be?
Damn you ninja'd meblazearmoru said:Most obvious one is : a race to see who dies first. Death cannot die so it will either be an eternal tie or I win
Definitely. I was going to say Tag, because I'm a pro that that, too, but he might try to use his preternatural powers to gain an edge.Drago-Morph said:Connect Four, for I am unbeatable.
Come on. Make him give you a challenge of using a published level 20 single adventure against your level 5 PC. Then bring Pun-Pun to the table. Laugh without mercy or remorse. Only rule is no interference by deities unless the adventure specifies it, though Pun-Pun can probably kill them all anyways.The Voice in Gaming said:Hmm, I'd probably challenge him to a single-adventure D&D game; he gets to DM, I get to use any character I want, level limit 15, and he can't make the adventure with foreknoweldge of my character (but has to make it within three levels of difficulty to level 15). Then I bust out my best friend's most annoying PC; Axel Zade, Leader of Odell. Death's got nothing unless he cheats or makes an absolutely terrible adventure; which, I mean, he's welcome to do... but I'll still feel that is cheating, and even damned to hell for eternity it'll be because not even death could face Axel in a fair fight.
F***, someone beat me to it. Weird as it sounds, Yu-gi-oh's probably the game I'm best at, even if it's not the one I play most often. As long as he doesn't have access to what I call the "asshole cards" (the ones that destroy half of the cards on your opponent's field for no cost like Raigeki), I'm pretty confident in my deck.Shock and Awe said:Obviously it must be a CHILDRENS' CARD GAME!!!
Or, even better, make the challenge to get the highest score on vocals on the easiest difficulty. Then put a desk fan in front of your microphone and walk away.The Lazy Blacksmith said:You will, of course, pick Don't Fear the Reaper as your song, otherwise the entire concept of poetic justice will have shriveled up and died.Rack said:Rock Band Vocals.
If I pick a song I can 100% a few of them on Expert so the odds are good in any event, but my guess is Death's hallmark vocal echoes will completely screw him over.