You now have three no strings attached wishes.


Everyone's Favorite Transvestite
Jan 15, 2009
No 'Countdown to Infinite Crisis'

No Matrix sequels

Dr Strange Movie that rocks


New member
Apr 16, 2009
lots of money. sweet lady skills. and i guess i will keep the last one till i really need it.


New member
Jul 8, 2009
SuperMse said:
1. Shapeshifting- and I mean full body duplication. If I become an elephant, I have the strength of an elephant.
I'm always a fan of super-shapeshifting. You could shapeshift into a younger form of yourself, or one with healing abilities so that you never age, or into some form of amorphic, gelatinous shapeshifting mass, so even if you get your head exploded off, your consciousness exists in every particle of your being.

OT: Magic. I want magic. The good stuff too; none of this 'You need six rare ingredients and a wooden butter knife made from the wood of a still living chestnut tree' crap. I mean the creation and projection of a new form of energy (magical energy) that allows for the conscious manipulation of objective reality. Kind of like omnipotence, but I have to actually practice to gain power and control, and it isn't just "I want something to happen so it does", it is just a different method by which I can do things (it still requires me to 'do' it, just using magic rather than my physical body).

Immortal consciousness (which is bound to my magical abilities). That way, even if my physical body(/bodies) is(/are) destroyed, I won't cease to exist, and I won't be stuck as some non-physical being with no method by which to interact with the world.

Power sharing, like file sharing but with magic. In case I meet someone that I want to spend eternity with that I can trust with powers of my ... magnitude.

Brown Cap said:
I'm a simple man. I wouldn't want to change the world - too much drama.

I wish my farts and fecal matter wouldn't smell bad
I wish my teeth were self-cleaning
I fear that my third wish may be inappropriate or offensive, but it involves the extension/enlargement of a certain body part.
Just pick shapeshifting, then you can fiddle with the size and shape of any body part.


New member
Jul 12, 2011
1. the abitlity to alter the material anything is made out of to anything else without a loss of ability, weight or function
2. the ability to travel to any reality wether that of a deranged pshycho's mind or of a fantasy novel
3. the powers of a extremely strong Psijic monk anywhere/when/how i am.


New member
Sep 19, 2011
1)an impenetrable viking shield (for being like captain america)

2) oden's bipedal horse

1) and a bass guitar that can crack a mountain in half with a single strum


New member
Jun 5, 2008
1) Acting skill to match that of Daniel Day Lewis.

2) Good luck in all endeavors.

3) I just really want a HUGE (you see where I'm going with this?) ego.

Gmans uncle

New member
Oct 17, 2011
1: Unquestioned rule of the world (don't worry, I'll be a good leader)
2: To remove all racism, homophobia, sexism, and xenophobia from the world (see?)
3: Social skills

or alternatively...
1: Giant sandwich
2: millions of dollars
3: that I'd never met the genie

Who here got the reference? :D


New member
Aug 29, 2011
ConstantErasing said:
To be granted the power of "perfect transformation" a power I came up with. It would allow me to transform completely into absolutely anything, even a concept, yet still have a consciousness unaffected by the transformation that controls the transformation. At that point my other wishes would be basically pointless so I would just keep him around in case I feel like using him for something or if he is just an interesting companion.
I thought of that, but I didn't think of the name "perfect transformation." Thanks for the name.

1. Perfect transformation

2. (already done, yes, but it's what -I- wish for, not something original) The ability to control reality, totally and completely, with no effort whatsoever (just as a backup for perfect transformation)

3. For the genie to be free, I guess... Can't think of anything else...

So, yeah. First, I'd transform into a version of myself capable of making this idea about alternate realities (namely, that there is an infinite number of different realities, as in literally infinite. Any anime, manga, TV show, movie, ANYTHING is an alternate reality, and there are infinite variations of each) true. Then I would do so. Then I'd transform into an idealized version of myself, and then do whatever for eternity. As the number of realities is infinite, there will always be more to explore and more to do, no matter how long I live.


New member
May 21, 2010
Obviously I would wish for the ability to have anything I want appear. 2nd wish is to make sure this wish can not backfire based on my own stupidity, not the genie's cleverness. 3rd wish, no need. I'll have it just in case. But I can make my own wishes now. Hell, I can even make a genie appear who actually grants wishes asking for more wishes. Now I don't need money, because I have everything. Now if you'll excuse me, I'll be sitting in my solid gold/platinum/diamond mansion playing Kingdom Hearts 3 on my PS4 with 4320p HD graphics while I burn 100 dollar bills and laugh at bill Gates by making suitcases with twice as much money as he has made in a lifetime appear in a moment with no effort.


New member
Apr 28, 2011
1. Complete control over my own body, Including the ability do control my own density, hardness, weight, muscle mass, allergic reactions, growth in general, regeneration to a reasonable extent, perception of pain, total recall of memories, death if I want to. Finally total control over the ability granted through my second wish; It being part of my body an all.

2. Selective complete reincarnation. That when I die, my soul including my personality and all of my skills, abilities, beliefs, and knowledge get stuck in a developing baby. But this knowledge is only revealed to me as I need it. For example, the first time I take a math class that life, I "remember how to do math that kind of math as soon as I see it, as long as I know how to do in in a previous life. I remember what a word means and how to pronounce it when I first see it or hear it. I wouldn't know how to talk at birth, I would need to wait until my vocal chords developed enough to say the words, I still follow normal physical development. Also my knowledge of my other power works the same way. As soon as I have the need to harden my skin I can, for example the first time I get cut or otherwise get hurt my memory of regeneration and hardening my body comes back.

3. That every time I turn 18 I remember everything form all my previous lives. Until I decide to forget(wish #1). That or something that fundamentally changes how the world/the universe/humanity in general functions.

Not really sure how all this would pan out, but I would be interesting. and If didn't like it I could just change the terms of my next reincarnation. If seems like every-time I start thinking about one of these three wishes threads, I dome up with a different more advanced set of wishes.


New member
Jun 8, 2010
I wish for limitless magical powers with which I can conjure anything of my will.

other than that, a pony (preferably Rainbow Dash) and a 9 layer bean burrito.


Elite Member
Dec 1, 2009
-I wish that the genie can peak into the innermost parts of my mind and create the absolute perfect videogame for me, one that I would never tire of playing.

-The ability to teleport instantly to where I want regardless of whether I've been there or not.

-Flight, and I'm talking being able to fly into space in the blink of an eye, along with all the required secondary powers so I don't die from doing it.


New member
Feb 23, 2011
1. Nobody else dies because they can't get clean water or enough food. Ever.

2. I know fighting is necessary, so there is no more fighting without attempting diplomacy first.

3. (Self indulgence) I want Princess Luna as a personal friend.


New member
Feb 27, 2011
1 I remember everything and have perfect clarity in thought, just like in limitless.
2 ??????????????????????
But really, there is nothing else I want.


Positively Neutral!
Feb 18, 2011
1. Psychic powers (as I define them at time of wishing). That, meaning mentally lifting objects, short range teleportation, levitation, mind reading, creating psionic objects, etc.

2. I can never fail anything by chance(as seen from my perspective, obviously everything has reasoning in reality). Ever.

3. A list of names and addresses of the women in the world with whom I have the best chemistry, and share the best chance for a relationship with...... don't look at me like that.


New member
Feb 24, 2011
I wish I didn't need sleep, so I can be full of energy and have more time for myself.
I wish I was a fast learner
I wish I was more athletic.

Ok, now back to working on whatever I was doing... because wishing is just kind of sad..


Super Sailor Moon
Jan 23, 2010
1. I want my mother to be alive again.
2. Instant Transmission
3. Magical Powers