Your current book...


New member
Jan 25, 2011
smearyllama said:
mikev7.0 said:

Hmmmmmmmm. Sorry you're going to have to give me a hint or something. (Don't feel bad there's lots that I'm ingnorant of but I'm always willing to learn.) I am going to pick up "Reality is Broken" if I can find it though. I've been looking for a book exactly like that, so thanks!
Professor MacGonagal from Harry Potter, of course!

Also, if you have a Kindle, it's available on the store, and it's cheaper than buying the physical copy.
Oh now I see why I didn't know it. I haven't read a fiction book since before Harry Potter. It's not that I don't like fiction, it's just that the non-fiction must read list is as long as my arm and could take up both if I let it.

The kindle is on my "I gotta' get me one of those!" list for sure. Does it work well? Have you been able to find all the titles that you've looked for on it? Most importantly is there any way to make notes in the "margins" or highlight certain parts? I suppose post-it notes are right out. Reminds me of that old white out on the monitor joke....


New member
May 9, 2010
mikev7.0 said:
smearyllama said:
mikev7.0 said:

Hmmmmmmmm. Sorry you're going to have to give me a hint or something. (Don't feel bad there's lots that I'm ingnorant of but I'm always willing to learn.) I am going to pick up "Reality is Broken" if I can find it though. I've been looking for a book exactly like that, so thanks!
Professor MacGonagal from Harry Potter, of course!

Also, if you have a Kindle, it's available on the store, and it's cheaper than buying the physical copy.
Oh now I see why I didn't know it. I haven't read a fiction book since before Harry Potter. It's not that I don't like fiction, it's just that the non-fiction must read list is as long as my arm and could take up both if I let it.

The kindle is on my "I gotta' get me one of those!" list for sure. Does it work well? Have you been able to find all the titles that you've looked for on it? Most importantly is there any way to make notes in the "margins" or highlight certain parts? I suppose post-it notes are right out. Reminds me of that old white out on the monitor joke....
It's a solid piece of tech. The library is pretty extensive, and you can make notes on sections of the book.

If you want to ask individual questions, join my group, the Kindle Book Club.
We can talk more effectively in group chat.


New member
Jan 25, 2011
hyzaku said:
mikev7.0 said:
hyzaku said:
Passage to Dawn. Tenth book of the Legend of Drizzt series.
How appropriate that you're recommending books that star a character who's said "Greater indeed are those pleasures that are shared." I loved that line so much I used it in one of my speeches and I even used Drizz't's name, it was great watching all the stuffed shirts trying to pretend they knew who he was!

I bought my girlfriend the Dark Elf trilogy for christmas a couple of years ago, she loved it but I haven't read that series in years, I wish I could read the rest of the series since the first three were so great! (Nope I never did get to read Neverwinter Nights)
First off, totally awesome to quote Drizzt in a formal speech. That character says some amazingly truthful things.

The rest of the series is wonderful so far. This is my first time reading through it and I've been loving it. There are actually plenty of ways to get into the rest of the series. There are the soft-cover editions of Legend of Drizzt they started printing around '05 or 06' and have printed all the way to the Sea of Swords now which I've found readily in Barnes and Noble. There are also some collections that were printed that each contain 3 books of the series. Those I have seen both online at amazon and in bookstores (though rarer in stores I've noticed). The books from Transitions are also fairly common in soft-cover and contain more Drizzt stories.

Seriously, if you loved the first trilogy you owe it to yourself to read the rest.
Thanks it was for a Toastmasters speech and since it was really hard for me to give a speech at the time it made it easier to use quotes and inspirations from games and fantasy.

Now that I think back the dark elf trilogy was very inspiring. I think maybe it could do with a revisitation. An' call me an odd duck but one of the reasons for my long hiatus from fiction has been that it's gotten so dark. So when everyone got all angsty and cool and was like "Naw man they're just keepin' it real yo." I decided to go study reality and found that Henry Rollins was right. Truth is stranger than fiction. It's also a lot more useful.

So pm me if you don't want to spoil it but seriously I'd like to know if this series goes more the way of JRR Tolkein or C.S. Lewis.

By the way apparently I've forgotten that comic books count as books, so my friend just dropped off a series called the Chaos War by Marvel and since I'm a big Herc and Thor fan I'm also reading that. Well written so far, especially the Herc stuff, but I'm only two issues in.


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Oct 1, 2009
Armored Prayer said:
Right now I'm reading Mass Effect: Retribution by Drew Karpyshyn.

Great read overall. I recommend it if your a fan of the games.
Really? I love Mass Effect, but I found the books to be kinda average. They're not bad books, they're just a little... um, uninspiring? They read like the later Star Wars novels - serviceable, but nothing out of the ordinary.
Also, Saren is a dick.


Ineptly Chaotic
Jan 6, 2011
A Hermit's Cave
Currently loving the Horus Heresy series... Prospero Burns was well overdue, but ultimately worth the wait.

ATM, reading Gridlinked (Neal Asher, I know, it's old, but never read any of his stuff) and Seasons of War (Daniel Abraham, rather interesting, if a bit slow-paced).


New member
Feb 16, 2010
I'm reading the hitch hikers guide to the galaxy: the trilogy of four at the moment, the series really seems to have it's ups and downs, but on the whole I'm enjoying it, I know it's a strange comparison but the way the story meanders and the detailed explanation of some of the stranger parts of the universe kind of remind me of the lord of the rings.

I'm thinking about reading American gods next, I heard a while ago that it was really good and I completely forgot about it until I saw this thread.


New member
Aug 21, 2009
I'm reading Debt of Honor by Tom Clancy right now. It's pretty good... once you get halfway through and the actual war starts.


Goes Well With Pesto
Sep 2, 2009
Just Started "Venice - Pure City" by Peter Ackroyd. I got inspired by Assassins Creed 2 to learn a little bit more about the city. Who ever said that video games only create the desire to murder and pillage?:p


New member
Jan 30, 2011
The Once and Future King by T.H. White, Time Enough for Love by Robert Heinlein, The Divine Comedy, The Two Towers, and 100 Years of Solitude by Gabriel Garcia Marquez (for english class).


New member
May 18, 2009
Slangeveld said:
Just finished Assassins Quest of Robin Hobb D: I'm sad.
An amazing book series for definite! get on with the Mad Ship trilogy then get on to the Tawny Man trilogy! just as great!


New member
Dec 9, 2010
micky said:
"A Confederacy of Dunces" one of my all-time favorite books, look it up you wont be disappointed.
I wouldn't, the author of that book sounds like a...
*Puts on shades*
OP: I'm about to read the Dalai Lama's Ethics for a New Millenium.

Angelus SnV

New member
Nov 19, 2009
I'm reading "Batman: Hush"....(that counts right?)

1) It's the first Batman trade i ever bought, it's what got me readin' the actual Batman comics...the sheer amount of villians that show up in this thing (not to mention Jim Lee's stunning artwork) is unreal...

2) Hell yeah i'd's great!


New member
Jun 7, 2010
I'm halfway through Double Play by Karl Ristikivi. It's ok, nothing too amazing but definitely readable.


New member
Apr 10, 2009
Mercurio128 said:
stone0042 said:
Just picked up Dan Brown's "The Lost Symbol" for the second (third?) time, quite a good book. Religious issues aside, his books are solid intellectual thrillers.
As long as you make sure to turn your memory off, that is. Otherwise some of the absolute hokum that Brown comes up with might infect your brain until one day you believe that CERN actually has its own supersonic jet.

His books are like being shot in the face with a plot machinegun, every other page has a twist or a 'game-changing revelation'. If you're willing to suspend all disbelief and swallow the bullshit those books can draw you right in. you have to hand it to the man, he knows how to keep the pacing up. The plots might be all over the show with spurious 'facts' thrown in to lend authenticity, but damn if it isn't fun to just go along with the ride.
I agree completely, if you treat the book as factual in any capacity, it'll mess with you. I found myself why people haven't just replicated the experiments described in the book, and then realized, oh yeah, it's completely fictional.