Your Dad Might Not Be Your Dad. Response?


New member
Dec 1, 2010
Truthfully, I think I'd be pissed. As I am now, yeah I see all kinds of anger.

For your situation or close enough to it, my respect would have left for my mother. Just gone.

Would I care about learning who my real father was? Yeah because that would be important as far as my emotions.

Either I'd respect the man that raised me or it too would go out the window.


New member
Apr 10, 2011
I don't think a father is the person who had sex with your mom 9 months before you were born.

I think a father is the man who raised you.

As such no doubt about who's my father, I know who raised me.

The Wykydtron

"Emotions are very important!"
Sep 23, 2010
As a guy who never had a dad at all from birth i'm going to ride up on my High Horse and say "at least you lucky sods can even ask that question"

*rides off with nose in the air*

In general, I have to say that family is whoever the fuck raised you and blood is most certainly not inherently thicker than water. Whoever wrote that saying never thought outside the usual loving mother/father box huh?

Funny thing is I don't even care about who my biological "father" was or is. Zero interest in it whatsoever. I wish there was another word for "father" that means it in a purely biological way, because that man means nothing to me. The word "father" is so disconnected from my own life it's weird. I've never had to say it nor really even use it in any conversation.

Sorry if I don't really answer the question. I can't do dad topics very well, not surprisingly.


New member
Nov 25, 2010
I would want to know who my real father is if I had ever found out that it was an other man. I know that that is not the case, I share too many of the same traits with my dad for it to be anyone else.

Kevlar Eater

New member
Sep 27, 2009
My answer: So? My biological father's a drug-dealing and using bastard who has gone through more women than I have keyboards and has tons of children to boot. To be frank, I could not care less whether or not if he was my father. Being raised by wolves women wasn't too bad, unless it was the third week of every month.


New member
Mar 16, 2008
Actually I was very much in that situation. When I was very little my very sadistic sister would tell me all the time that my father was not my father. I would ask my mother and she would deny it. I got a little older (9, 10 years old) and I got to see my birth certificate and the name on their under "Father" was Jeff, not Jessie.

I asked my mom about it, being a stupid little kid I asked "Dad's real name is Jeff?" thinking Jessie was just an odd nickname. My mother's response was "no, he was just some guy I was with." So that's how I found out that Jessie was actually my step-dad.

It took my mother three more years to tell me she had been married to Jeff. Her flippant comment had made me believe he was actually just a guy she had been with. Two more years passed and I start finding out that my biological father was an abusive, alcholic, drug-abuser who tried to kill me in the womb....thanks dad.

My step-father was a better man than my biological father, but he was also extremely selfish and mentally and verbally abusive, manipulating others into believe he was just a good guy while treating my mother and I like slaves, indebted to him because he provided the family financial stability. He never resorted to physical abuse...but I was not crying when he died in april of this year.

So yeah...fuck 'em both. Not happy in that situation.

I am curious about my biological father, I've never met him in person since my mother left him when she was about 4/5 months pregnant with me. I haven't even seen a picture. I don't really want to meet him exactly, just...want to know what the fuck he's been doing the past 25 years.

Internet searches have pretty much given me nothing and the only thing that I could find even hinting of him was an obituary for his mother back in 2010 which stated he survived her, so I guess he's still alive, but since I can't find any other record of him, I think he may be in jail, but that's just a guess.


New member
Dec 17, 2012
It would be very strange because I have seen photos of him when he was my age and we're essentially identical.

But, ignoring that, I would love him all the more.


New member
Aug 22, 2009
If I was to find out today that my mother or father were not my biological parents, it would have zero impact on how I feel about them. Parenting is more about nurture than nature. I would like to find out who my biological parents were, but the ones I will cal mum and dad will always be the ones that raised me.

Mossberg Shotty

New member
Jan 12, 2013
EeveeElectro said:
I'd be ecstatic. I haven't even seen mine for 10 years and when he was around he was a bullying, physically and sexually abusive sack of shit. Knowing you're related to that can bug you sometimes.
I'd be miffed on my mums behalf putting up with him because she had kids with him but at least we're okay now.
I'd like to get in touch because I do miss a father figure but I'm okay by myself if he doesn't.
Ehh, you can't let family define you. 90% of my non-immediate family lives in Tennessee, drunken hooligans, the lot of em. But just because they're all fucked up doesn't mean I have to be. Just don't sweat it, nobody is doomed to the sins of their fathers.

SaetonChapelle said:
Just out of curiosity, you call your father 'father'? Why not something catchier, like 'pops' or something?

OT: I would still consider the man who raised me to be my father, even though we have almost nothing in common. If I did have a different father though, I probably wouldn't want to know about it. Sometimes ignorance is bliss.


New member
Nov 29, 2009
I'm adopted, so my dad isn't my sperm donor, but he raised me until the day he died, and will always be my dad.

The Heik

King of the Nael
Oct 12, 2008
SaetonChapelle said:
So just curious fellow Escapists, if you were aware, or are even in a close situation, would you be curious about who your father actually was? Or are you/would you be happy in the situation you were given?
Let me put it this way. I consider the term mother/father to apply to those people who took the time, energy, and care into raising a child, while the biological "parents" I simply call progenitors, as that is all they are if they have not made the commitment of child-rearing.

So whether or not my father is my biological progenitor or not, he is my father because he dedicated over twenty years of his life to helping me grow as a person, guiding me when he could, supporting me when I fell, and loving me in spite of the mistakes I have made along the way.

That is, and always will be, my measure of a parent. Because bonds like those are stronger than any forged by blood.


New member
Mar 18, 2012
The man who raised me is not my biological father. I found this out around the age of 15 or so.

I still see him as nothing less than the father who raised me, and the afore mentioned revelation hasn't changed my life very much.

Kolby Jack

Come at me scrublord, I'm ripped
Apr 29, 2011
Pretty sure it's not possible. I've seen more than a few genetic similarities with my dad, not just physically (my brother resembles him a lot more than me, but it's still there), but personality wise as well. I have much less in common with me mom, but considering I've seen my birth certificate and pictures of my mom when she was pregnant with me, I feel safe in calling her my real mom.


Dec 22, 2007
United Kingdom
I would give almost anything for the man who I believe is my biological progenitor not to be. I would be truly ecstatic if that were the case, sadly, I probaly look too much like him for that to be possible.


New member
May 11, 2010
Just out of curiosity, you call your father 'father'? Why not something catchier, like 'pops' or something?

OT: I would still consider the man who raised me to be my father, even though we have almost nothing in common. If I did have a different father though, I probably wouldn't want to know about it. Sometimes ignorance is bliss.
Always called father "father". Just always seemed more respectable. Although sometimes I call him daddy.

Johnny Novgorod

Bebop Man
Feb 9, 2012
SaetonChapelle said:
People responses with "family is more then just blood" makes me feel happy inside.
He loves you and raised you, of course he's your dad! The blood thing only comes in handy when kings and queens die.


New member
Sep 6, 2012
Probably not Possible in my case me and my dad look to similar.

I mean I let my hair grow out and he keeps it short but other than that we look almost the same.


New member
Jul 5, 2009
If by "Dad" you mean "Biological father"? Then I say meh. He is, but if he wasn't my biological father, it wouldn't matter, because he's my Dad. And I'd certainly have no interest in tracking down my real father. I'd probably be happy going on with life as if I'd never heard the news.