Your mom is facing your books


Fell off the Alligator.
Jun 24, 2009
I'm an adult. Should I choose to post pictures of me doing something embarrassing, or that would upset my mother, oh well. I put up things about my life, not about what they want my life to be. If she sees something she doesn't like, I may get a comment about it. Of course, also being an adult means not blatantly putting up material that is harmful to me or others. So, the pictures of me smashed on a couch don't go up, simple as that.


New member
Jun 7, 2010
I'm friends with lots of my family on facebook, their just in a friends list that I block anything incriminating from. It's really not very difficult but loads of people don't think of it...

The Random One

New member
May 29, 2008
I wish. Usually when I have a stupid observation to make I have to post it on Facebook and then send it as an SMS to my mom. If she had Facebook it'd save me time.

But I can't willfully suggest to her that she creates one. I don't wish Facebook upon anyone.

Mr Pantomime

New member
Jul 10, 2010
OMFG! My parents can see whats on my facebook! What will they see?

Nothing, because I never post anything.


New member
Mar 5, 2008
Honestly, that's fine. I definitely haven't lived my life exactly as Mom lives hers, but I also haven't strayed from the basic way she raised me to any extent that she would be offended by my Facebook or find anything out that I didn't want her to. So let her; I want to maintain contact withher throughout my life, so I have no complaints.


New member
Jul 1, 2010
I don't see why anyone would be afraid of their parents looking at their facebook. I don't put things on mine that I'm afraid anyone would look at. That's what a DIARY is for. Facebook is on the internet, and even if it's set so only your friends can see your profile, there's nothing keeping their lips shut besides their flimsy loyalty.


New member
May 27, 2011
if my parents where to do that i just would wait for them to leave the house and block the website for them so they can't go to the website i know their password and i know they know nothing of computers and i am the only one in the house who knows how to use the router.
they may be my parents but i am in control over the pc's not them .


New member
Sep 28, 2008
My actions on facebook consist of never posting anything and seeing what others have posted, so I don't care if they can see my facebook.


New member
Sep 21, 2008
My dad is on Facebook but we haven't added each other and we are fine with it staying that way as we talk in real life or on the phone. My mom has one too but she has no idea how to use it and I have no clue why she made it.

I don't have to worry about my folks watching me and I don't post things that might be troublesome for me if they saw it anyway.


New member
Jun 24, 2008
GeneralFungi said:
I don't see why anyone would be afraid of their parents looking at their facebook. I don't put things on mine that I'm afraid anyone would look at. That's what a DIARY is for. Facebook is on the internet, and even if it's set so only your friends can see your profile, there's nothing keeping their lips shut besides their flimsy loyalty.
Potential employers, too.

I mean, it used to be an uncouth email address was enough to get your resume thrown on the "don't look at ever" pile. Your prospective employer may want to see what you post online just to feel you out as a candidate.

OT: No, since my online habits are very clean. Actually, my parents -do- read my Facebook and read my blog when I was in the armed forces. Frankly, the motivation to be a douche just because you can completely baffles me.


One day, we'll wake the zombies
Mar 29, 2010
My mom has her own Facebook, so I know she's not busy trying to read mine. Not to mention she's not nosy like that, thankfully. I suppose the fact that I'm not a teenager might also have something to do with it.

Doesn't surprise me that so many other mothers seem to be so interested in reading their child's Facebook (or any other personal stuff for that matter).


New member
Jan 24, 2011
Don't do or say anything you're not willing to admit or have the world see.

Also if you wouldn't add your parents you are a horrible child...not person worth a darn would not add there mom or dad.

Midnight Crossroads

New member
Jul 17, 2010
My dad used to always watch everything I did on the Internet. I once tried to see how much shit I could get away with before he finally brought it up. It took me claiming to be a MtF transgendered who liked boys with plans to start my transition in college to get him to talk. I told him frankly that if he wanted to see that stuff, he could keep on intruding on my privacy. Since then, I haven't had any problems. He knows I'm a privacy freak with clear boundaries.

My mom doesn't have facebook. My dad does, but we're not friends on it. I live 20 minutes away, so it's not hard to see each other.


New member
Jul 11, 2008
I'm kinda hopeful to see how Google Plus works, it seems you can add people to 'circles of friends' so 'family' only see the family stuff, and 'ex girlfriends' don't see who you have in your 'favourite hookers' circle.

As Facebook is, I hardly use it, was pressured into joining by friends, and now it's just a millstone around my neck that I occasionally log into to when someone sends me a message, I think I have around 1000+ invites, virtual drinks, sheep, gifts, etc that I really can't give a flying f..erret about.


New member
Jul 8, 2009
Sinclair Solutions said:
I do have my mom as a friend on Facebook. That's why I never use it.
My mum doesn't have facebook. My dad does, but whenever he asks if I got his invite I say no. I imagine I'll eventually have to tell him that while I like him, I don't want him able to see my facebooking.

I am less a facebooker and more a face-lurker. I occasionally post, but I don't upload/tag photos, I don't like pages, I don't post status updates except in very rare circumstances.

Shock and Awe

Winter is Coming
Sep 6, 2008
I've actually had to block my mother from my facebook. After she found a picture of me and a girl I wasn't dating rounding first I was just fed up with her looking at my stuff.


New member
Feb 28, 2011
My dad has a facebook but he doesn't want to add me. He's like, "The last thing I want to see is your drunk photos when you head off to university."
My mother refuses to do anything on the internet except email. She has a thing against facebook.