your most hated game?


New member
May 5, 2010
CokeColaForTheWIn said:
Hating games is stupid. If we want them to be treated like a form of art, we shouldn't be giving scores and saying "its crap" , it's just different, okay?
Crappy art is crappy. Art can suck too ya know.

Resident Evil: Zero Hour, Final Fantasy 1, SONIC THE HEDGEHOG (the game put it in caps, not me, the "next gen" one) Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter, Fuzion Frenzy 2, Final Fantasy 11, Final Fantasy X-2, Dynasty Warriors 6 Empires (only DW game I hate) and Quake 4. Yes, these are games that have earned hate. Not dislike. Hate.

Casual Shinji

Should've gone before we left.
Jul 18, 2009
Munch's Oddysee.

How could you fuck up Oddworld like that, Lorne?


New member
Mar 18, 2010
Miumaru said:
CokeColaForTheWIn said:
Hating games is stupid. If we want them to be treated like a form of art, we shouldn't be giving scores and saying "its crap" , it's just different, okay?
Crappy art is crappy. Art can suck too ya know.

Resident Evil: Zero Hour, Final Fantasy 1, SONIC THE HEDGEHOG (the game put it in caps, not me, the "next gen" one) Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter, Fuzion Frenzy 2, Final Fantasy 11, Final Fantasy X-2, Dynasty Warriors 6 Empires (only DW game I hate) and Quake 4. Yes, these are games that have earned hate. Not dislike. Hate.
pretty much this.
PurpleLeafRave said:
Wrists said:
The first Destroy All Humans is awesome. Admittedly all the sequels and follow ups were simply terrible.

On Topic: Cel Damage Overdrive. I mean it was fun to start with but then my cousins did nothing but play it for two weeks when they were staying with me, I just got sick of it.
I know! I still play the first Destroy All Humans on my 360.

OT: My most hated game is World of Warcraft. I've played it, and it's so boring. I'm a massive fantasy fan, but MMORPG's just aren't my thing.
There's just no point in them IMO, and they never end.
I wanted a sandbox dammit.Thats all.It was the biggest let down to me.

Shotgun Opera

New member
Dec 24, 2008
At the moment, it's MW2 (which I hope to sell in the near future) and all of the escort parts of Red Dead Redemption. Those get really annoying after a while, and the fact that they comprise half of the entire game doesn't really help either.


New member
Jul 5, 2009
Wrists said:
On Topic: Cel Damage Overdrive. I mean it was fun to start with but then my cousins did nothing but play it for two weeks when they were staying with me, I just got sick of it.
damn you "wrists" cousins damn youuuu
cell damage overdrive is awesome, you turn a car, into a rocket, and then start wacking people with baseball bats, WHILE TINY

anyway, the game i reaaly hate is..
i dont buy games i wont like.
Shotgun Opera said:
At the moment, it's MW2 (which I hope to sell in the near future)
because, even though the IWN net system sux, steam is the (sort of ) host of it. it's bound to your steam account. you aren't planning to sell that, are you?


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May 23, 2010
Dante's inferno is the only game I regret buying. And I spent so much money on it too.

Ironic Pirate

New member
May 21, 2009
Games are so subjective I can't say I hate a game if I don't like it, it can still be good.

That game that kicked a puppy. It also owes me five dollars.


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Feb 22, 2009
thethingthatlurks said:
GTAIV. Sorry, had to say it. It's never actually bad, gameplay wise, but there was just so much about it that I hated. That damn cell phone being at the top of the list
"But you can turn the phone off!" The fans cry. They don't understand it's bad game design. Everything I hated about GTA IV, was fixed in Red Dead Redemption. Poor driving? No cars. Poor combat? Different system. Cell Phone? What's that? Unlikable characters? Good characterization.

But, what tops my list as my most hated game is World of Warcraft. Why? I am one of the many recovering gamers who was addicted to it for several years, and saw just how good it was, and was one of the many that suffered the indignity of developers making the game too easy on almost every front.

My hard work in top end raids was shown pointless as people who ran heroics were soon having gear equivalent, or surpassing high level raiding gear. Originally, the way to tell an elite player was to see the amazing gear he had. Now from my brothers, I hear how some objective "gear score" or whatever is supposed to determine how good a player is. It sickens me, because I knew many people who were tremendous players who just didn't have the gear that would make them seem "elite."

I hate WoW, not because of what it is, but because of what it has become.


Who are you?
May 6, 2010
Hate is a strong word, but MW2 is certainly a game that I cannot ever play without feeling annoyed or irritated about having played every single time I bother to try. Even so, I don't think I "hate" the game because I still go back to play it on occassion. I think its because i'm just bad at it. :(


Souplex Killsplosion Awesomegasm
Jul 29, 2008
WoWCraft and it's expansions, for basically being a giant skinner box in the guise of a game that costs you money to pull the lever.
It's not that any of these games are super horrible, it's just that they are full of bad ideas, and are popular enough to spread their ideas to other games.
Half Life 2 and it's episodes: A game aboot a power-armored non-character fighting generically evil aliens with standard boring weapons while assisted by a shoehorned in minority sidekick and an annoying love interest (Bonus points for making them the same person), and instead of putting in some nice cutscenes they instead have stilted exposition through one sided conversations peppered with the occasional "Gordon Freeman!"
Call Of Booty: It brings realism to the console shooter scene. The problem is realism isn't fun, serving only to limit.


New member
Jun 7, 2010
Halo and not for the usual reasons but because a man broke into my house one day dressed like Master Chief and killed my parents. After that all I had was my dog but then that Cortana ***** killed him. On that I changed I began to see the humor in everything, now I always smile.


New member
Nov 30, 2009
nick n stuff said:
shadow the fucking hedgehog. just don't get me started

OT: Gears of just so boring, and 4/5ths of the first game's plot is completely irrelevant


New member
May 26, 2010
damn you "wrists" cousins damn youuuu
cell damage overdrive is awesome, you turn a car, into a rocket, and then start wacking people with baseball bats, WHILE TINY
Like I said, it was fun, mainly for these reasons, but that didn't stop it from becoming mind numbingly detestable, and yet I still have it, maybe I'm hoping to like it again one day.