your most hated game?


New member
Feb 19, 2009
World of Warcraft. It's the most un-original, cheesy, Small child infested fake MMO EVER. It's just to easy, As with most games these days.

Aura Guardian

New member
Apr 23, 2008
Half Life
Half Life 2 and it's episodes
Shadow of the Colossus.
Gran Tranismo
World of Warcraft and the Warcraft series
Digimon (Any)
BioShock 2
Left 4 Dead
Left 4 Dead 2
Final Fantasy 7

I hate a lot of games I noticed. Maybe more.


New member
Apr 3, 2010
I absolutely hated Clive Barker's Jericho. Games like MW2 and GTAIV as overrated as they are, still at least have some functional gameplay. Jericho is just a giant turd on top of an even bigger turd that is on top of God's abandoned outhouse.

The Bum

New member
Mar 14, 2010
Furburt said:
At the moment, it would be MW2 and WoW. It changes from time to time though, as with anything.
Yea it changes but i'd say CoD 5 and Runescape *groud trembles* What the? *Door crashes in* OH SHIT THEY FOUND ME! *is draged off by waves of adolsents* SAVE YOUR SELVES!


Rated EC-10 Condemned
Mar 17, 2010
I don't hate any game but I do rather dislike World of Warcraft. This is mainly because of the gameplay and grinding it's just not for me, but the setting is good as I quite enjoyed the Warcraft RTS games. So I don't hate it, just dislike it


New member
Jul 8, 2009
Shaq Fu. I was foolish enough to pay 10 pounds for it, ever since I have been wandering what else I could have spent it on.


New member
May 6, 2010
Devil May Cry 2. What the hell happened? I mean good god. It's like they saw everything good about the first one and said, "naahhh." No story, awful levels, bad enemies, crap bosses, underwater levels, incredibly poor combat, there are NO good points about this game.

Armored Core: 9 Breaker. The long running mech franchise, now focusing on arena combat, what could go wrong? Turns out, a LOT. Replacing the story mode and missions with time trials and agility tests is not a good idea. Add in a new heat system that virtually cripples your mech, and you've got a grade A lemon of a game.

Also, there are some games, including but not limited to, that everyone should hate as a default: Superman 64, ET, Custer's Revenge... You know the kind I mean.


New member
Oct 17, 2008
i HATE dark void. here are my reasons why


New member
Apr 17, 2010
Ubermetalhed said:
Final Fantasy 12... graphically ugly, dull irritating characters (bar Balthier), awful battle system, terrible uninvolving story and those bloody stupid gambits.

I got to the end of the game but I couldn't be bothered to finish due to the fact I just didn't care anymore.
This, and Shadow the Hedgehog. Ninja'd on both fronts. FFXII plays like a fricking MMORPG, with NO BLOODY ENDGAME! THAT'S WHERE ALL THE GAME IS!

Made me angry. I only got through about 30-40 hours of the game...5 or 6 times. I never found the bit where it 'got good'. And I always get dispirited when I'm reminded you have to be extremely careful which bloody treasures you pick up (Apparently, if you pick up some random urns, the Infinity + One Sword is LOST FOREVER). Ugh.

Quite liked the gambit system in theory, it was too limited in practice, it should've had the ability to chain and create dependencies for other gambits.

Shadow the Hedgehog is like playing Crash Bandicoot with unresponsive controls that make you feel like you're wading through molasses (seriously, where's the speed?!), horrible imprecise and unsatisfying boss fights, a tacked on "morality" system, a plot that is just NOT suitable for a Sonic game (remember when it was a simple, fun, dumb, platformer? The plot it had then made more sense and was more entertaining), guns (I can't remember if you could fire the guns while running or not, but you certainly couldn't and be guaranteed a hit), powerups that made you skip entire portions of level thus missing out on stuff, almost never required you to actually jump to make it across a gap...OK, it's not much like Crash Bandicoot. Other than the graphics. Oh...and Shadow the Hedgehog is bugged to hell too.

FFX-2 also annoyed me a bit, as "press and hold "X" to succeed" was all that was needed thru most of the game, and the music sucked compared to, oh, let's say, FREAKIN' OTHERWORLD! Also, you could miss Paine's best dress-sphere forever if you didn't run into a 'room' which had no indication you were supposed to go there, which is a bit like missing out on Bahamut in FFX because Bevelle temple appeared to be a small broom closet. Oh, and two Tidus's. Fine, one 'Tidus', and one Tidus. But it was bad enough with original flavour ;P.

Phantom Brave sucked. Really put me off that entire genre, and because it stole most of its mechanics from Disgaea it never explained them to me - so I never really understood the game either. The story was so saccharine I was googling "reverse IV-drip" within seconds, the combat was fiddly and imprecise, and you could lose characters and weapons forever surprisingly easily. There was none of the weird humour that (I'm told) characterises and saves Disgaea, and none of the rich world and story-telling that I associate with FF Tactics. And so much grinding to get anything half decent...euch.

It's good to vent :).